Packed lunch

So in a month I will be starting my second year of college.
The difficult thing about this is deciding what I should have for lunch. I will be bringing a packed lunch and I will be away from home from 7am till 6.30pm so I will need 2 snack's and a lunch.
I was thinking about a banana muffin as a snack, a carrot (cut into carrot sticks) for another snack, but I dont know what to have for lunch.
I would usually make a sandwhich, but I have decided that I will only allow myself to have a sandwhich twice a week (I have issues with bread)
Truth is, I would love to bring a muller corner fruit yoghurt with me for lunch, but I dont think it would taste that good after an hour on a bus, and a few hours in college.
Any ideas on a yummy packed lunch? (I am a vegetarian, I don't eat fish or eggs, and I would love something for lunch that contains protein)
Sorry for being fussy XD


  • anapestic
    anapestic Posts: 169 Member
    If you get an insulated lunch bag/tote and some cold packs, you should be able to take yogurt and have it be fine after 6 hours.

    Also, will you have access to a microwave? That would increase your options dramatically since there are plenty of bean dishes you can freeze and then reheat in the microwave.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Invest in a good thermos. Stews made with vegetables and beans can be high in protein and there are tons of recipes so you shouldn't get bored. If you eat cheese, I like cottage cheese with green peppers and cucumber. You can also make "sandwiches" by putting your usual sandwich fillings inside lettuce leaves.Be sure to wrap up tight in plastic wrap so it doesn't fall apart on the trip. Also hummus or peanut butter with your carrot sticks will help you feel fuller longer.
  • scarletrayne19
    scarletrayne19 Posts: 35 Member
    I'll be in a similar boat this school year (Senior year, baby! oh yeah!). This summer I've been working in a lab on campus and I've been bringing lunch lately to try to save both my waistline and my wallet. For the past two weeks I've had either a turkey/ham/pepperoni sandwich using Arnold sandwich thins (only 100 cal for the bun) and a little bit of mayo and mustard, tomato and cucumber. With my sandwich I also pack a half cup of cubed cantaloupe and a piece of string cheese. Sometimes though I packed leftovers from the night before. This lunch averages around ~500 calories if I don't go crazy on the condiments.

    Also buy a little ice pack to fit in your lunchbox to keep everything relatively cool.

    I guess we need a little more info. Are you trying to avoid bread due to gluten issues or calorie issues? Are you one of those people like me who can eat the same lunch everyday no problem or do you need variety? Do you have access to a microwave while on campus?
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    I would stay away from the muffins, personally. Most muffins are just naked cupcakes, when you consider their nutritional composition. Everyone is different, but muffins would not keep me filled up for very long.

    I bring hummus and crisp bread sometimes as a snack, and a lot of times I'll bring dry cereal and milk and have that as a morning or afternoon snack (I have a wee jar that I can put 1/2 cup of milk in that screws on and won't spill). Cottage cheese is awesome for keeping me full, if you consume milk products. I try to have it several times a week with grain or cereal, and something fruit-ish for breakfast.

    Bringing a packed lunch and breakfast to work goes a REALLY long way to keeping me on target within my calorie goals. Good luck :)
  • loveless_me
    loveless_me Posts: 115 Member
    I heard banana muffins are very nice, and healthy, and I bake them myself, so I know exactly what is in them. They seem to be high in carbs though, so I suppose theres that. but one every now and again would be good.
    Yes I was thinking about investing in a small flask for soup or stew (but see the problem is when i get home at half 6 I only have until 10pm to make myself dinner, eat, walk my dog and relax a little bit. thats only 3 and a half hours, so I doubt I will be in the mood the make a soup or stew)
    I unfortunately wont have access to a microwave so I was hoping for a cold lunch XD
    My lunch box cant be too big as it needs to fit in my bag, I dont wanna be carrying around something extra all day.
    I like a little bit of variety, but if I had 3 good lunch ideas and snack ideas then I would be happy reusing them on alternating days.
  • scarletrayne19
    scarletrayne19 Posts: 35 Member
    As far as soup goes crock pot stuff is wonderful. When I make taco soup it's just put all the ingredients in the crock pot and let it cook on low all day and by the time I get home voila I have hot soup waiting for me ^^
  • 55sc
    55sc Posts: 46 Member
    You can invest a few hours on the weekends to making freezable soups and stews, then just heat them before leaving for the day. You can also make salads ahead, then pack them with a gel pack. Think heavy veggie salads, not so much lettuce. They will be filling and less bulky to pack. You can add beans or other protein to make them more of a meal. Another option might be wraps with a protein, veggies and maybe cheese.

    If you are making your muffins, you can use the recipe builder on this site to see how they stack up as far as protein, carbs and fats go. The internet has lots of healthy muffin recipes as well. Whole grains and fruits will make them more filling, and increase the nutritional punch.

    My usual lunch is a half sandwich on whole grain bread with lean deli meat and lettuce and tomato, and a salad. I also bring fruit for morning snack and veggies and cheese for afternoon snack. I couldn't get all of it into a small lunch box in a book bag, I carry a medium sized cooler for my snacks and lunch.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member

    Yes I was thinking about investing in a small flask for soup or stew (but see the problem is when i get home at half 6 I only have until 10pm to make myself dinner, eat, walk my dog and relax a little bit. thats only 3 and a half hours, so I doubt I will be in the mood the make a soup or stew)

    Make a big pot on the weekend and you can also use it for dinner. I have insulated containers that you can pop in the microwave with your food and then screw the top on. They stay warm for hours. You can also use the stew or soup for easy dinners and freeze for later.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I really like Starkist Lunch to Go packs for snacks. They are 200 calories and easy on the budget. They come with tuna in the pouch ready to eat and 6 crackers.

    Pinterest has a ton of mason jar salad mixes. You just put everything you need in the jar, and the shake it up when you're ready to eat. You can find mason jars for very little cost at thrift shops.

    Making any sort of wrap is also easy. There are some low carb/low cal tortilla options out there. Buy a rotisserie chicken, take the meat off the bone and you have a meal for a few days! This is also cheaper than buying lunch meat. Add in some veggies and you have a nice healthy lunch!