In need of Mommy friends!!!

Hi! I just had my third and final baby 2 months ago and I am trying to get myself, and my family on a healthy path. I NEED MOTIVATION!!!! :)

Between working 40 hours, having 3 full-time kids and 1 part-time kid (every weekend), helping with homework, baths, dishes, dinners, and LAUNDRY, I feel like I have no time to focus on my fitness. And it is getting out of control!!!

Please request me if you are in a similar place or have some words of wisdom!!! Thanks!!!


  • Hey there, I'm a mom, but a "seasoned" one! I've got two teens, but it's just a different set of challenges. I'm inspired to lose weight, too, and having the support of family is great. Add me if you'd like, I'm here daily, and I'm just getting started, too.
  • cczap80
    cczap80 Posts: 48 Member
    Have you tried lunchtime workouts? I find that's the only time I can get in any exercise withouth interrupting my time with my little one. I only get in 30 minutes but 30 minutes is better than no minutes. Of course it helps to have an understanding supervisor and a gym in the same plaza as your office, but that's just me. And if there is no gym close by, spend 30 minutes of your lunchtime just walking.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Sending request. I just noticed my FL is lacking young moms.

    I have a one year old boy and 4 year old girl. Work full time and fit in 4 weight lifting sessions a week that usually last from 60-90 minutes.

    I workout in my garage after the kids go to bed. Just turn on the baby monitor and I'm good to go.

    I also have a housecleaner come once a week to do the deep cleaning. Otherwise, my house would be craaaazy. :wink:
  • I do walk during lunch, but I feel like since I am not getting sweaty, it doesn't count. LOL I want fast result that last... I sound like a newbie. I do play with the kids after work and during the weekends but the scale isn't moving.

    Also, I am breastfeeding my 2 month old and I think that is the only reason I have lost the baby weight. I still have 25-30 lbs to get to my goal.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I do walk during lunch, but I feel like since I am not getting sweaty, it doesn't count. LOL I want fast result that last... I sound like a newbie. I do play with the kids after work and during the weekends but the scale isn't moving.

    Also, I am breastfeeding my 2 month old and I think that is the only reason I have lost the baby weight. I still have 25-30 lbs to get to my goal.

    What about working out after all the kids are in bed?

    Also, weight loss comes from eating in a calorie deficit. Exercise is for fitness. So you can still lose weight even if you aren't sweating during your walks. :wink:
  • funfang
    funfang Posts: 200 Member
    Sending request. I have a 6 year old and a 20 month old, 2 teens every other weekend. I was tired of buying new bigger clothes so I started work out and using MFP counting calories helped great deal. I am lucky that I have a gym close by me so I go work out at 5:30 am when it's open. I got home before 7 am to take care the kids.

    Working on your lunch hour is great too, you can try to climb stairs, that's a good work out :-)

    Good luck on your weight loss!
  • RealtorJamie
    RealtorJamie Posts: 12 Member
    Hey! I completely get where you're coming from! I myself have 3 full time kids, a husband and 2 part time kids ( every weekend as well) and I hardly have the time to do anything! I will also be going to work again full time when my maternity leave is over at the end of sept. My newborn is only 3 weeks old but Im SO ready to get my body back.. again.
    I will be sending you a request :)

    Hi! I just had my third and final baby 2 months ago and I am trying to get myself, and my family on a healthy path. I NEED MOTIVATION!!!! :)

    Between working 40 hours, having 3 full-time kids and 1 part-time kid (every weekend), helping with homework, baths, dishes, dinners, and LAUNDRY, I feel like I have no time to focus on my fitness. And it is getting out of control!!!

    Please request me if you are in a similar place or have some words of wisdom!!! Thanks!!!
  • RealtorJamie
    RealtorJamie Posts: 12 Member
    Breast feeding burns so many cals! Im breast feeding too... but stuck at i the 160 lbs range now after losing 20 since giving birth.
    I do walk during lunch, but I feel like since I am not getting sweaty, it doesn't count. LOL I want fast result that last... I sound like a newbie. I do play with the kids after work and during the weekends but the scale isn't moving.

    Also, I am breastfeeding my 2 month old and I think that is the only reason I have lost the baby weight. I still have 25-30 lbs to get to my goal.
  • johanna306
    johanna306 Posts: 20 Member
    I am a step-mother to 3 rowdy boys, and I also juggle a full time job and school. I definitely understand the struggle of focusing on fitness with everything else. :-)
  • amyj514
    amyj514 Posts: 53 Member
    I go to the gym twice a week after work and once on the weekend. My husband criticizes me cause I don't make our family priority. Ugh. I take care of them when I get home. The gym three times a week isn't really that big of a deal. The bigger deal is that I work 40 hours a week on top of that, so by the time I get home and make dinner it's late and he's not happy. Why is it so wrong for me to make my body a priority as well as my family? I need to stay in shape to keep up with those little buggers anyway! 1 yo twin boys =) Sorry for the rant, just saying I know what you mean about being busy all the time and trying to fit in time to stay in shape. It's frustrating and stressful.
  • I wake up at 3:30 to pump/feed my 2 month old, Ethan, and then make lunches, get ready for work, wake up the kids at 5:00 to be out the door by 5:30 so by time my babies are in bed at 8, I am exhausted.

    I am going to try and squeeze in a workout before my 7 year old gets off the bus. I am thinking about getting that T25. Have you ever tried that or heard positive things?

    I want to be fit and healthy. And all my babies!!! :smile:
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    There's a group called Moms with Babies. They are very supportive.
  • nicailyzee
    nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member
    Well I am a mom of three , however, I am a stay at home mom which is another job. I worked full time with my first two children and I lost the weight 1st with weight watchers and then I ate better and only walked during my lunch breaks and I lost it that way. My last child is 2 and it took me all that time to finally figure out I was ready to loose it once and for all. No matter what your schedule is being a mom is hard and compounded with a 40hr work week is tough but it is not impossible.

    Let me just say that I did not just start going balls for the wall immediately. I did and do small things over time and I am now up to 6 days working out when I started with 1 or two days per week. I went from 260 in March and I am now 228 joined MFP in June. I do Tae bo with the kids they do their own version. I turn on the music and dance with them for 30 mins or more. I take walks with them and pop the little one in the stroller. I would like to start walking after dinner but that is a another goal (one at a time). I go out before they wake up in the morning and walk 2 miles or jog. I also go to the gym after they go to sleep. I try to work a schedule around them it is not easy but every bit of movement is adding to your healthier goal. Friend me if you like and best of luck!
  • .
  • alice_schmalice
    alice_schmalice Posts: 283 Member
    Single mom of twin boys, work full time. I'll be here for support, add me if you'd like.
  • sent you a request. I am a mom of 2 and work full-time and with all kids activities, etc... mom doesn't get much time
  • I wake up at 3:30 to pump/feed my 2 month old, Ethan, and then make lunches, get ready for work, wake up the kids at 5:00 to be out the door by 5:30 so by time my babies are in bed at 8, I am exhausted.

    I am going to try and squeeze in a workout before my 7 year old gets off the bus. I am thinking about getting that T25. Have you ever tried that or heard positive things?

    I want to be fit and healthy. And all my babies!!! :smile:

    I love T25. It is hard but good for only 25 minutes. I am a busy mom and I also am looking for fast results (which i know is not possible)
  • rlucianat
    rlucianat Posts: 1 Member
    Request sent!

    I have 20 month boy/girl twins and also work 40-45 hours a week. I just started really working out again and tracking everything I eat.

    I've started getting up every 30 minutes/hour or so, walking around the office, and going up and down the stairs. I also got a Fitbit to get some motivation from friends. That, plus even a brisk lunchtime walk has added up to lots of daily exercise. I just eat at my desk, which I'd be doing most days even if I didn't get out and walk. Every little 5 minute session adds up!

    On days when I fall short, I chase the kids around the yard, or put one in the carrier on my back and run around. Sometimes I just tell my husband I need 30 minutes to myself. I'm also adding in a couple sets of push-ups, squats, etc. while we watch TV.
  • I go to the gym twice a week after work and once on the weekend. My husband criticizes me cause I don't make our family priority. Ugh. I take care of them when I get home. The gym three times a week isn't really that big of a deal. The bigger deal is that I work 40 hours a week on top of that, so by the time I get home and make dinner it's late and he's not happy. Why is it so wrong for me to make my body a priority as well as my family? I need to stay in shape to keep up with those little buggers anyway! 1 yo twin boys =) Sorry for the rant, just saying I know what you mean about being busy all the time and trying to fit in time to stay in shape. It's frustrating and stressful.
    I know how you feel. My husband made me feel so guilty that i stopped going to the gym and canceled my membership. Now i try to do things at home so i don't neglect my 11 and 5 year old kids. but now he goes and does things when he wants so there i am stuck at home with no one to stay with the kids so i can go work out alone. o well kids and i have fun doing our own thing.
  • Onugent01
    Onugent01 Posts: 17 Member
    Just sent you a request! I'm a stay at home mom of 3, ages 4, 8 and 10. My 4yr old will be starting school in sept so I'll hopefully have more time for exercise. I joined mfp about 18 months ago and also took up running - I was never fit in my life, the first 30 second running intervals nearly gave me a heart attack!! But over the 18 months I have lost 26lbs (altho I have put back on about 7-8 over the past two months as the kids have been on summer hols and I can't seem to control my eating when they're at home) and I have very gradually upped my fitness and am now running 25-30 miles a week with a goal of running a marathon in late October! If you knew me you'd know how unbelievable that is considering I've always been the laziest most unfit person ever!!! It just goes to show anyone can do it if they put their mind to it ( and I do mean anyone!!) . I look forward to chatting with you on mfp, I log in daily and try to help where I can ????