When Did You Start to Go Gray, and When Did it Take Over?



  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Too Funny!!! I just recently had this conversation with my friends. I am 44 and about 6 months ago I noticed I had a few gray hair, but not on my head!!!!! Have a great day!!!
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Started noticing gray flecks in beard and at the temples this past year (35). :cry:

    All the new hair growing in my nose seems to be normal color though. :mad:
  • kender54
    kender54 Posts: 58 Member
    I think I'm in the minority here. My first gray hairs started to pop up when I was 19 (17 for my sister, 14 for my father). So, I don't let them "take over" at all, because I'm too young to look that old. I refuse to let my hair grow out to see how much more gray I am, now nearly 15 years later)
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    First grey hair: 19
    Took over: 40-ish. Hard to tell exactly because I was dying my hair for fashion reasons anyway, not grey coverage.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I'm 42 and I dye my hair because the natural color has become very faded and dull. I used to have a beautiful rich chestnut color hair but a few years ago I noticed that it was just looking "old" not gray.. just old looking. So I boost up my hair with some more vibrant brown with a bit of red mixed in. In the past three or four years, I've noticed some grays for sure. but honestly, I'm not sure how much I have since I keep my hair colored anyway.
  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    I will be 48 in about 10 days and don't have any yet. I do have to say it has something to do with genetics because my father is 82 and the only gray to speak of is in his side burns.
  • BlueButterfly94
    BlueButterfly94 Posts: 303 Member
    I'm only twenty, my roots have been gray for about a year... .-.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I don't feel like a vintage model yet (39), but I have quite a bit of gray.

    I used to color my hair when I was younger just for the fun of it, now I need to color it every four weeks or everyone over 5'3" will know my dirty little secret!

    I am always toying with the idea of letting it just go gray, and then I'm all "I'll just color it one LAST time."

    edited to add - It started coming in fast & furious after I had my first son - at 28!
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    in my mid 40's. My hair is light enough that what I do have just kind of blends in. I plan to start with highlights when it becomes more visible.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    I'm 37 -- but I got my first grey hair at 16 or 17. I was still in high school and had waist length mousy brown hair so it wasn't too noticeable at the time, but it was definitely grey and not blonde. I've had a few greys here & there since then, but I've always colored my hair so it hasn't really mattered.

    I was about 27-28 when I started getting a small yet visible patch at each temple when I hadn't colored my hair in awhile. Ten years later that hasn't changed much, those patches are still small and haven't really "spread" BUT I do have a sprinkling of a few random silver hairs around my hairline now, too, ugh.

    My dad is 68 with snow white hair. He was fully grey at 30.
    My mom is 63 and recently thought she might stop coloring her hair (dark brown) and let it go grey. It turns out her greys are about at the same level as mine at 37. Just a little patch at each temple and a few around the hairline. LOL. She didn't get her first grey hair until she was in her 40's as far as she knows, but she's colored her hair forever too so who knows.
  • kiniece
    kiniece Posts: 96 Member
    Started getting sprigs of silver at 16, started coloring at 18....and finally stopped coloring at 42 (I'm a couple months from 48). Most glorious thing I ever did!!! :wink: I'm completely silver now....get stopped and asked DAILY "is that your real color?" I regret having spent all those years (and all that money) to cover up my naturally silver hair!!!
    This is a question for the vintage models here at MFP. At what age did your hair start to gray? And when did the gray finally take over? I'm curious as I head toward my 50th birthday in a couple of months, with plenty of visible gray hairs but not enough to pull out the dye bottle yet. I won't hesitate to color my hair when it gets too prominent.

    I actually don't remember how old I was when the first one cropped up, but it was probably late 30s/early 40s. All I remember is that my husband pointed it out while we were at Disney World on vacation! Yes, honey, thanks for adding cheer as we visit the Happiest Place on Earth (he's a great hubby in most ways but tact sometimes evades him). Thankfully, the progress has been slow for me since then. Curious about how it progresses for others.
  • ActuarialChef
    ActuarialChef Posts: 1,413 Member
    I'm 24 and my first grey popped up about 6-8 months ago, right around my 24th birthday.

    Now I have 10-12 in varying stages of growth, and I'm sure more are on the way.

    My paternal grandmother was full-on WHITE at 25, so hopefully that doesn't happen to me in the next 2 months =P
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Started getting sprigs of silver at 16, started coloring at 18....and finally stopped coloring at 42 (I'm a couple months from 48). Most glorious thing I ever did!!! :wink: I'm completely silver now and get stopped and asked DAILY "is that your real color?" I regret having spent all those years (and all that money) to cover up my naturally silver hair!!!

    I want to be brave like you! I always chicken out! Your hair is gorgeous!!!
  • AdaVanderlyle
    AdaVanderlyle Posts: 113 Member
    I am 33, female. Started going gray at 14, now I am approximately 40% gray.

    Thank goodness for hair color :ohwell:
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,208 Member
    A few at my temples @ 58, 62 now and that is still all. My other hair hides it, so I am living with it for now.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I got my first batch of gray hair after a brain tumor removed, car accident and tonsils removed in under a 6 month time frame at the age of 21.

    Has not taken over yet and I just turned 42 on Tuesday.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    My mid 20s, about the same time half of it fell out lol. They say stress doesn't' cause it but I'm calling bs on that.
  • gringuitica
    gringuitica Posts: 168 Member
    My first gray hairs cropped up just after my son was born (not a coincidence), so late 20s. I have medium brown hair but I get highlights, so they blend and aren't overly noticeable.
  • kiniece
    kiniece Posts: 96 Member
    I honestly LOVE MY HAIR!!! And thank you! :D
  • kiniece
    kiniece Posts: 96 Member
    I honestly LOVE MY HAIR!!! And thank you! :D

    Started getting sprigs of silver at 16, started coloring at 18....and finally stopped coloring at 42 (I'm a couple months from 48). Most glorious thing I ever did!!! :wink: I'm completely silver now and get stopped and asked DAILY "is that your real color?" I regret having spent all those years (and all that money) to cover up my naturally silver hair!!!

    I want to be brave like you! I always chicken out! Your hair is gorgeous!!!