Vegetarian on P90X Diet/low carbs

samb Posts: 464 Member
I am a vegetarian and have been for over 3 years now. When I first became a vegetarian I lost a lot of weight, but over the last year I have slowly gained it back and slowly going back down now. I am starting P90X and the P90X diet, but it is going to be very hard to only have 1 serving of carbs a day since that is where a lot of my protein often comes from, and carbs make up a lot of my meals. I like almonds, walnuts, etc and I am going to try out the vegetarian & vegan meats. Does anyone have any ideas for alternatives from carbohydrates? And any other vegetarians on the P90X diet?


  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    As long as you're not vegan, you'll be fine - Tony Horton is actually a vegetarian himself. Whey protein and egg/egg whites will be your best friend! When I was a vegetarian while doing P90X (for about 9 months) I would often drink 3 shakes a day (2 scoops per shake)

    Enjoy it - be disciplined and you'll be fine :)

  • frenchfri87
    frenchfri87 Posts: 196 Member
    I am not a the p90x diet, but I am doing a semi-high protein vegetarian diet which works pretty well for me. How much protein are you trying to eat per day?
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    If you have a Beachbody Club membership you'll have access to a meal planner that can customized to your exact needs :smile:
  • warrior_underdog
    I eat a mainly vegan diet but have eggs sometimes. I'm heading to bed but I do the Insanity program and have done other intense workouts while eating a vegan/vegetarian diet and have lost weight and toned, while feeling great. It's possible! Lots of veggies, I use vegan protein powders (Vega is a great place to start, but they're expensive and there are other good ones out there), quinoa shall become an awesome friend, experiment with tofu, eat high protein/fiber bread, and so forth. Flax seed, nutritional yeast, nuts, beans....yep, I'm tired. But feel free to add me as a friend and message me if you want some info!

    I'd say look at my diary but right now I'm on a no refined carbs thing for a week (long story), and I'm not working out until next Tuesday. But message me, we can discuss if you need some help :)
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    Thank you all for the tips! I didn't know Tony was a vegetarian as well. That makes me feel better about it! He did note that it is a little harder following it as a vegetarian, but still very possible. I just wanted to see what others had to say about it. I did have a lot of egg whites today haha and tomorrow I will be trying out the vegetarian "meats" among other things.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Just be careful with all of those vegetarian meats, the sodium is so high on those. I have a couple of great tofu recipes that I really enjoy as well. I definitely agree that protein powder will probably be your best friend.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I eat a mainly vegan diet but have eggs sometimes. I'm heading to bed but I do the Insanity program and have done other intense workouts while eating a vegan/vegetarian diet and have lost weight and toned, while feeling great. It's possible! Lots of veggies, I use vegan protein powders (Vega is a great place to start, but they're expensive and there are other good ones out there), quinoa shall become an awesome friend, experiment with tofu, eat high protein/fiber bread, and so forth. Flax seed, nutritional yeast, nuts, beans....yep, I'm tired. But feel free to add me as a friend and message me if you want some info!

    I'd say look at my diary but right now I'm on a no refined carbs thing for a week (long story), and I'm not working out until next Tuesday. But message me, we can discuss if you need some help :)

    I second the Vega. It's a staple of mine. I currently am also doing P90X...but I don't follow their guidelines for diet. I stick to my normal vegetarian diet...but my ratio of protein is 25%.