Can running and circuit training go hand in hand?

If so, what type of schedule would you suggest?


  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    Circuit training is pretty much what I do to add resistance work to my routine. I just do it on on my off days from running and then take at least one day a week off to rest completely from exercising.
  • suetorrence
    suetorrence Posts: 163 Member
    I do both - and find that it has helped me to lose weight and tone, my older body, more effciently. When I began on MFP last July (2013) I also began working with a personal trainer. The first 4 1/2 months were just weight training, no running, and of course counting calories. Then early in December I was introduced to a C25K program through my local running store. I added running to my schedule, learned to run in the winter, and have loved it since. My current schedule is twice a week of weight training with my personal trainer and three times a week of running. I am less than 2 pounds from my original goal weight. It was not fast - a little over a year to lose 77 pounds - but I feel great. Hope this helped. Best wishes.
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    I am almost finished with my first week of C25K and in between have been doing Zumba or some type of aerobics. I slipped in some strength training yesterday which, I think, was like a light circuit training workout. So it's ok to do both a light cardio like aerobics and circuit training in the same day?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    circuit training is essentially cardio with a little resistance added in, so yeah you can do both.

    also just to be clear, when i think of circuit training i'm thinking of something like this :

    or this
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    I am almost finished with my first week of C25K and in between have been doing Zumba or some type of aerobics. I slipped in some strength training yesterday which, I think, was like a light circuit training workout. So it's ok to do both a light cardio like aerobics and circuit training in the same day?

    Yes; it's perfectly fine. Just ease into it to avoid getting injured. It has taken a bit to get where I am (I'm nobody special), but I usually run 6 days a week, mix in cycling, walking, elliptical training, yoga, small amounts of weight work, and body weight exercises. Plus by mixing it up, you can work different muscle groups, help avoid getting injured, and/or burned out (from doing the same exact thing every single day).

    ** To get started, try to not do the same routine two days in a row to help give your body time to acclimate and make sure that your muscles have plenty of time to recover and heal **

    Even though I run 6 days a week, my rule is to never do the same workout on consecutive days -- and I strictly follow this (excluding SLOW recovery runs). So, I'll alternate a faster run, slower run, speed work (please DON'T try speed work right now!).

    HTH Muzica!
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    This is the type of Circuit Training I am referring to. It is for beginners. I do this on the days I do Zumba or dance aerobics. On days that I run, so far, I haven't added anything other than running. Since it is so hot here yet, I run late, like 8-9 at night. amaze me anyways lol.