Starting a 200+ pound weight loss journey

npatten1 Posts: 8 Member
Hello, I am 41 years old and I weigh 360 pounds. It's interesting because I have seen it jump up in 20 pound increments over the last 3 years and I was literally shocked the other day when it read 360, like somehow I thought 340 (which was what I thought it would be) was ok or something. I went to a concert with my daughter the other day and could barely walk from the parking lot to the amphitheater. It was so embarrassing and painful, I had to stop 4-5 times not only to catch my breath but to rest because it felt like I was walking through mud. My legs and back hurt so bad. In reality, it wasn't that far but it was humiliating to me because I was with my friend and my two kids. I have two kids, age 16 and 21. They are fit and healthy and I am proud of them. I'm tired of my weight, I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of saying, "that's it, I'm done....I'm going to fix it now." I know how to do this. I know the right things to eat, I know that I need to start walking and work up to more exercise. I have no significant health problems other than sleep apnea and the time is now. I've been reading a lot of posts in here and I think what I'm missing is motivation. It's funny because I have every reason to do it, I just seem to lack the drive. This seems scary to me to post this and throw these thoughts out into the ether, but maybe that is what I need. I'm going to take the following steps to start:

1. Go back to recording my food diary here...It really helped me before keep on track.
2. Stop drinking soda. All soda. Not trading regular for diet because that always brings me right back to regular somehow.
3. No more drive through food.
4. Start walking each day. Stop asking others to go get the mail. (I like to act like it's too far to get the mail. It's not, I'm just lazy)
5. Stop asking others to do stuff for me an get things for me.

Reasons why I should follow through:

1. I'm done being nervous that I won't fit in a booth at a restaurant.
2. I'm done feeling embarrassed that my family, friends and kids always ask for a table and not a booth at a restaurant because they know I probably won't fit.
3. I'm done worrying about airplane seat belts.
4. I'm done with having to special wash all my shirts so that they don't shrink and be to short for my stomach.
5. I'm done with not being able to sleep at night because I can't get comfortable enough on my back, stomach or side because of my weight.
6. I'm done with absolutely loving to swim, go to the water park etc but never going because my bathing suit is a joke and I look so huge in it.

I'm not giving up this time.


  • toronto88
    toronto88 Posts: 21 Member
    Congratulations on getting started! Your starting steps sound like great places to start! Good luck :) You got this!
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    It sounds like you have some good ideas for getting things rolling! Feel free to add me as a friend. You can do this!
  • singlemom73
    singlemom73 Posts: 21 Member
    you can do it! Feel free to add me if you want support :)
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    Congrats! You sound like you've got it this time! :smile:
  • pcknits
    pcknits Posts: 33 Member
    You got this! You CAN do it. Feel free to add me if you want, we can get this done together.
  • jwtriathlon
    jwtriathlon Posts: 147 Member
    You have to start somewhere and it looks like you are on the right track.
    Congratulations on making the 1st step - Acknowledging you want to do better.
    Please feel free to add me if you would like more support.
  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    Good for you!! You are right…you have to be ready! I don't have much advice and I know you didn't even ask for it…but i find it very helpful to have ready a plan of things to eat. I am very bad at supper time. I eat good the rest of the day but am very ravenous by the time I come home from work. Today, for example, I was really hungry and didn't have a plan for when I got home. So I stopped at the grocery store and picked up a healthy frozen dinner that I could quickly heat up and eat once I got home instead of foraging for something, or anything, most likely unhealthy! It worked for me today. It was a success in my book!

    As far as eating fast food, I don't go anymore unless I know what food will fit into my plan. I don't know how many times you eat fast food in a week, but cut it down to at least one half and substitute good food/calories. It would still be cutting back!

    I admire your thoughts on your feelings and what your "wants" are. You can do this! I hope your family will support you, as well. Hopefully you get support here.

    It's time! for you and me and a lot of other people!
    SPECIALKAYEKAYE Posts: 10 Member
  • sam1053
    sam1053 Posts: 43 Member
    You've taken the first step, CONGRATULATIONS!
  • tink9881
    tink9881 Posts: 4 Member
    You know exactly what to do and you're getting yourself into the right mindset to succeed! You CAN and you WILL do this! Sure, you'll have bad days... we all do. You'll also get to the point where you plateau from losing weight and get really discouraged. But in the long run, you'll lose the weight, get healthy, and feel so much better. Celebrate your small victories... going to get the mail, saying no when co-workers bring sweets to work, eating grilled chicken instead of fried (sigh... but it's so delicious)... until you reach your big victory! You have already come to the right place and have a great support network of people behind you. I'm happy to be a pal and support each other on our journeys. Tough journeys they are! My profile photo is definitely not me, but it helps motivate me. I have about 100 pounds to lose before I'm at a "healthy" range.

    So, here's to health and happiness! Let's do this! :)
  • shaneprince
    Congrats on you starting! I am 4 weeks into my journey and it's a daily struggle....well, a nightly struggle. I do great during the day. High protein, low carb, low calorie all the way. Spinning class or the treadmill after work. Then, like a burglar coming to steal my willpower, at night I gotta gotta have my sweets. Working hard at filling the fridge with fruit instead of ice cream. I'll get there and so will you!
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    hey girl :flowerforyou: I resemble every single thing you said! I'm here for you! I'm new here, too, so let's do this together!!!
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can do this! Surround yourself with people who are succeeding!
  • LunaDoll08
    LunaDoll08 Posts: 9 Member
    You can and you WILL be successful! You can do this! :-)
  • kmariet7
    kmariet7 Posts: 229 Member
    Its awesome that you are ready! Feel free to FR me for support!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I'm 42 and my highest weight was also 360 giving me a BMI of 60. The worst thing for me was that I felt like I couldn't get a deep enough breath. I'd have to lift my arms over my head sometimes to get a deep breath. UG I will NEVER forget how that felt. Wishing you the very BEST with your weight loss journey.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    Seeing you so ready to go is inspirational! I have a long journey ahead and I am only on day 3. We can DO it!!
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    Your list is exactly how I feel and mine would look very similar.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I sent you a friend request. This is my third or fourth attempt to do this and stick with it. We can do it!
  • Pusarah
    Pusarah Posts: 124 Member
    Best of luck starting! You sound very much like myself, and a lot of your worries and concerns are my own. I always take a deep breath before getting in a booth and hope for the best lol
    I wish you lots of success, being honest with yourself and others is really difficult. You've taken some great steps so far...good luck with keeping it going!