Trying again, and would love some support.

Hi folks,

I am a 30 year old woman, living in Australia, and looking for some support to help get back and stay on track.

5 months ago, the last time I logged on MFP, I was 50kgs overweight. Today, to get a starting weight for my new eating plan, I stepped on the scales to find... I am now 60kgs overweight. A huge increase in a relatively short time, and I'm pretty mortified to say the least.

I've tried MFP a couple of times and fallen off course due to the usual excuses. A few bad days in a row, a holiday, a birthday, winter comfort food... you've heard them all before.

Thinking about the gain, I don't know why I'm surprised. My clothes have been riding up, I've been struggling to get over a simple cold for weeks, and I've had no end to stomach upsets and aches and pains. Seeing the reason right in front of me, a huge big number I've never seen before, has really shaken me up.

I've started today on the Lite n' Easy plan as I'm time-poor and kitchen-space-poor. I've opted for their 1200 calorie plan as both my work and hobbies revolve around alcohol, so there's some calories available for the inevitable tasting, sampling, grabbing a bite at events, etc.

It would be great to have some friends with support, similar location and/or weight loss goal would be awesome, but more than happy to share the love with anyone else also looking for some help.



  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    "It would be great to have some friends with support, similar location and/or weight loss goal would be awesome, but more than happy to share the love with anyone else also looking for some help."

    I am twice your age, have only a relatively small amount of weight to lose and probably have very little in common with you but I am happy to share your journey and wish you well. A lot of people I know have done really well on Lite 'n Easy. So good luck and the most important thing is to retrain yourself on the amount you eat. I think a lot of us simply eat too much as there is just so much lovely food and wine out there. All the best. xx
  • KarenGog
    KarenGog Posts: 7 Member
    Good for you!!! I have been on MFP off and on for a few years and this time I decided I would find some friends! I usually just come on, log my food, and that's it. I think the support will be a nice change.
    I need to lose just over 100 lbs so let's do this together! :)
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    So how is it going Elza and Karen? Do you feel as though you are making progress? I am like Karen, just come and log on but this time I thought I would make contact with others and that might make me more accountable.

    Silly me attempted to start my new lifestyle food regime on a Friday with absolutely no preparation at all. What a dumb thing to do! Friends dropped by for nibbles and drinks after work on Friday, take away Saturday night and with working all weekend I have no shopping done and I am totally unprepared for food to take to work today. Never mind, I did my best under difficult (but enjoyable) circumstances and didn't overeat or drink too much.

    By the way, I am attempting a Paleo lifestyle and that means going wheat free which is quite difficult in todays world. The rest is wonderful, meat, fish, chicken, fruit, vegetables, no processed food. I do not give up dairy as I don't seem to have an issue with it. I tend to follow a Primal/Paleo diet with an 80% good food and 20% whatever rule. Wheat makes me feel yuk but I still eat it, dumb I know but it is so difficult to avoid.

    Take care girls and have a good week.