Newbie looking for some support!

Hello! New to the site and looking to meet some people I can help support and be supported in return along our weight loss journey. ^_^ I'm moving to Florida soon and won't know anyone there.


  • I'll be your friend. You will find wonderful people here who are here for you. :smile:
  • CortneyZimm
    CortneyZimm Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks! I've never joined a site like this when on my weight loss endeavors. Sooo excited though!
  • Hi Cortney...My name is Renee and I just started back on this site a few days ago after making a very halfhearted start over a year ago. I don't know why I quit back then because I was making progress but I guess I just let life get in the way...:cry: I wish I wouldn't have faded out back then cuz' I would of reached my goals by now if I would of just stuck with it! Of that I'm certain. Somehow I thought that I could just guess at my calories and be alright....wrong! So after a year of just maintaining my weight despite my best efforts, I thought back to when I was truly making progress and realized that it was when I was using this site. Logging my food is essential, the importance of it cannot be underestimated. After a few days on here I lost 4lbs. and broke my year long plateau! So I am a true believer now and won't be letting it slide again! Getting on this site is one of the most productive things you can do in your weight loss efforts and I want to encourage you not to make the same mistake I did. You WILL get results from using this site faithfully, I promise you that! It even makes the process FUN, kinda like a competition with yourself and you end up the winner! Making friends on this site helps to make you accountable and gives the support you need...would love to be on your friends list! Looking forward to helping eachother in our weight loss journey...God Bless!
  • I like friends! Ive been on this site for a while now.. and absolutely love it!!

    Im always around if ya ever need that extra motivation or support for anything!!

    feel free to add me :)
  • Schluey
    Schluey Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! I started this process "for real" about 6 weeks ago and I am starting to see results! This is my first time posting in the message boards - I don't know anyone here either and I think we all could use some encouragement! Add me if you like, I'll be around. :)
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me :)
  • FightBackFit
    FightBackFit Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Tereza ... I've been wanting to lose the weight I gained in college for almost a year and a half now but haven't been successful thus far. I could use some encouragement (as sad as that may sound) because I have a tendency to give up quickly... mostly out of fear of being wildly unsuccessful.
  • mandyosetti
    mandyosetti Posts: 72 Member
    Feel free to add me, I log on daily! Good luck on your journey! ;)
  • CortneyZimm
    CortneyZimm Posts: 25 Member
    I share the same fear! T_T But this time around I'm going to block out my thoughts and produce more action! Lets motivate each other to our goal!
  • Brender123
    Brender123 Posts: 13 Member
    Fell free to add me, I'm on everyday! I could use more support also.
  • Hi! Feel free to add me, I am new and looking for friends too.
  • digee101
    digee101 Posts: 13
    I'm in Florida, moved here almost 2 years ago. I am new here also. Feel free to add me.
  • CJR9656
    CJR9656 Posts: 1
    I'm also a "Newbie" and just looking around this website. Please forgive my ignorance, but what does everyone mean by "add me" ???