chocolate craving

whats the best healthy fix for chocolate craving?

hot chocolate? what elsee


  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I bought the fun size 3 musketeer bars that are only 63 calories each =)
  • Elizabeth2711
    I really like Dark Chocolate roasted almonds. They are the same nutritionally as regular almonds and they taste great!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm a huge fan of cocoa roast almonds, too (particularly in the 100 calorie packs, since I'm pretty limited on will power.)
  • audreyyrose
    weight watchers has these amazing dark chocolate raspberry bars that are only 85 calories.
  • ksharipova
    I find chocolate soya milk helps relieve the craving, and they vary in sweetness depending on which you like
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Vitamuffins, Vitatops, Vitabrownies. All by Vitalicious and only 100 calories. Super tasty!
  • PattiPositive
    I eat the chocolate!!! A high Quality High Cocoa content chocolate. No less that 55% but usually 65% or more. It IS GOOD FOR YOU!!! I love it and eat it when I crave it. Just in small bits!!
  • blakjac6
    My best advice is to eat fruit. It is very sweet, and despite high in sugar, these are natural sugars and fat free. I suggest apples, even dipped in caramel. This is help dramatically. Chocolate is high in calories, fat, and sugar. You may want to look into dark chocolate, it is very high in antioxidants :)
  • ersulas
    ersulas Posts: 28 Member
    I am a HUGE choco-holic! I've been filling that need with smoothies. 1/2 banana, some frozen unsweetened strawberries, 1/4 cup almond milk, chocolate whey protein powder, hershey's cocoa powder, packet of truvia, and vanilla extract. Blend it up! I swap in greek yogurt and different fruits too.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    That is great advice, seriously, but sometimes fruit just doesn't cut it when you are craving chocolate!
    My best advice is to eat fruit. It is very sweet, and despite high in sugar, these are natural sugars and fat free. I suggest apples, even dipped in caramel. This is help dramatically. Chocolate is high in calories, fat, and sugar. You may want to look into dark chocolate, it is very high in antioxidants :)
  • chewy8874042
    chewy8874042 Posts: 38 Member
    Hot chocolate is my favorite!
    Unsweetened Almond Milk (35)
    1 tsp. cocoa powder (10)
  • chewy8874042
    chewy8874042 Posts: 38 Member
    Hot chocolate is my favorite!
    Unsweetened Almond Milk (35)
    1 tsp. cocoa powder (10)
  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    I like the Quaker Dipps chocolate dipped granola bars. Like a candy bar, and around 150 kcals!
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    Zone Perfect Nutrition Bars - Double Chocolate. Packed with lots of good nutrients so it is very filling. It is also a nice size bar and VERY yummy. 190 calories.
  • sunbeam11
    Chocolate is my greatest weakness! I've found I do well if I buy a bag of dark chocolate chips and just eat a 1/4th a cup if I have a craving. It's not all decked out like a candy bar, so I can eat a little and be satisfied with it. Sometimes you just have to have your chocolate! :bigsmile:
  • mirandacassens
    I say if you have a chocolate craving eat something chocolate that you truly enjoy, just eat it in moderation- otherwise you will feel unsatisfied!
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    My best advice is to eat fruit. It is very sweet, and despite high in sugar, these are natural sugars and fat free. I suggest apples, even dipped in caramel. This is help dramatically. Chocolate is high in calories, fat, and sugar. You may want to look into dark chocolate, it is very high in antioxidants :)

    I LOVE dark chocolate!
  • Just4tony
    Read that one cause of cravings for chocolate was due to low amounts of magnesium, could possibly try to up that and maybe your cravings will drop. Have not tried it myself but with all the multivitamins I take i believe my amts are up there and I haven't had chocolate in the past 3 weeks since starting my training/diet.

    *If all else doesn't work, stick with the dark possibly with some sort of nuts; makes you feel fuller so you don't keep eating.
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    I eat dark chocolate, usually 70% or above. It's not bad for you and it curbs the craving!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Chocolate almond milk (I like the Silk brand best)
    Endangered Species 88% dark chocolate squares