2 weeks using MFP. Scale is not budging

Bubbles_81 Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello, I started using MFP about 2 weeks ago. My weight has been hovering around 146 for the last 3 years. I set my goal weight at 127 lbs.

My daily calorie intake is 1240. I think it is a bit low because I find myself hungry alot throughout the day, especially right after eating. I am not exercising regularly. If I do it's usually on the weekend.

Prior to this I gave Jenny Craig a try for a month because I saw how well it worked for a friend of mine, still though my weight would only fluctuate in the mid 140's. I also have not noticed any changes in my clothes? What gives? It's almost as if I'm sitting at this plateau that won't break! What do I need to do to start seeing action?



  • svgaedtke
    svgaedtke Posts: 69 Member
    Are you drinking lots of water?, Are you able to work out more? That would be my suggestions... Hopefully others will have more ideas for you.
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    I found when I started using MFP I wasn't accurately logging calories. I think I've heard that we tend to underestimate our calorie intake by as much as 40%. It wasn't until I started counting EVERYTHING - the tsp. of olive oil in which I sauteed my vegetables for example - that I started to have consistent results. This, of course, coincided with more rigorous working out. Are you also exercising?
  • KhollerSA05
    KhollerSA05 Posts: 39 Member
    Look at the types of foods you are eating. Part of why you are always feeling hungry may be in part becuase the foods you are eating may have calories but they aren't providing your body with the nutrietnts that it really needs. On top of that 2 weeks isn't a very long time, healthy weight loss should be 1-2 pounds a week and you may not notice a change in the way things fit for 5-10 pounds
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    are you exercising?

    jenny craig isn't recommended becuase it's extremely hard to stop taking it & maintain... you aren't teaching yourself to eat.

    a calorie isn't a calorie... you could be eating the wrong foods - regardless of calories.

    lower the carb intake... try to do tons of vegetables & protein. My trainer said to never mix fat & carbs... always do protein / carbs or protein/fat... costco has an amazing bag of stir fry vegetables that i've been eating tons of b/c i miss the 'full' feeling. if you aren't eating enough fat, then you will be hungry as fat helps tell your brain you are full. I've been doing this for 2 wks...the 1st week lost 2.8 lbs & the 2nd week lost 3.2 lbs (just weighed today)...

    ** & i agree with the other posts... more water, less salt and YOU MUST POST EVERYTHING STINKIN' THING THAT GOES IN YOUR MOUTH.... butter on your vegetables, cream in your coffee, even gum!
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Maybe your calories are set too low (since you are very hungry) and you aren't getting enough exercise. If I was in your situation I would bump up my calories by 100 and exercise 4 times a week for at least 40 minutes.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Make sure you drink your 8 glasses of water a day, try to get in more exercise, and try upping your calories. I found, through some experimentation, that I need between 1300-1500 in order to actually lose weight. And I always eat all of my exercise calories too.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Watch your sodium intake. I eat less than 1500 mg. a day. Weigh your food. Get a heart rate monitor for exercising. Make sure your net calories do not go below 1200 after exercising. In other words, eat your exercise calories, or at least enough to get your net calories above 1200. Try to minimize processed foods. Try to minimize eating out.
  • My suggestions would be to space out your meals throught the day, drink more water, eat more protein (so you won't be so hungry), and workout more so you can burn calories (and this would also allow you to eat more calories since you'd be more active) & lose inches!! Don't give up. If you give up you'll just stay where you are or gain..so keep it up!!! :D
  • I feel your frustration but please dont give up! Everyone is different and some take longer than others to loose weight. I been here 2 1/2 weeks and lost only 1 pound. But i have lost an inch in my waist, arms, neck area... which means progress! Tip: eat a little more (100-150 cals more than what you are eating) and exercise at least 3 times a week. :flowerforyou:
  • kimstn
    kimstn Posts: 6
    I agree with the others on the type of calories. Chocolate cake has a lot of calories but isn't going to satisfy your hunger. You've also got to exercise. Even if you can just fit in 30 minutes 3 times a week it will help. Do you have a pedometer? You need to be getting 10,000 steps a day to be considered active. Wearing one will give you an idea of just how active you are. Don't give up! You can reach your goal!
  • Thanks for the advice. I don't get enough water so I will work on that and the exercise. Can some of you post examples of what your meals look like? I'm worried my food combinations may be working against me.

    Here's what my days usually look like:

    Breakfast - cottage cheese & low fat banana muffin
    AM Snack - 1 cup melon & plain yogurt mixed with a tbsp of honey
    Lunch - vegetables, a starch, a protein
    PM Snack - fruit & piece of cheese
    Supper - different version of lunch & usually some sort of treat (Jello or 100 calorie snack)
  • Lets do some math here, since all of weight loss is about math. Given your current weight you are ingesting about 1600 cals per day, 11240 per week. Your new caloric intake of 1240 per day is 8680 per week. That puts you at a deficit of 2560 cals for a week. A pound is 3500 cals. So in a week you are not decreasing your caloric intake enough to lose 1 pound. Add into the equation possibly not getting enough water or having too much salt and your results are not surprising. Its too early to see any significant results.

    I personally eat 1200 cals a day so I dont think that is inherently your issue. Start working out,make sure your calories come from nutrient rich foods, drink a minimum of 64 oz of water a day and watch your salt. You'll get there, but I am going to wager a guess that you are already a healthy weight but you'd like to get off some additional, for whatever reason. It takes a bit more time to lose weight if you are already in a healthy weight zone. Keep at it, you'll get there.
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I don't get enough water so I will work on that and the exercise. Can some of you post examples of what your meals look like? I'm worried my food combinations may be working against me.

    Here's what my days usually look like:

    Breakfast - cottage cheese & low fat banana muffin
    AM Snack - 1 cup melon & plain yogurt mixed with a tbsp of honey
    Lunch - vegetables, a starch, a protein
    PM Snack - fruit & piece of cheese
    Supper - different version of lunch & usually some sort of treat (Jello or 100 calorie snack)

    I would eliminate the muffin for breakfast (these usually have over 300 calories each) and add fresh fruit to your cottage cheese. I have 2/3c. cottage cheese, 1/2 banana and 1/2c. strawberries every morning for breakfast and it comes out to approximately 230 calories. Make sure you're buying fat free cottage cheese (I use the weight watchers brand)

    This could potentially free up 300 extra calories for you to "snack" on throughout the day to help you feel full longer.
  • I agree about the muffin. You could always try a whole wheat high fiber english muffin for 100 calories.

    I would stay away from jenny Craig. I used to work there and sure, you'll lose weight eating their food (or any frozen food that limits calories). And then they do steer you to your own food and you reach your goal. However, how they make their money is by having you come back again and again and again to buy their food because you gain your weight back w/out them hand holding you and feeding you. Save your money and do it yourself.

    Like others said, I think you just need to exercise more and drink lots of water.
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