My diet for gaining weight made me disgusted eating sweets!

I eat 3k calories a day. My diet is pretty clean, I juice and get plenty vitamins.
Most of my sugar comes naturally, but today I decided to mix it up and made 3 waffles with a cup of vanilla ice cream. Few bites in and I noticed how sugary this food actually is. Hence I didn't exactly enjoy it as I would before I started bodybuilding.
I think my body built a contrast between good and bad food.
Anyone else experience this? What are your thoughts?


  • Kaitou
    Kaitou Posts: 50 Member
    I haven't noticed it so much with sweetness, but when I went several years eating mostly scratch-cooked food made from fresh ingredients, I found things like pre-packaged cookies and Little Debbies absolutely disgusting. They had so little taste, it was like eating a slightly-sweetened piece of cardboard. They were overly sweet in that all the flavor was gone from them, and only the vast amounts of sweetener packed in lent it any taste. Not good.

    The sweetness didn't bother me so much (I baked a lot of sweets) but the lack of flavor and taste was so noticeable. I couldn't believe I'd been eating that tasteless crap so much as a child. With being unhealthy, and being able to tell it tastes bad in comparison to so many other things now, I hardly ever eat prepackaged sweets.

    I've noticed after going without soda though that it will taste disgustingly sweet and syrupy when I first go back to it.

    I think it's a good idea to go without certain foods or tastes or ingredients for a while, so you can really freshly taste them again and get a real perspective on how they are. Otherwise it's too easy to get used to something.
  • Yeah I've certainly experienced this too. Foods that are too high in sugar taste really bad for me. I guess since I was cutting out as much added sugar as possible for my weight loss, when I ate a high-sugar food, my body said "nope. not gonna do."

    So yeah, I do know what its like. :smile:
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    I had a similar experience recently. I'm a vegan and I was recently traveling Europe. In France, it was nearly impossible to eat vegan so I have up and ate vegetarian. I could not stand cheese! It was so rick, heavy and I thought the texture was weird.

    I also have pretty clean eating habits, and I have a hard time with foods that are too sugary. I love deserts, but if it's something like lemonade or with added sugar, I don't like it. I love vegan deserts. They tend to be sweetened naturally and not have all the added sugar of regular deserts