Anyone else not eating dairy?

For health reasons, I have been advised to stop eating dairy and gluten for a period of time, not forever let me clarify. During this time I am looking for substitutes for yogurt and cheese. For those of you who don't consume dairy, what cheese and yogurt substitutes do you consume? I don't like soy or veggie cheese. I have tried them before and yuck! Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I'd like to know too- our pediatrician is putting my daughter on an elimination diet and first up is dairy :grumble: She starts on Monday and I'm trying to figure out what to pack for her school lunches.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    I am allergic to dairy and soy.
    For cheese I like Daiya - they come in shred, slices and cubes.
    For yogurt I like So Delicious - it is made from coconut milk.
  • tr3kkie9rl
    tr3kkie9rl Posts: 144 Member
    Daiya is definitely the best non-dairy cheese. It makes the most awesome grilled cheese!! It isn't like other soy cheeses (I think it's made from canola), it actually tastes the most like cheese. A bit like velveeta to be honest, but still better than anything else.
    So Delicious is a really good brand too, I like everything I've tried of theirs. Especially the ice cream!
    I wouldn't know about yogurt.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    You'd be surprised how much yogurt and cheese don't need to be in the food you eat. Eat other stuff, don't sub.
  • davinarn
    I am 100% gluten free and 90% dairy free (by that I mean, I don't check labels for dairy as I can tolerate that small amount, but I do not eat obvious dairy things). Very seldom will I sub either food group. The only dairy I ever sub is to use almond milk in place of milk and an occasional slice of bread (a loaf lasts me over 6 months in the freezer). It's just easier to skip it, the sub is just not as good, costs more and has more calories.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I am gluten and dairy free, although I do not use alternatives for cheese and yogurt (I just don't eat it). I do replace milk with almond milk though.

    Milk: Silk almond milk or Almond breeze almond milk
    Cheese: Daiya
    Yogurt: So Delicious
    Bread: Udi's gluten free multigrain & flax

    All other gluten free products I buy from Bob's Red Mill (brownie mix, corn muffin mix, pancake mix, pizza crust mix). Note that I do not eat these regularly as they have more calories than gluten-containing foods.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I found Daiya to be disgusting. Its inedible! I just don't eat dairy. I use So Delicous unsweetened Coconut milk when cooking and baking and just don't eat cheese. If I need a cheesy flavour I use nutritional yeast but for the most part I avoid recipes and meals that rely on cheese.

    Lunch examples without cheese: hummus and veggies, pepperoni and crackers, chicken nuggets (pinty's are dairy free up in my area), sandwiches without cheese, etc.

    Cutting dairy is daunting but its not impossible.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    I found Daiya to be disgusting. Its inedible! I just don't eat dairy. I use So Delicous unsweetened Coconut milk when cooking and baking and just don't eat cheese. If I need a cheesy flavour I use nutritional yeast but for the most part I avoid recipes and meals that rely on cheese.

    Lunch examples without cheese: hummus and veggies, pepperoni and crackers, chicken nuggets (pinty's are dairy free up in my area), sandwiches without cheese, etc.

    Cutting dairy is daunting but its not impossible.

    Same, I hate Daiya...super greasy...I use Lisannati's almond comes in blocks or fave is jalepeno jack...mmmmm

    edited for type-o
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I'm allergic to dairy. I was allergic as a kid and then wasn't, and then it came back, so I had many years of eating dairy and then had to give it up again. I can handle small amounts in things like cookies and chocolate, but nothing much.

    I use Daiya to make home-made pizzas but I don't love the taste and I find it sticks in my teeth, so i just use a small amount to sort of hold the toppings on the pizza. Pizza is pretty much the only place I really miss cheese.

    I use Almond Breeze almond milk for cereal and smoothies. I don't find I need milk for much else, probably because I don't bake.

    I LOVE Coconut Bliss "ice cream". Amazing. It's almost exactly like ice cream.

    I haven't been able to find the So Delicious coconut yogurt, but I want to try it. I do miss yogurt, it was such a great breakfast food!
  • eggomylegos
    eggomylegos Posts: 146 Member
    Severely lactose intolerant here. I have used Almond Breeze milk for years. The refrigerated versions are fantastic

    Greek yogurt does not bother me at all (Fage 0% is my favorite). I am not sure if your specific condition requires you to avoid that too, but it may be an acceptable alternative. There are plenty of frozen dessert versions and it can be substituted to make dips or added to protein shakes. Yasso makes amazing frozen greek yogurt bars.

    Pizza is where I could not give up cheese (I feel so sorry for the dairy allergy sufferers). I keep a dose of Lactaid in my purse at all times. It works well.
  • healthym0m0f2
    I use almond cheese once in a while. There's coconut yogurt but I haven't tried. I'm eating paleo which cuts out dairy and grains. We use almond milk too.
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk is a God send!
  • eventer4ever
    I'm a vegan, and the only soy yogurt I can stand is from WholeSoy & Co. Everything else is just ew.

    I don't like vegan cheese replacements, and honestly, I don't think that you need them. It's easy to make yummy sandwiches without cheese (avocado is my favorite). If you like cheesy pizzas, I'd recommend the Roasted Vegetable Pizza from Amy's Kitchen. It's absolutely delicious and tastes cheesy, even though it's dairy-free.
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    Vegan here!

    In my 3.5 years, I have not found a convincing replacement for yogurt

    For cheese, it depends on what you want it for. If you want shredded cheese, follow your heart gourmet mozzarella shred rock. Love them! My meat and dairy eating fiancé loves it too. If you like cheese and crackers, try the daiya harvarti cheese blocks.
  • Shelalala
    Trader Joes has a coconut yogurt, it's sweet but it actually tastes delicious. High in fat I believe but if you really want yogurt and can't have it then it'll do. Also agree with the poster above, follow your heart and daiya have great cheese replacements that don't taste so fake when you incorporate into dishes. I actually prefer vegan pizza, but beware that they have a strong taste so you don't need to put a lot at all! Also, I made a mean Alfredo with simply cooked and processed cauliflower+unflavored unsweetened almond milk+spices+optional few tablespoons of nutritional yeast.
  • mshannond
    Try nutritional yeast. Sprinkle on pasta or blend with cashews lemon & mustard to make a cheesy sauce,
    For yogurts coconut yogurt or google DeliciouslyElla''s almond cashew yogurt.
  • LaurenGetsFit2
    LaurenGetsFit2 Posts: 35 Member
    Is it a "dairy" or "lactose" thing?

    I went dairy-free to avoid lactose for a while. But then I started eating Greek yogurt, because (supposedly) it has less lactose and the added pro(or is it "pre"?)biotics help with digestion. Supposedly. But I haven't had any real troubles with it. With fake cheese and stuff with a lot of lactose I do.

    As for gluten, I'm also gluten-free; I have been for about two years in order to help all the digestion problems I had been having. A couple of times since starting, I've eaten gluten and soon after (and following day) I feel horrible and just...out of whack.It gets worse with each time, too.

    As for dairy substitutes, again I use Greek yogurt (even for cooking, in place of butter/oil). But I don't really buy the soy/vegan substitutes because 1) they're gross & taste like plastic, 2) they're expensive. So why pay $5 for 6oz of something that's not enjoyable? lol! If it IS a lactose thing, and not just avoid-all-dairy, I've found several brands of sharp cheddar cheese (as well as...provolone, I believe) are naturally lactose free.

    I also drink Almond milk that's been fortified and whatnot. I used to drink soy, but wasn't comfortable with injesting that much soy. So I buy the unsweetened, plain (or sometimes vanilla, if I feel like getting crazy haha!) almond milk. But make sure it has the added vitamins & minerals. You can also buy a type that's got added protein & fiber.

    I also take Calcium supplements, about half the dosage because I'm already drinking Almond milk with calcium in it, to make sure I get enough. But make sure it has Magnesium or Vitamin D (some brands might even come with both, I'm not sure), because our bodies can't absorb nearly as much of the calcium without it.

    ALSO (sorry!), Calcium supplements can cause constipation. There are typically two types of supplements, so you might have to play around with those, or switch up brands, if you start having issues. I've found that "CitraCal +D3 +Magnesium" has worked best for me, and I've tried almost every supplement out there. lol! Here's what the bottle looks like:

    Best of luck! :)
  • JoanneKendrick
    JoanneKendrick Posts: 151 Member
    I drink unsweetened soy milk which is OK. Where would you get Almond milk from and is it expensive? Would like to try it. I find normal OK in tea/coffee but can't drink it in huge quantities as give me diahreaa ( sorry tmi).