When did you decide to lose weight?

What was the last straw for you?


  • kimbelle_vie
    kimbelle_vie Posts: 174 Member
    Just tired if being fat... I am only in my early twenties
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Seeing 206 on the scale.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    being on a business trip with my (average weight, slightly older) supervisor in 2008 and realizing it was hurting my legs and making me out of breath to go up and down tons of flights of stairs at the Amtrak station.

    Up until that day I had always been pretty ok with my obesity because I easily out-walked or outlasted (energy wise) anyone. That day I felt scared & concerned and I never looked back...even if I was very very slow going at my weight loss for the first 4 years, my weight never creeped back up.
  • ronnie39
    ronnie39 Posts: 10 Member
    Heartburn, out of breath, seeing a "2" on the scale...dear God a 2!, and if I don't do it now then when!
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    Spring hit and I didn't want to waste another summer afraid to go to the beach

    I half assed it a few times in the last few years but this time it was for real !
  • SlaughterHouseFive
    SlaughterHouseFive Posts: 24 Member
    When a beautiful girl moved into my apartment building. First time I saw her she gave me a big smile and said hello. My mind raced off to us getting married and having kids. Then I came crashing down to Earth when I realised that there is no way I could be naked in front of her after all the weight I have put on over the years. Joined the gym that night and went for my first workout the next day.
  • seeing pictures of myself is always the last straw like "okay i need to change NOW" because mirrors aren't always accurate
  • Kellryn
    Kellryn Posts: 139 Member
    May this year my sister pointed out to me that I may not fit on all the rides at Universal Studios according to their website. As I had already paid for our trip and it was a dream of mine to go, I started watching what I ate and going to the gym. I found MFP about a week after I decided to lose weight. I had only a little over a month to lose what I could, but I made the effort.

    I did manage to lose enough to go on every single ride (in their modified seats), but it was close on a few of them. One other perk was when we were in Florida, I had much more energy and didn't have the issues with walking all day like my sister and her kids did, so I figured the gym had done me more good than just losing weight.

    When we got back from vacation I just continued to log my food and keep going to the gym. I've decided this isn't so hard, and the rewards are more than worth continuing. Losing weight is still a huge goal, but I think I'm enjoying the increased fitness more!
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    earlier this year i tried some blood pressure meds but had very unpleasant side effects. just as i was being put on yet another bp med, my blood pressure peaked at the highest it's ever been, and i realized i needed to make some serious, long-lasting changes or deal with life on medication that made me feel awful...
  • scb515
    scb515 Posts: 133 Member
    There were a lot of last straws.

    - Trying on UK size 16 clothes in the changing rooms, finding them unflattering and realising the problem was me not the clothes (you can only fool yourself for so long)
    - Innocent but hurtful comments from my young niece (kids are honest and unmalicious)
    - Not being able to fit into my lucky interview suit
    - Breaking up with my very longterm boyfriend and realising I was back on the shelf and would have to make an effort to land anyone new
    - Being sent 'nice' photos in which I looked like a whale
    - My best friends embarking on health kicks (I didn't want to be the fat one)
  • xplosion80
    xplosion80 Posts: 51 Member
    After the annual physical last year, I was warned by the Doc to reduce 30 pounds, get into healthy BMI and control the cholesterol levels.

    Today I am in my targets and everything is so light and fresh.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Several weeks ago I got amped up to do some stupid diet. I decided I would track the calories here. Day one was like 900 calories. Day two wasn't much better. On day three, something in me just snapped. I said screw this and I just started eating "normally" and I've been logging ever since. I don't know what, I don't know why. I haven't stuck with anything weight-loss related for this length of time in the past thirteen years. I don't log a meal or a even a day every so often but then the next day I am right back at it like nothing ever happened. It is wholly unlike my former all or nothing self. But it's working. :bigsmile:
  • JavarMartin
    JavarMartin Posts: 4 Member
    Weighing 495lbs! And not to mention ALL of my friends are SMALL!
  • MarkShr
    MarkShr Posts: 2
    When my dad said I looked fat in the pictures we were taking.

    He meant fat in the clothes I was wearing then but I knew it was simply because I was just fat.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    the day after i got made redundant, currently on 90 days garden leave(paid), so i decided i had all the time in the world to finally join a gym.
    have been for 39 consecutive days now,and almost a stone and a half shed.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    When it was stopping me from obtaining the things I really wanted.

    I wanted to have a second child, my daughter will be 6 in September, and my clock is ticking. Because of my weight, I wasn't getting my periods regularly to even try for a baby, let alone did I want to start a pregnancy at 211 lbs (I'm only 5'2). Losing weight brought me regularly periods, and in April, we conceived our 2nd child. I'm currently 16 weeks pregnant.

    I have much more active in-laws. We went to visit them in December 2012. We hiked a short way (less than a quarter mile) to a nice waterfall for pictures. It was very hard for me. I was out of breath and my legs hurt. I didn't want stuff like that to continue.

    With the added weight, I started snoring at night. I refuse to be a snorer. No, never, not me. Now that I've lost weight, it's gone.

    My size 16 (US) clothes were starting to get too tight on me, but I wasn't big enough for size 18/Plus size. It's a tough day when you realize you are bordering into plus size. I didn't want to spend money on a new wardrobe to go up a size. If I'm going to spend money on clothes, it's going to be for a smaller size. I dropped to a size 10 just before getting pregnant.
  • shortntall1
    shortntall1 Posts: 333 Member
    Being a truck driver and sitting on my *kitten* and gaining weight. It killed me to walk to the truck stops because sometimes the parking lots are huge and you have to park far away. I was tired of missing out on things. Plus, I had acid reflux at night tht was soooo terrible. It's gone now, thank goodness. Plus, I watched MY 600LB LIFE and thought, "Wow. that could be me if I keep going". I started in March 2014.
  • kelzz27
    kelzz27 Posts: 21 Member
    Mine was in March i stepped on to the scales and saw that I weighed 172 pounds I knew I put on weight but seeing the numbers upset me. Also had to ask my boss for a bigger size uniform was a total embarrassment. So end of May I thought enough was enough and knew I had to do something so 9 weeks later 20 pounds lost and now I can fit it my old uniform YES!!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    1. My then 5 year old son made up a song about me entitled "baby beluga" as in whale!
    2. I was very uncomfortable in airplane seats.
    3. I had just started wearing size 18!
    4. I had no stamina and aches and pains in my hips
    and I was only in my thirties!
  • kerry981
    kerry981 Posts: 8 Member
    I'd tried losing weight before but it never stuck. Didn't have the strength, mentally, to keep at it. Last year, I had to have back surgery. I'm only 32. I decided that as soon as I could, I was going to get stronger and healthier. Haven't looked back since.