Protien Powder in Carry-On Bag

Good Morning All! I am getting conflicting feedback about this, and was wondering if anyone had any recent advice. I will be traveling domestically with the US, with no checked-in baggage. I am currently using a powdered whey protien supplement, and would like to stay on track while on vacation. I am thinking putting it in baggies may look a little, ahem, suspicious. I have a huge bag from Sam's club, so I am thinking original packaging may be best? I just would like to know if I can bring it on the plane without major issue. The TSA guidlines are rather vauge, at best. Thank you in advance for your advice!- Michelle


  • summerfly413
    summerfly413 Posts: 12 Member
    I think your best bet would be to call the airline/airport to see if they would have any issues. Usually security seems to be more concerned about liquids, but it wouldn't hurt to ask. The worst case would probably be that they have you throw it away, so maybe don't take more than you would want to potentially lose.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I have traveled with protein powder with me in ziploc baggies. I've also brought powdered artificial sweetener in small vitamin bottles and never had an issue. I even had my bag searched and they didn't say a thing about it.
  • hurricanelena
    hurricanelena Posts: 83 Member
    I've traveled several times within the past few months with protein powder in Ziploc baggies with no problems. That's included international travel, hand searches, and Puerto Rico (where they do agricultural checks before you come back to the mainland). I do have what it is/how much written in marker on the bag, but that's more for my own purposes. They really are more concerned with liquids.