low carb success?

Yesterday i had 110 carbs. Today i planned for 82 carbs. I was wondering if i usually took in over 150-200 carbs previously will i see a weight loss soon keeping this pattern up? I weigh weekly. Just hoping i can finally get through my plateau.


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    depends what else changed, if anything . Closed diary.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Well a deficit is what gives you weight loss... lowering carbs will help with satiety but will also cause your body to store less glycogen/water. So you will see a moderate to big loss the first couple weeks but after that, it's the standard loss that we all see.

    The bigger question is, how many calories do you eat? Do you use a food scale, and can you open your food diary?
  • necessaryveganism
    What matters is your calorie deficit, not your "carb deficit". And please be careful what you eat. Food is a package deal - it's best to get your protein from plant sources.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    What matters is your calorie deficit, not your "carb deficit". And please be careful what you eat. Food is a package deal - it's best to get your protein from plant sources.

    Couldn't be further from the truth. Most plant proteins do not have all essential amino acids in them, while meat does. In fact, if you don't eat meat, there is a lot more knowledge required to get all your essential amino acids.
  • rAc_hEl
    rAc_hEl Posts: 246 Member
    Yes its closed. I'll open it but please remember i changed to lower carbs starting yesterday. I planned my day today btw. I'm looking for help :)
  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
    Personally I've always found I've lost more weight the less carbs I consumed, whether that was mainly water weight I couldn't say for sure, however as mentioned above, calories in vs out is generally the deciding factor in weight loss
  • necessaryveganism
    psulemon - That is a common misconception but I'm afraid it's not true, although I invite you to provide proof.
  • rAc_hEl
    rAc_hEl Posts: 246 Member
    OK its open. Not planning on working out today is my rest day that's why i have 1282 calories. Please remember I'm new to this and would love feedback
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Yes its closed. I'll open it but please remember i changed to lower carbs starting yesterday. I planned my day today btw. I'm looking for help :)

    Can you do me a favor and change the sugar setting to fat. Also, do you use a food scale?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    psulemon - That is a common misconception but I'm afraid it's not true, although I invite you to provide proof.

    That isn't how it works. You made the outrageous claim, so you have to provide to science to back it. Or you can feel free to name several plant based proteins that are complete. Besides Tofu, I think Chia might be the only one. Also, anyone who is vegan or vegetarian has to worry about B12 and iron because they are usually deficient in their diet.
  • rAc_hEl
    rAc_hEl Posts: 246 Member
    OK i did it.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    OK i did it.

    Do you use a food scale?

    I would suggest more fiber because you pretty much don't have any veggies in your diet? Fiber is really good for you, the veggies will provide lots of vitamins and minerals, and improve colon/intestinal health.
  • rAc_hEl
    rAc_hEl Posts: 246 Member
    Currently just using measuring cups and spoons but no scale...yet. veggies are going to be added when i can get back to the store (hopefully today!)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Add a scale to your logging and tracking, they are inexpensive (the last one I got off Amazon is really nice and was under 20 bucks). And I agree more veggies and definitely track your fiber... When I started I actually removed tracking sugar and replaced it with tracking fiber. I felt as long as I was staying within my carb/protein/fat goals for my caloric intake then sugar would take care of itself.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    What matters is your calorie deficit, not your "carb deficit". And please be careful what you eat. Food is a package deal - it's best to get your protein from plant sources.

    Your assertion above and your link to a video in a another comment to answer the assertion just doesn't add up. The video references a Nurses' Health Study "eating more protein from beans, nuts, seeds, and the like while cutting back on easily digested refined carbohydrates like white flour decrease the risk of heart disease" is interesting but does nothing to address 'it's best to get your protein from plant sources".

    If you can provide some science to back your claim it makes the claim more palatable.

    edit: refined not simple
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Your assertion above and your link to a video in a another comment to answer the assertion just doesn't add up. The video references a Nurses' Health Study "eating more protein from beans, nuts, seeds, and the like while cutting back on easily digested simple carbohydrates like white flour decrease the risk of heart disease" is interesting but does nothing to address 'it's best to get your protein from plant sources".

    White flour contains complex carbohydrates, not simple.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Your assertion above and your link to a video in a another comment to answer the assertion just doesn't add up. The video references a Nurses' Health Study "eating more protein from beans, nuts, seeds, and the like while cutting back on easily digested simple carbohydrates like white flour decrease the risk of heart disease" is interesting but does nothing to address 'it's best to get your protein from plant sources".

    White flour contains complex carbohydrates, not simple.

    Thanks--it was a direct quote from a Harvard video someone provided a link for it.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    A low carb diet has worked much better for me than just cutting back on calories or going vegan etc. I do have friends on MFP that have been doing it (vegan) for a while and doing quite well. Other friends dont' do vegan or low carb and just cut back on calories -- they are also doing well.

    The one thing they have in common is an approach that works, for them, and sticking to it. Don't stress out over finding the perfect approach. The most important goal is sticking with a fitness lifestyle for the long term and being open to trying new things.