How to intensify my workouts?!

I'm 7 weeks in with consistently working out. A FIRST for me. So Proud. I feel that I'm getting a bit bored. I want more of a challenge so I can push myself more. Currently, I keep my cardio and strength train separate. For cardio, I'll walk about 4.5miles 4 times a week and do the elliptical for 30mins 2 times a week. I just use hand weights for arms and have a routine to work abs and legs which I alternate throughout the week.

Not sure what's the next logical step. I have knee issues so I don't plan or jogging or waling anytime soon. Need to lose more weight for that.

Today I tried Leslie Sansome's 5mile Walk Away the Pounds. I used to do it when I was younger when my dad tried to get me to do work. But it is a nice workout. I enjoyed myself. Although I can see it getting to be too easy too quickly.

I've been looking into T25 since I alway seem to catch the infomercials, but the reviews are of fit people that are just trying to tone more so than fat loss. Is that just TOO intense?

I appreciate anyone's suggestions. I've never been big on exercise so I'm really at a loss here and I don't want to just continue the same ole thing. I enjoy the burn and the challenge! :)


  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    First, congratulations! You should definitely be feeling proud of sticking with it :)

    Second, you can amp up your cardio simply by speeding up your walk. I'm not a jogger, but I can tell you that a fast walk will definitely get your heart pumping.

    With the elliptical, you have a choice. You can either dial up the resistance or go faster. Personally, I would go for dialing up the resistance.

    As far as workout routines, there are tons of body weight workouts available on YouTube that will put you through your paces. Just search for "body weight workout," and check a few of them out. I'm sure you'll find something that works for you.

    Hope this helps :)
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    My advice is find something you enjoy.

    That's a bit vague, I know. But if you really enjoy something and look forward to doing it on a regular basis you'll be consistent with it.

    There's plenty of stuff out there that will bring you along and improve certain physical aspects (speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, etc) depending on the activity.

    For instance, for improved endurance and running speed, you may consider something like C25K (may aggrevate your knee issues, or may help you build up slowly enough to help them...)

    For strength, a beginner's programme like Starting Strength or Stronglifts or All Pro's SBR would all be good choices (the weighted squats in these routines could help with your knees). Or you could try bodyweight stuff like Convict Conditioning and YAYOG. Or kettlebells (I recommend reading Pavel's work here)

    For a fun cardio burn, you may want to consider group classes like Zumba or [...] (it's not really my area of expertise to be honest!)

    For flexibility (and some strength) you may consider yoga or tai chi.

    For all round kickassness (some speed, some endurance, some strength, some flexibility) you may consider martial arts: kung fu, karate, aikido, muay thai, krav maga, etc..

    Also, don't forget all-time great activity increasing staples, like walking to work (or getting off the bus a few stops early), cycling places instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of the lift (or elevator if you're an American).

    The main thing is don't be afraid to try something. You may like it and start on a life-long love affair with it. You may hate it and never do it again. But you'll never know if you don't try.
  • rodduz
    rodduz Posts: 251 Member
    Try a circuit routine or something. If you're bored, definitely change things. I tend to change things after 8 weeks, 12 weeks definitely as I also get bored.
  • newlooknewme2014
    newlooknewme2014 Posts: 42 Member
    oooooooooo So many great suggestions! I'm excited! Thanks everyone! I'm definitely up for trying something new! See what this body can REALLY do! :D
  • foodequalshappy
    foodequalshappy Posts: 31 Member
    I started doing T25 5 weeks ago now and it has taken me from a few walks a day to fit enough to want to do a second dvd after the first 25 minutes. If you have knee trouble, I would advise that you do the modified version of it if you get it.
    I also started the hip hop abs which I found slightly disappointing. It's a bit like being stuck in an 80's nightclub.