Vegan w/ addiction to simple carbohydrates

Hello everyone,

I have been vegan for two years and vegetarian for seven years before that. My weight has fluctuated quite a bit over the past nine years. I am now at my heaviest of 160 pounds and I am looking to get back down to a healthy BMI. At my thinnest in my adult life, I was like maybe 120 pounds or less. I do not want to be that thin again because it is not realistic for me (I starved myself my first year of university to get to that weight). I think I would like to be around 135 pounds. So I am looking to lose 25 pounds. The most weight I have ever lost is 20 pounds and that took like 5 months and I was really committed to it. I tried to lose weight a couple times already this year but things kept getting in the way - I got sick with a lung infection and fell off the wagon, so to speak.

I am a teacher starting work in Sept., and just realized that b/c I gained 5-7 pounds recently my work clothes don't fit anymore. I even ordered a size 12 in something and it barely fit! And I was like WHAT because I used to wear a size 10 very comfortably.

My guilty pleasures are white pasta, french fries, bread, chips, etc. My game plan is to eat protein rich foods so that I do not starve. Until school starts, I am planning to eat approx. 1280 calories per day. Once I start working, I MAY have to change this if I find myself starving during the day. I have experienced the most long-term success when I focus only on my diet and not exercise strenuously.

So, right now my diet consists mostly of: Cliff Builder Bars (20g of protein!), Vega snack bars (yum), Amy's Gluten-Free/Dairy-Free Bean Burritos, Stonemill Bread, Vegan Lunch 'Meat' & Arthur's Fruit Smoothies - among other things...haha.

We'll see how long I last this time. :P


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you dont say how tall you are, but with 26lbs to lose, you can probably lose weight eating more than 1280 cals... that way you might stick to it longer too?
  • strawberrycoconut87
    strawberrycoconut87 Posts: 19 Member
    I am pretty short, 5'4, and I know I could lose weight eating a bit more, just at a slower pace - but I have not had much success with doing that in the past for whatever reason. But, I may readjust once I start working because I cannot let my diet distract me from my work.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am pretty short, 5'4, and I know I could lose weight eating a bit more, just at a slower pace - but I have not had much success with doing that in the past for whatever reason. But, I may readjust once I start working because I cannot let my diet distract me from my work.

    i'm an inch taller and 30lbs lighter and i lose on 1700 cals plus exercise cals... but you do what you feel works for you!