No money for clothes

I noticed that a lot of the posts are talking about losing the weight and the clothing not fitting anymore. I know we all want to go out an buy that brand new wardrobe but either money is tight right now or we want to wait until we get to our goal weight. I want to share a secret I have been using for about the past year. Its a yahoo group called Freecycle. Its great to receive items needed for the home or yourself and its also used to get rid of things in your home that you don't really want to throw out. Its perfect for keeping items out of the landfills and give to someone else in need. I'm posting this reluctantly because I don't want it to be sought as an advertisement but more of a helping hand. Its a free yahoo group and its nationwide. Here is the link and pray I don't get in trouble for posting it. Just trying to help in hard times.


  • canoekayak
    Yep I've heard of free cycle....good thing.
    Also you can go to goodwill and find great name brand clothes for super low prices...
  • nubreeze33
    that's sweet thanks for the info.
  • johnporcaro
    johnporcaro Posts: 76 Member
    I'm also a big fan of Goodwill (though even they can be expensive). Lately, I've been wearing my teenage boys' clothes. I went from XLs to Mediums, and they went from kids sizes to small to Medium. My teenage boy actually weighs just 20 lbs. less than I do (he's at my ideal weight, though he's probably 15-20 lbs. over his ideal weight). We've been working out together!

    Now, if they'll just quit borrowing my socks and underwear... ewwww....
  • remibaby
    I love Freecycle! I've given tons of things away and have received some pretty awesome things in return. Freecycle Rocks!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I love keeps me from getting over run with stuff lol I hate to throw anything away...

    Check local clothe closet and thrift stores they usually have some pretty good deals to..
  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    Value Village has `1/2 off clothing sales throughout the year. I got an entirely new wardrobe for $120. About 8 pairs of pants, and 13 shirts. Really Cool!!
  • lwyz_smln
    Thanks so much for the info! ^_^
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I saw a post from a fellow MFP person asking for cloths that were in a size I no longer fit into and I sent my old, gently used, cloths off to a new home. MFP freecycle. Woo Hoo.
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    I saw a post from a fellow MFP person asking for cloths that were in a size I no longer fit into and I sent my old, gently used, cloths off to a new home. MFP freecycle. Woo Hoo.

    Great idea! And what a way to encourage our "team members' to keep going...
  • fitgirl4life
    fitgirl4life Posts: 111 Member
    I have used Freecycle many times, it is a wonderful community and feels so good to help others out! :smile:
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    LOL too funny. I'm tall and big and my daughters are very small. I don't think we'll ever be able to share a wardrobe. LOL...Too funny but good for you man!
  • Mamaheatherhg
    To be honest I think that is wonderful that you are working out with your son. I have an 8yr old boy who I'm afraid that he'll grow up fat. Last yr he weighed 100lbs and everyone said he was fine, but I grew up fat and I was so afraid for him. He has lost weight since we moved out of my parents house and he is also on ADD meds so hate to say this but it's helped him out alot. He is still a little chunky but he is also still growing up and I want a better life for him and me. I just got to figure out how to get him to eat veggies.
  • oregon_mama
    oregon_mama Posts: 37 Member
    JOINED A FEW YEARS AGO AND I LOVE IT! I Have a bunch of jeans sitting in my closet that i cant wear. Never thought of free cycle.. GOOD IDEA! And if anyone reading this is interested in size 13,14,15 jeans let me know. Im looking for 9/10/11 FOR NOW. lol Hubby told me last night "crack kills" My pants were alittle too big. LOL:laugh: TO BAD I LIVE IN SUCH A SMALL TOWN THERE ISNT MUCH ACTIVITY ON OURS.