Meal plans for (low carb/sodium & low fiber/high calorie)

I'm trying to put together two different meal plans for my parents. I'd be so grateful if I was pointed in the right direction.

One has no colon and digestive issues. Also, b/c of the lack of colon everything runs through them.
*Can't eat very fibrous foods
*Too much bread/pasta causes him pain
*Can't eat much tomato sauce.
*Steak is hard on digestive system
* I think dairy may bother them too.
* A lot of processed foods bother them (i guess b/c of additives?)

The other was recently diagnosed with heart failure despite being really healthy (active lifestyle, walked 2hrs daily, eats healthy, doesn't smoke/drink) briskly walks the dog 2 hrs a day, stays active.)
* Needs diet low in sodium. I believe the doctor said no more than 1000 mg a day
* Eats low carb (they eat chia and flax) I'm trying to convince them to reintroduce oatmeal into their life.
* Minus cheese they don't eat dairy really (I know must cheeses have a fair amount of sodium though.)
* The cholesterol needs to be low as well.

Suggestions for meals? Snacks?


  • moodyfeesh14
    moodyfeesh14 Posts: 811 Member
    go to and that should help you also it sounds like high calories but nutrient dense foods are going to be best such as avocadoes and nuts. Look up avocado key lime pie and make a "crust" out of nuts in a food processor