Only ate 390 calories today!?! need help and advice



  • complicatedmoves
    complicatedmoves Posts: 84 Member
    Soup , Broth, or a Smoothie. Perhaps Mashed Potatoes , Something along those lines.
  • UsernameisNick
    When I had a root canal years ago my parents pushed the idea of eating baby food to help keep the veggie intake up and small meatballs I could swallow whole for protein. You want to avoid food that requires chewing or can break apart in your mouth as food particles can result in some serious damage to the area.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I had a root canal about 4 years ago when I broke one of my teeth while sleeping (I grind >.<). It sucked.

    I was unable to chew anything. So for nutrition, I stuck to whole milk and meal replacement shakes. Just until I was able to get the dental work a few days later. Get in there, asap.
  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    Quinoa Pudding?;prop24=SR_Thumb&amp;e11=quinoa pudding&amp;e8=Quick Search&amp;event10=1&amp;e7=Home Page&amp;soid=sr_results_p1i1

    I would find something that you can make work and make a plan and just soldier thru until the surgery. Most pain killers will wreak havoc on your stomach if you are not eating.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I had a root canal about 4 years ago when I broke one of my teeth while sleeping (I grind >.<). It sucked.

    I was unable to chew anything. So for nutrition, I stuck to whole milk and meal replacement shakes. Just until I was able to get the dental work a few days later. Get in there, asap.


    I did much better with cold foods when I was waiting to get in.
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    I ate ice cream when I had my wisdom teeth out, that sucked lasted over a week, like half of those small bluebunny cups for a meal. :/ It's really difficult finding the hunger to eat after stuff like that too though.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    When I had my wisdom teeth out my dentist recommended ice cream and Ensure or the like. I think I mostly had smoothies and protein shakes. And some ice cream.
  • Snoot911
    I would alternate ibuprofen and the pain killer. Cut the pain killer dose in half and eat small bland meals. Rice, vanilla pudding, mashed banana etc. As far as thirst with narcotics, the symptom is common. Drinking more water will help you avoid constipation. Good luck.
  • bohemian124
    bohemian124 Posts: 153 Member
    Maybe some meal replacement shakes, made without any ice?
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Your dentist should be able to give suggestions. I've broken my front teeth and drank lukewarm soup through a straw until I got to a dentist two days later (happened on a Saturday afternoon, couldn't see a Dentist until Monday). Champagne through a straw is also a possibility... I never did that or anything... :laugh:

    On a side note: If you need a root canal and a dentist has already determined that, you should have been given a prescription for a fairly strong antibiotic to start taking right away, regardless of how soon your appointment for a root canal is. Once you've been on the antibiotics for a few days, you should be experiencing little/no pain as the infection should be disspating. If you do still feel a little sensitivity, Orajel can help. I had a root canal on a tooth in the front of my mouth two years ago after an ancient filling from another dentist went too far into the pulp of the tooth and destroyed it over time. The procedure itself is painless so long as you've taken all of the antibiotics in advance before the procedure to eliminate the infection.

    I've had thousands of dollars worth of dental work done (accidents, braces, etc.). Hope that helps :)

    ETA: The suggestion for smoothies or shakes is very good. If you have a protein powder you like, mix it with a milk (I wouldn't use skim, you need the dietary fats if you can't eat anything else), and maybe try some sort of soft crackers/cookies that aren't too sweet - I know sweet stuff can irritate the tooth. Or find a yogurt you like, leave it at room temp for 45 mins or so to take some of the chill off.
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you so much. I need to buy a blender soon. I appreciate it a lot.