Hey MFP! N00b speaking. Any advice?

So I've had my account for a long time but I only started actively using it on Monday. I''m 20 years old and overweight for my height. I'm tired of not being able to wear the clothes I want and feeling unattractive. I've been able to keep on my calorie count pretty well for the past three days, in fact I eat very similarly to this normally - healthy whole grains, lots of fruits and veggies. So why am I overweight? Partly because I don't exercise, but also because I have crazy nighttime candy binges. Anyone have experience with these and how to stop?


  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    Can't help with the candy. That has never been my thing. Now, if I could have found an extra chicken fried steak at 1am, then there would be trouble.

    My advice would be to just keep logging your food. There is so much you can learn about what you are eating if you log everything. Things will surprise you. I found foods that I thought were ok that were really terrible. And, things that I thought were bad that really weren't.

    For me anyway, having an awareness of what I was eating really opened my eyes and helped me to change some behaviors.

    Best of Luck!!! I think you will really like the site and the people.

  • RoyaDee
    RoyaDee Posts: 43
    Thanks for your advice =)
  • ksmoses
    hi, I have a job that very rarely gives me the chance to eat supper so when i get home i am so hungery . I have been choosing healthy meals but I also have that snack attack too , so i pre bagged (snack size) cut veggies, all kindas and also drink cold water or have a cup of decafe coffee with my favorite suger free creamer. I like the dried fruit too pineapple dried is super sugery.
  • RoyaDee
    RoyaDee Posts: 43
    mmm, the dried fruit sounds great, thanks ksmoses!
  • Cmsl90
    Cmsl90 Posts: 16
    I have been an active MFP since early January. I did well my first week but then since I have been juggling 1 pound loss with 1 pound gain. If you are ONLY looking at the calories try including how much sodium you are taking in. I started watching sodium intake and in one day with staying under sodium goal I lost 1 1/2 pounds...eventually I will need to look at everything to watch but one at a time for a couple of weeks seems to be making it easier. Jello makes some pretty goo sugarfree puddings that you may be able to use as a snack but try drinking water or coffee and premade veggie snack bags as KSMOSES said. Taking the time to premake everything into portion sizes helps!!!
  • TopKat
    TopKat Posts: 13 Member
    I have been an active MFP since early January. I did well my first week but then since I have been juggling 1 pound loss with 1 pound gain. If you are ONLY looking at the calories try including how much sodium you are taking in. I started watching sodium intake and in one day with staying under sodium goal I lost 1 1/2 pounds...

    That is quite interesting I may have to look at that also as I now too much salt cause water retention and hense weight gain.

    Im not much into candy, my vice is wine and the like, i have taken to getting sparkling water too now so I can alternate. Tracking REALLY does help and if you plan before you eat you have th option to change your mind.
  • jerseynegrita06
    jerseynegrita06 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm a sugar fiend too. Yesterday I bought a movie theater sized box of milk duds and told the person riding in the car with me that I was going to eat only one...I ate the whole box before we got out of the parking lot, lol. I loooove chocolate. Every time I eat any kind of candy I log it right away. That lets me know how many calories I've consumed and if I'm in the red I go and work out! Eat your candy, but stay out of the red!
  • RoyaDee
    RoyaDee Posts: 43
    Thanks jerseynegrita06 & gowdiek! Truly thankful for everyone's advice =)
  • hmfishy
    hmfishy Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there! I'm a sweet tooth too! I work well with bribes, so something I'm going to try is logging my "treat" in the morning, then at the end of the day I earn it with calories, and if I go over in calories, I can always forgo the treat. Someone here in MFP land suggested it, I think it could work! good luck regardless!
  • jerseynegrita06
    jerseynegrita06 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi there! I'm a sweet tooth too! I work well with bribes, so something I'm going to try is logging my "treat" in the morning, then at the end of the day I earn it with calories, and if I go over in calories, I can always forgo the treat. Someone here in MFP land suggested it, I think it could work! good luck regardless!

    I like that! I'm going to try that b/c I've been in the red two days in a row, even after exercise =(