New, need to lose 28lbs - need help, support and friends!

Hiya! I'm Lizzie, I have a way to go to be back to where I was happy (around 136-140lbs)
Long story, but being unable to run for over a year has meant I have gained lots of weight, and need need need to get back... I have being 'trying' since Jan.... :-(

So, anyone who wants to add me, please do, I am interested in those who also binge eat / emotionally eat / runners/ lifters / and genera positive people who will hunt me down and make me accountable!

For info I am 158cms tall (just less than 5'3), quite muscular build but always very flabby, even when very fit) and 32 yrs old. Currently 168lbs (urghhh)

:-) x


  • sweetsoonergirl
    sweetsoonergirl Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Lizzie,
    I too am needing support to get back on track. I've been an emotional eater myself. A year ago father's day, my dad was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. He went through a bone marrow transplant last September and was doing really good. But then, he had a blood infection which caused his immune system to become severely depressed and then the leukemia came back. He ended up receiving more stem cells last March but then his immune system got to weak and he kept battling infections for the last 2 months of his life. It was a roller coaster of him trying to get better but then going down south over and over. He passed away in May.

    I have felt my energy drain easily and though I'm trying to live as normal life as possible, I still miss him and always will. But I know as long as God has me here, I have to do whatever possible to take care of this body I've been given.

    I'm 28 y.o.; 5'7" and weigh 157 lbs. I'm medium built and have most of my muscle in my legs, probably from years of bicycle riding with my parents. My goal is between 140-145 lbs with a lean, muscle healthy build. I would just like to get toned up and have the motivation to not eat so much.

    I feel like I always have an appetite and it's not good for trying to get back into being healthy. Gotta go back to the basics of eating high protein foods along with fresh fruits and veggies. Just need to cut out the sweets some. That's my weakness, esp chocolate.
  • rose204
    rose204 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey guys feel free to add me, I joined a while ago and didn't have internet so it just went to waste. I'm back on as of today and will be logging in a few times a day.
    I have a HUGE amount to lose more than most if not all of you so will be here for quite a while lol but determined and taking it 1lb at a time.
    Would be great to have some new friends on here and support each other!

    Oh and emotional/stress/binge eating... Yup I hear ya! So me! So over it... But it's hard isn't it :/
  • CandyCrusherAddictLyss
    Good Morning Lizzy,

    My name is Alyssa. I have 25 pounds left and having some problems losing my last 25 pounds. I honestly don't know what more I can do to fix it myself...
  • macfaydengirl
    macfaydengirl Posts: 26 Member
    Hello Lizzie, and everyone else :-). We're of similar height and have roughly the same amount of pounds to lose too. I'm an emotional eater in the sense that in times of stress food is a clutch and provides ready comfort. However, I'm trying to retrain this destructive thinking pattern. I have been down the road of losing and gaining weight again one two many times and would like for it to stick this time. I'll send a friend request your way. If others like, they could add me too. x
  • SairaJ28
    Hi, I'm 5'2 and am also aiming to lose 28 lbs. I have just started this week and could do with some more friends on here.
    I was 169 lbs last year, I managed to lose 38 lbs, but gained some back due to binge eating. I thought after a year of no binge eating I was past that, but unfortunately not.
  • lizchic82
    lizchic82 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi all, thanks for your replies...hopefully there will always be someone around for us to help each other on, even at our worst points...

    Well, the good news is, I just weighed myself and I am actually 160lbs not 168 - bloody doctors old fashioned scales, I thought that was a little bit excessive!! Phew... still a way to go, but hey, less than I thought!

    So 20lbs to lose. 16 til I am back where I have been the majority of the last 5 years, but 22lbs til I am at the lowest I have been for the last few years... under that would be great, but I am realistic...

    Story is, I was around 165lbs for years til I did Cambridge diet after I had y daughter, so 5.5 yrs ago. I lost 3 stone, down to 133lbs but mainly stayed around 137lbs. I looked good at this weight.

    I then maintained the majority of the time around 144lbs (10st 4) and fluctuated between 10 st 2 and 10st 6.

    Always felt like I needed to lose half a stone though whilst at this weight.

    During the last 4 years I have been an avid runner, running 30 miles a week, plus weight training. I then got plantar fasciitis last May, after my last marathon, and had just started running again in September when I veru badly sprained my ankle. 4 months later I began running gently again, only to get plantar fasciitis in the other foot. I have had it ever since since january this year). I have had every treatment available, it will take time to heal, and there is the chance that I will not be able to run regularly again, for a very long time.

    I piled on a stone in weight between spraining my ankle, and feb this year, and have not been able to lose it, not matter how hard I've tried. I have taken up road cycling, spin and swimming, as well as my weight training. I miss running hugely, as it was my social network too, but have found that cycling and the gym is easing some of that pain.

    I just feel tired mostly. Tired of always having to battle, every single day with my weight, my desire to eat and my inability to have one day off without losing the plot.

    The majority of the the food I eat and like is very healthy clean food, but occasionally I get silly, an think I can get away with something, and obviously I can't. I am a compulsive eater (I could eat all day long, I have no 'off' button, and I enjoy the act of eating. I also always feel like I need to fill a hole, or soothe myself... this is the part that needs addressing.

    So hey, thats me, my story, and hopefully we can help each other get closer to where we want to be. If anyone has experience weight loss hypnotherapy give me a shout. I'll update you all when I get booked in for my first session!!