Too much healthy carbs per day? Vegetarian!!

I've recently signed up for this website, and already posted a question yesterday and had some great feedback thanks guys.
But so far, i've figured out, using online apps etc, that the majority of my food intakes is made up of carbs (ranging from 250 to 300 grams a day). This is made up of mostly fruits and veggies, and wheats etc. It doesn't come from unhealthy food, however i'm curious whether or not i should be worried about the extent of my daily intake? Should i cut down?
On top of that, i find it hard to consume enough protein (55g) because i am veggie, however my fat intake is usually around 50grams per day.

Any thoughts, thanks?


  • Kristafischer70
    Kristafischer70 Posts: 11 Member
    That's way too many carbs! Are you trying to lose weight or just maintain? Veggies have a lot of fiber, are you subtracting the fiber counts from the carb count? I never go above 20 net carbs a day. Yesterday I was at 7 carbs which is quite low, just trying to get past a stall..
  • OllyJ_79
    OllyJ_79 Posts: 126 Member
    As 'normal' balanced diet is usually 50-55% carbs, 30-25% fat, 20-15% protein. As carbs and protein are both 4cal/g and fat is 9cal/g it depends on what your calorie amount is for the day, and your weight. Usually you would aim for around 1g protein per kg body weight. You need fat so as your body is able to absorb vitamins etc.

    Eating fat does not make you fat. Eating too many calories does that.
  • OllyJ_79
    OllyJ_79 Posts: 126 Member
    That's way too many carbs! Are you trying to lose weight or just maintain? Veggies have a lot of fiber, are you subtracting the fiber counts from the carb count? I never go above 20 net carbs a day. Yesterday I was at 7 carbs which is quite low, just trying to get past a stall..

    Low carb is not necessary for losing weight, a calorie deficit is the only requirement. Unless you have been advised by a medical professional to limit your intake, you should still be getting enough carbs, otherwise you will have low energy levels, especially if you exercise. I maintained 55% carbs and lost 14 pounds in a bit over 8 weeks.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    That's way too many carbs! Are you trying to lose weight or just maintain? Veggies have a lot of fiber, are you subtracting the fiber counts from the carb count? I never go above 20 net carbs a day. Yesterday I was at 7 carbs which is quite low, just trying to get past a stall..
    How can you know that? The OP didn't list their height and weight, activity level, anything. I lose weight just quite consistently never taking carbs below 250.

    OP more info please. How tall are you, what do you weigh, what is your activity level like?
  • adampierce142
    adampierce142 Posts: 27 Member
    Imy aim is to lose a bit of weight - mainly stomach and chest area, other than that i'm relatively thin. I do run 3.5 miles 6 times per week.
    I'm not sure how much weight i want to lose, but my aim for now is to cut, then gradually start bulking at the gym in a few months time.
    However i am really struggling with the food intake side of things. what sort of food to consume etc, how many calories, the balance ratio between carbs/fat/protein. It's making me rather anxious. I've cut my calories intake significantly, not sure by how much though, aiming to eat anything between 1500 - 2000 per day; this in itself is a bit of a struggle too.
    I feel lost and wanting to get things on track.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    What do you weigh?
  • Coolhandkid
    Coolhandkid Posts: 84 Member
    Sugar in fruit = sugar in ice cream. You will get far more out of the fruit in terms of vitamins and minerals but the sugar is the sugar.

    Also, 55 grams of protein is just not enough. Being a vegetarian certainly makes things more difficult but you can supplement protein pretty easily. Whey protein shakes, etc are pretty much everywhere now. Find SOME way to get more balance. A great portion of us here try to get as many grams of protein as carbs.

    Mostly though what you are missing is a goal. What are you trying to accomplish? Losing weight? Gaining muscle?

    Edit: holy cow, I thought I was going to be the first to respond and got sidetracked.
  • adampierce142
    adampierce142 Posts: 27 Member
    I weight about 175 pounds, i realize that i am not overweight by any means, i just would like to cut stomach and chest fat.
  • kessler4130
    kessler4130 Posts: 150 Member
    You need at the very least 0.8 grams of protein per lb of lean body mass, what you would weight at 0% body fat or you are going to start metabolizing muscle.

    Please watch this video.
  • KatrineJensen
    KatrineJensen Posts: 75 Member
    I'd probably focus on getting enough protein from nuts, beans, dairy, eggs, etc. and enough fat from nuts, seeds, oils, avocados etc. as well, and let carbs make up the rest. I don't think the amount of carbs you eat is important as long as you get enough protein and fat, and also maintain a calorie deficit. :)
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'd try to make an effort to up protein just now or you're going to be struggling when you decide to bulk. At leat if you find some good sources just now you'll just be able to eat more of them later on.

    Do you eat eggs and dairy? I'm not really that clued up on vegetarian sources but maybe there are some vegetarian groups on here, that could give you ideas?
  • idmalone
    idmalone Posts: 66 Member
    Try to think of percentages or at least share your height/ weight/ calorie goal because grams vary widely depending on who you are. To lose weight you only need a calorie deficit. However to stay healthy you need the full range of nutrients and a balanced diet. There is no problem getting enough protein in a vegetarian diet at all. You can get protein from: Beans, Lentils, Greek yoghurt, dairy products, eggs if you eat them although I realise not all vegetarians do, pseudograins such as wheat barley and rye and corn (the whole versions not processed, tofu, tempeh, avocado, nuts and seeds. Throw almonds and chia seeds into your salads and morning oatmeal, eat greek yoghurt, add tofu to your dinner, have a salad with a mix of chick peas, beans and lentils and some avocado... If you have time nut out a few days eating plan and check for the protein amount in each plant based food. You might be surprised. As an example, if you do eat dairy, you don't necessarily need to add protein powders - a glass of milk (not low-fat as the fat assists in the body absorbing calcium) has 1.3g of protein, add 2 tbsp of peanut butter (8g) and a banana (1g) you have a whopping 10.3g of protein in your smoothie...

    Even your leafy greens have protein, so I suspect you are eating more protein than you realise. Everyone here follows their own weight loss plan so I am not intending to preach. I just know from experience (I eat vegetarian 4 days per week) that it is not actually impossible to get the right amount in and maintain healthy lean mass.

    Oh gosh just edited as the thread grew while I was pondering - if you are trying to maintain/ bulk up then shakes might be your best bet. If you can afford it, consult a registered nutritionist, it will likely save you a ton of agony and anxiousness.
  • gail1961
    gail1961 Posts: 111 Member
    I am also a vegetarian and I lost 15 pounds, but it took about 20 weeks. I couldn't get enough protein and carbs averaged 70% a day!!! I am also a 52 year old female. I really tried to up the protein and ditch more carbs.
    That's way too many carbs! Are you trying to lose weight or just maintain? Veggies have a lot of fiber, are you subtracting the fiber counts from the carb count? I never go above 20 net carbs a day. Yesterday I was at 7 carbs which is quite low, just trying to get past a stall..

    Low carb is not necessary for losing weight, a calorie deficit is the only requirement. Unless you have been advised by a medical professional to limit your intake, you should still be getting enough carbs, otherwise you will have low energy levels, especially if you exercise. I maintained 55% carbs and lost 14 pounds in a bit over 8 weeks.
  • Coolhandkid
    Coolhandkid Posts: 84 Member
    If you are happy with your weight at 175 but want to get rid of fat it sounds like you want to build muscle in its stead. This is going to require PROTEIN and lots of it, at least a lot more than you have been getting. Several people have given solid advice on where to find some veggie protein.

    Use this calculator to set your nutritional goals as far as calories and where you get those calories from:

    Just being aware of what you need to do is an enormous first step I didn't have for a long time.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Half your food should be fruits and veggies, even for regular diets, so there will usually be some carbs in there. I do not worry about anything when it comes to fruits and veggies. There is enough to worry about! You need some carbs, just to live. Fruits and veggies are a great place to get them, IMO.

    I'm not a vegetarian, but I know that many get everything they need in their diets, while some take supplements for iron or whathaveyou. There are many websites to assist you in staying healthy while staying true to your ideals. Check with the doctor, too. They'll let you know if you're low on something and need a supplement. :)
  • loveless_me
    loveless_me Posts: 115 Member
    OP I am also a vegetarian, I am 4ft 11 and 50% of my diet is carbs, I eat between 150 to 175 grams carbs a day, and I also struggle to get enough protein. But there are ways to do it. I have a delicious soup recipe that has lots of protein in it and is low in carbs.
    Add me as a friend if you like.
    Also soya burgers are so yummy, easy to cook, and high in protein while low in carbs. Yum yum yum. Is a nice easy meal.
    Also beans are good, there are plenty of recipes that contain beans.