How to Start off Lifting Weights

Hello, all!

So, I want to start including lifting weights with my C25K (which I love!) but I don't know where to begin. I've googled it about 8 million times but they seem to contradict each other? As well as not have the specific answers I need.

So, to start, I can just manage lifting a 10 pound kettlebell 12 times with each arm. I cannot do more; is it too heavy? Should I go with a lighter weight and lift it 20 times?

Is there a difference between lifting something light more times, or is it better to lift something heavy fewer times?

What kettlebell leg workouts can I do at home? Anyone's that will help my jogging performance?

I'm a woman and would like advice from other ladies, but men are welcome to answer as well!

Thanks in advance!
