Finally getting a gym membership soon

I'm a 21 y/o 5'2 127 lbs female. My goal weight is 115 and eventually down to 110-105. I want to start running on the treadmill first but my endurance and stamina pretty much sucks and I have to rest after 2-3 minutes of jogging 4mph. I want to do this for an hour a day for 4 times a week, but what other exercises should I be doing at the gym starting out?

Ladies who are around my stats and have gotten down to 115, can you give me a weekly plan of exercises that you did?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    strength training will be very beneficial. squatting, kettlebell swings, pushups, bench press, overhead press, lat pull downs, etc all of these are good.

    also is there any particular reason why you want to increase your endurance? do you want to run/bike/swim a race ?
  • vicorsy
    vicorsy Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe endurance wasn't the correct term, I just want to increase my stamina and run for a long time without stopping! I may look into the treadmill C25K plan. And thank you for the advice, I'll look into strength training.