Friends please! PCOS, Depression, Binging.

Hi there,

Looking at getting involved in the community, starting a blog and aiming to get better.

Well I'm 21, a student in New Zealand and have about 30kgs to lose.

I suffer from PCOS, Binge eating and depression so would really love some friends to help me heal and stay on track! If you have any experience in theses areas, please add me and share your knowledge!


  • FreeSpiritedAries
    I honestly have no experience in this area, but if you ever feel like talking, feel free to reach out to me!
  • fixlifex
    Thank you, just supportive friends to help me reach weight loss goals is all i need atm :)
  • erkerns
    erkerns Posts: 27 Member
    I have PCOS. Have had depression in the past. Used to be a binger - much better now! I've lost almost 60 lbs and the symptoms of PCOS have subsided - I was able to go off of birth control pills and have had regular periods for a year now :)

    I'll add you!
  • fixlifex
    Wow erkens! what an inspiration!
  • pechepanda
    pechepanda Posts: 7,939 Member
    me too,
    though having someone hold you accountable for binging and why you binge really helps,
    and having someone motivate you to work out and finding fun ways to work out
  • hayleykayshh
    hayleykayshh Posts: 10 Member
    I myself am new to this site, just started yesterday.
    I too have PCOS.. I don't know much about how to deal with it. Also I have depression and binge eat as well. I've stopped binge eating and have been working on my depression through spiritual work.. live like the Buddhists do. Kind of. A lot of it is just in the mind and if you work on it depression becomes easier to handle. I won't lie I still have days where I don't even want to get out of bed but I kick myself in the butt and make myself do it and then I feel better. Positive affirmations is the easiest thing to start with. I don't know where your depression stems from or what triggers it but personally every morning when I wake up I look at myself in the mirror and say things like "I can achieve greatness. I love and accept myself for who I am. My body is healthy, my mind is brilliant, my soul is tranquil. I believe I can do anything I put my mind to. My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite. Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones." it seems a bit silly but I promise you after a while it will feel natural and good. It starts a positive thought chain instead of negative. Hope this helps =]

    I will add you. and to anyone else feel free to add me. :flowerforyou:
  • fixlifex
    Thanks Hayley,.

    I find it hard getting my head around the positive affirmations. But i will definitely try it out and like you said i should start to see the differences.

    How did you overcome binging! i was doing so well and now i've started it up again.. i suppose trying to only have limited amounts of food around might help.

    Thanks for the add, it will be great to have you around!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hm..I was once diagnosed bi-polar. Put on more than one type of anti-depressant and mood stabilizer. I took myself off all those meds ( extremely hard not recommending ). After going 2 years without a cycle went to a new doctor who diagnosed the PCOS and put me on Metformin. **A life changer for me. I lost 67 lbs in 9 months and overcame the pre-diabetes.

    I had a lot of anger back then that I contribute to the overload of male hormones. I'm wondering now if this is what you going through?

    As for the bingeing mine were usually sweets or carb related. Since I don't want to take insulin shots in my future I use diet drinks, splenda, whole wheat breads, smart sense pasta, quinoa, and allow myself things like the russle stover sugar free candy, frozen fat free yogurt or a smart ones dessert.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I have PCOS and the depression & binging comes with it. I"m 47 and started a Ketogenic diet back in March and have lost 24 lbs and for the first time EVER I've had 28 day cycles for the last 4 months. My mood is completely better & I feel like a huge fog has been lifted. Check out this video. DOn' t be freaked out by the title -"how to get pregnant "lol. it has a lot of great info
  • Tal_Kyrte
    Tal_Kyrte Posts: 38 Member
    I will add you as well. I've had long bouts of depression in the past, which lead me to become an emotional eater. My doctor thought that I might have PCOS a few months ago, but the ultrasound turned up clean.

    The number one thing I can say to you is that you need to heal yourself emotionally first. For a long time, I struggled with my weight. I had an unhealthy fixation with it, which lead me to starve myself, binge, try fad diets, and binge again. I couldn't lose weight because my perception of myself was so skewed. I had to get help for my depression and allow myself to heal. You also have to love yourself, no matter what your size. Without appreciating your body, you'll never be able to lose weight successfully. You have to learn to be ok with cellulite, love handles, or whatever imperfections you possess. This teaches you to not tie up your self worth in your physical attractiveness. Think about all the amazing thing your body can do. Right now. Name them. Name things you love about yourself. Keep doing this until you believe it full-heartedly.

    And always remember that losing weight is not a cure all for everything going on in your life. I blamed my weight for my failures at school, work, and relationships. I thought that if I was a size two, my depression and failures would evaporate. That won't happen. Only you can save yourself from depression. You can't just 'snap out of it' but you can take time to heal and grow and move forward. It will get better, and there will be a time when you cannot believe how happy you've become. I promise. :flowerforyou:
  • RachelSteeners
    RachelSteeners Posts: 249 Member
    Hello neighbour! :wink:

    I have chronic depression and have taken meds for over 15 years to treat it... I don't have the other issues but I'm happy to provide support :flowerforyou:
  • hayleykayshh
    hayleykayshh Posts: 10 Member
    Well binging is difficult because it can be triggered by so many emotional things and also if you're lacking certain nutrients I think your body will try to compensate. Just try to keep a balanced diet and try to only have healthy foods around if you can help it. or hide the not so healthy foods in the back. binging for me was a power struggle with my mind.. a huge war. It wasn't easy but it is so so very worth it. One thing is don't beat yourself up for eating one thing bad because that could trigger you to give up and eat a bunch of stuff. count your calories and make yourself responsible for it. (I'm really one to talk when I hardly ever get ENOUGH calories now) Also, try to keep the food out of sight so that it won't trigger you to eat. and don't graze! I was a huge grazer I would just eat constantly all day then by the end of the day I would eat a huge serving of whatever dinner was then go on grazing. that was when I was at my heaviest and I felt awful. Another trick may be to not watch tv.. because I know every other commercial or even more often is food. at least that's how it is in America, I'm not sure where you are from. But I'm sure their mind programming tv is similar. Unfortunately. There's a lot of little things you can do to keep the triggers down. but when it comes down to it is self control. because there will always be temptations. Good luck. I wish you the best on your journey =]
  • fixlifex
    Thank you everyone! Feeling a bit more confident in myself and my journey :)
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I have PCOS as well. Feel free to add me.
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    Welcome! I also have PCOS - feel free to add me!
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    I've no issues with the problems that you have but I'm here if you ever need anything we all need support some time
  • Ange0490
    I will add you. I too have PCOS and depression. Binging just kind of comes with that package I guess.