
I am looking for info on smoothies. Pros and cons? I am looking for a way to get more fruit and veggies in, but I need it to be palatable. I would live to be able to drink the real healthy smoothies, but not sure how they taste? Has anyone had success with these? I was thinking I would start trying these for breakfast. Since these are liquid, does your brain recognize the calories?


  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    The only con I can think of is just juicing the fruit and getting none of the pulp but I dont know if I would count that as a smoothie.

    As for taste it depends on what fruits you like?

    I prefer bananas in mine because when I dont I dont seem to be as full. Depending on how much fruit I have I do between 250-350mL of skim milk 1-2 bananas(2 if medium size) maybe 5 large strawberries or 100g blueberries. Ive thought about doing grapes not sure how that would turn out. Some people add kale to theirs as well or other dark greens or add nuts etc. You can find lots of recipes online for some. If I am having it instead of a meal or right before/after a workout I add some whey protein to it.
    Milk 180 cal, bananas 200, 40 strawberreis, protein powder 100 for around 500 calories.

    I did just protein shake smoothies for a couple days(prior to coming to this site) and lost a couple pounds and never gained it back and I felt a bit more energetic(maybe cuz I had more fruit than usual).

    Yes your brain recognizes the calories. And I heard of a study about 2 years ago in the UK where 100 soldiers were given a roast dinner(with everything) and some water and 100 were given the same but as a smoothie(which sounds awful) and the first group felt hungry within an hour where the other felt full for a few hours. That was due to the water being absorbed faster in the first and causing the stomach to shrink fast telling them they were hungry. So a smoothie should keep you fuller longer, or at least it does for me.
  • akgreen324
    akgreen324 Posts: 74 Member
    I make smoothies almost daily and have them for lunch just because they are so easy and mine come out to like 435 cals (but great for you cals). And yes, your brain recognizes the cals. I have made some horrible smoothies not gonna lie. But I think I have got it down now. I buy a lot of amazing meal/amazing grass (whole foods only like a dollar per small packet) which have a full serving of veggies in them. I honestly would only juice to have a healthy drink, not as a smoothie because it strips the veggies and fruits of their natural fibers which help fill you up in the end.

    This is my go to smoothie:

    1 cup almond milk
    1 scoop protein powder
    1 cup frozen fruit mix (right now I do mango, strawberries and pineapple because it tastes awesome)
    One packet amazing grass
    2 tblspoons flax seed
    1 tblspoon chia seeds
    1 cup spinach

    I use a ninja. Works great.

    Hope this helps!:drinker: <---smoothies:laugh: :laugh:
  • ActiveYouth
    Hi there,

    I love smoothies and have been making them for more than 6 years...

    The trick is to go by your taste buds. Put the basic veg in like cucumber, celery, carrots...

    Then sweeten to your taste with fruits like apples, kiwis, mango, pineapple, etc

    If one apple isn't sweet enough just add more, for example.

    Remember to prevent rotting teeth by adding something green as in leafy greens before adding fruit to taste.

    I have only been to the dentist once in five years for a check up and my teeth are fine.

    Hope thus helps
  • casey1053
    casey1053 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone, this was very helpful!
  • casey1053
    casey1053 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the info, I'll give it a try
  • casey1053
    casey1053 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks so much!