I cant lose weight without "starving" myself



  • courtneysusername
    courtneysusername Posts: 5 Member
    I think that I should. I completely forgot how your thyroid can effect your weight. My mother is a thyroid cancer survivor and was pregnant with me whwn she was told she had cancer. Thank you for reminding me of this!
  • Losing weight probably won't make your performance in sports any better - at the weight you're at, you haven't got much to lose but muscle mass. Your performance will only get worse. As far as self-confidence goes, losing weight won't make it better. Honestly. You'll feel good about yourself for a little while, but then you'll feel the need to lose more. And more. And more. It's not a long-term solution.
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    Ok, if it's body image I recommend strength training but I cannot recommend any weight loss techniques. Your weight is at the low end of healthy and your body fat percentage (if accurate) is just above the "essential fat" range for a woman (essential fat is the fat that your body must have to survive and much lower than you are is detrimental to your health).

    I do advise you speak to your doctor about these issues as well.

    Good luck.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I used an online body fat % calculator. I ended up with 13.34% but the website disclaimed that this measurement was only an estimate and could vary +/- 3% (I beleive it could vary much more) I am 5"6.5 at my highest height (when measured soon after I wake up in the morning). My weight will range from 116 lbs ( in the morning after a healthy previous day) to 122 lbs (at the end of the day after eating heavily/ drinking lots of water) I am usualy 118. I play seasonal soccer and hockey as well as working out at least 2x a week. I will usualy jog, do strength training (focusing on my upper legs/butt/abs) I also attend a yoga/palates class at least once a week.
    You don't need to lose any weight!!!
    You are at the low end of normal.
  • nosuchthingassin
    nosuchthingassin Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there I'm no professional and I'm certainly not your doctor, but your issue sounds like something a lot of women in my family struggle with, the worst yet being my younger sister (who insisted she needed to lose weight starting with behaivor like this and then eventually ending up in inpatient treatment for anorexia at a childrens hospital).
    If you're trying to get fit for sports, you should be doing fine on a medium-high calorie diet (especially if you're young and 5'6 and already down to 122 lbs) when you put yourself in a starvation diet (anything lower than your BMR which is over 1200, and BMR is what your body would burn in a coma, let alone moving around doing sports) your body will cling to every calorie it can get its hands on and it won't let you burn anything off,and itll hold water weight like crazy. Not only that but you get brittle bones and irregular heartbeats and all sorts of other issues. You might not think you have anorexia now, but obsessing and restricting like this is what leads to it.
    I don't want to chastise you or anything, so I'm sorry if it comes off that way. I've just seen too many women get hurt starting off stuff like this. Feel free to add/message me if you ever need help or to talk or anything at all.
  • jptrgrl1111
    jptrgrl1111 Posts: 10 Member
    Like everyone else, I agree that you must weigh and measure your food in order to get accurate calorie & nutrient counts. Also you say you are eating a lot of fruit, chocolate & cookies. These are all high in sugars which could be causing your insulin levels to be spiking. Try one week, a full 7 days, without these items but eating 1000-1200 calories (weighed and measured!) and see if your results are any different. Stick to proteins and green veggies for the week. If you don't see results then definitely go see your doctor. Keep in mind that chocolates and cookies, while they SHOULD be allowed to be a part of the food pyramid unfortunately are not and need to be treated as "treats" and not staple items especially while you're trying to lose weight. It sucks. I'm sorry. I love them too!!
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    I was eating an average of 1000- 1200 cals a day and was slowly gaining weight. I tried cutting down to 700 calories and I was able to maintain my weight.

    Unless you're 4'2", your calorie counting is completely broken. 700 calories is less than concentration camp victims were being fed, it is physically impossible for an adult to eat that little and not lose weight.

    You are eating more than you think. A lot more.

    And you know this how, Mr . Knight
    That someone of 4'2 height requires 700cals??
    Good to know :ohwell:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I was eating an average of 1000- 1200 cals a day and was slowly gaining weight. I tried cutting down to 700 calories and I was able to maintain my weight.

    Unless you're 4'2", your calorie counting is completely broken. 700 calories is less than concentration camp victims were being fed, it is physically impossible for an adult to eat that little and not lose weight.

    You are eating more than you think. A lot more.

    And you know this how, Mr . Knight
    That's someone of 4'2 height requires 700cals??
    Good to know :ohwell:
    The point is the shorter/smaller you are, the less your BMR and TDEE are. To think you gain weight on 1000 calories and that you must eat 700 calories to lose weight is a very extreme.
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member

    The point is the shorter/smaller you are, the less your BMR and TDEE are. To think you gain weight on 1000 calories and that you must eat 700 calories to lose weight is a very extreme.

    Exactly...which is what Ive tried over & over to explain to those that think that I at 4'2 should be eating what they are eating!
    Although 700 is not right either :ohwell:
    That's what someone would call under estimating!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    The point is the shorter/smaller you are, the less your BMR and TDEE are. To think you gain weight on 1000 calories and that you must eat 700 calories to lose weight is a very extreme.

    Exactly. Virtually all the advice being offered in this thread is useless, because the OP is not eating what she is claiming she is eating.