insanity day 2...

Comments so far: The fit test hurt!
Anybody else just started I think I'm going to need moral support!


  • formylover
    formylover Posts: 34 Member
    hi! i'm starting p90X on monday ( did a bit of insanity this week but to mucch cardio and i'm no a sport person so i'm starting with p90x then i will do insanity once my muscles get used to the effort)

    Are you taking car of you body right ? or else sore muscles might you !

    I would love it if we motivated one another ^^

  • Day 2 done! I feel this is an achievement in itself! I sweated, I swore and at the 13minutes to go point just lay on the mat "for a bit"! Level 1 drills totally beyond me ATM but its only day2 and some on those guys looked bad too! All pain sharing gratefully received Sarah!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    hi! i'm starting p90X on monday ( did a bit of insanity this week but to mucch cardio and i'm no a sport person so i'm starting with p90x then i will do insanity once my muscles get used to the effort)

    Are you taking car of you body right ? or else sore muscles might you !

    I would love it if we motivated one another ^^


    Insanity is cardio, while p90x is more strength based, so one won't particularly prepare you for the other.
  • It is one of the tougher workouts out there. I did it last year and yes its draining. I couldn't do pushups but I did modified ones. I couldn't do the jumps and slap your knees so I modified it.

    Be sure to modify it for your ability right now. All that jumping around and fast moving can strain you if you are not used to it.

    There is also T25 which is 25 min long and there is a person there that shows the modified version of the workout. The original Insanity does not show any modified versions.

    Just listen to your body. Drink plenty of water.
  • witsend79
    witsend79 Posts: 19 Member
    Well done on day 2. You'll definitely start to find bits of it easier though pressing play may get trickier! It's definitely worth it, honestly.
  • Pressing 'play' was tough today! I could def feel it in my calves today when I woke up but I did it: day 3 done!! I'm struggling with lots of the exercises but I guess the amount I'm sweating it must be doing me good!
  • clamoru
    clamoru Posts: 15 Member

    I started Insanity one week ago and as I was needing moral support , I decided start to use myfitnesspal. Alot of people here have been doing Insanity , so here you can find answers to all the questions you could make. I am not an expert and I am just starting to do Insanity, but I after one week of pain, I am learning to love the exercise program. You just keep you going even when sometimes you feel you could
  • Day 4...cadio recovery
    Actually found this really tough, I just couldn't 'hold' the positions for long. However I have to admit I feel much better ( less aches) from doing it....I'm really hoping as you all suggest the mental battle gets easier!