I'm a sad panda

I posted a blog about this but I'm so sad about it, I guess I will post here too..

In the back of my mind, I knew vodka and other alcohol, like Jack Daniels (my favorite) had calories. I was telling myself it was only..oh.. 2 calories per bottle LOL.. yeah.. I know.. but can't a man dream??

Vodka has 64.22 PER OUNCE. >:(

I'm pretty sure Jack Daniels has MORE..


I can give up my favorite hamburger, fries, milkshakes and all that..

I can exercise my *kitten* off

but do I have to give up drinking too??

This makes me wanna sing a country song :(


  • mmelaniewalters
    no , u dont have to give it up .. u just have to "earn it " so go work off some calories to allow for a proper drinky sesh :) x
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    i love wine, and i wont even tell you how many calories are in a glass of that. but if you save it as a reward for when you reach a small goal it will be that much better. I'm saving my bottle of wine for my birthday next month. =) stay strong and you can do it. :wink:
  • cookiejones
    Nooooo, don't sing a country song. Nothing can be that bad. :P
  • hannahncakes
    Just be glad you don't drink wine. 100 calorie for a small glass. A very small glass. So small it shouldn't even qualify as a glass.

    But yeah my method is work hard at the exercising & save up a few spare calories for when you want a drink!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    At my cousin's wedding, I drank a bunch of rum and Diet Coke, but because I danced all night, I still came in under my calorie goal. I also ate healthy at the dinner and skipped the cake, though. And worked out before the wedding. It can be done!
  • AngieSWatson
    Hey I feel your pain. I haven't even had a glass of wine in the pass 2 weeks but if you really want to have a few drinks add them to your menu for the day and leave those calories opened just for that. And than of course go to the gym and work them off, so don't eat that hamburger but have a drink instead. (I personally would rather have a hamburger lol) You just have to make adjustments and don't cheat! Add those calories to your food diaries and try rum and diet coke instead.:drinker:
  • tiffsNEWlife
    ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! Earn it, If I want to drink one night, (which I like to do on occasions) I work harder. I put in an extra 30 minutes. If I know its going to be a late night, I try to do an extra hour. I really really push myself and eat really (really) healthy so those drinks I want to have is a little reward! Not a punishment.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Nooooo, don't sing a country song. Nothing can be that bad. :P

    :laugh: I might be a slacker, but there's nooooo waaaay I'm living the rest of my life w/o drinking again!
    Ideally I would 'Earn the Alcohol Calories' beforehand, as the poster above suggests...

    You might find this thread helpful

    My own l'il country tune: I <3 Jack (Daniel) and I <3 Mark (Maker's)...
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I've lost, well take a look at my ticker... and I drink almost every weekend. I just earn it. simply put spend 2 hours in the gym Saturday morning and go get wasted saturday night!! This is a lifestyle thing not a diet and if you give up everything you love you'll be really effing miserable. What's the point of living a long healthy life if you're bored stiff and miserable? Go have fun and as the commercials say, drink responsibly. (I always take that to mean log your calories):bigsmile: