Done with WW and excited to start MFP!


After being on and off WW and low-carb dieting for years and most recently the FMD, I've fallen off the wagon yet again. However, this time I've realized that these costly and sometimes restrictive diets only set me up for failure. I'm looking for something I can maintain very long-term and hope this is the answer. I'm new to MFP and would love to make some new online friends to help keep me motivated and to do the same for others.




  • takkyboomboom
    takkyboomboom Posts: 43 Member
    I'm a WW defector too! I've lost more in 2 weeks here than I did in 6 on WW. You've come to the right place :)
  • CMarieVirginia
    Hello Margie!

    I have good news for you. I failed WW three times--the program (every one of them) was just too restricting, and I hated the meetings. Every time I went to a meeting someone would have had this terrific weight loss week, I didn't, and wanted to cry. With MFP you are your own free agent, no bloody meetings, just you and MFP, and of course all the friends you could possibly want. I'm in day 51 I think. I've lost 12 pounds, feel great, and fell like I could do this forever. Good luck Margie. MFP is a really good thing.
  • marcellomoo
    marcellomoo Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome to mfp! I'm on a 196 day streak and enjoy plenty of cake and treats :drinker:
  • arnostbilej
    There are meetings with WW? For what?
  • jillxmadelynne
    I kind of did WW. Sometimes figuring out the points was difficult, and yes, it could be expensive. I'm still pretty new to MFP but so far I like it so much better! So far I have noticed it is easier to be accurate in tracking what I am eating and I actually feel full. I also feel like I am not having to deny myself of everything. If I want to be naughty every once in a while and indulge my sweet tooth, I can, but I need to really work for it. Best of luck!
  • layla_luvyah
    layla_luvyah Posts: 107 Member

    Welcome!! I myself have have joined W.W. way too many times with success but not ever sustaining it. You will have great support here without feeling judged or beating yourself up when you're up one!!

    Good Luck!!
  • kbh1218
    kbh1218 Posts: 7
    Welcome! I did WW for a little while a few years ago. I actually really enjoyed it and it worked for me but I had to quit when I found out I was pregnant. However, I did it with my 2 sisters-in-law and one other family member so I may have had a much different experience. I don't think I could have stuck with it alone. I didn't go back after having our daughter because of money. I think I just needed the accountability of the meetings every week. I do have trouble staying motivated on MFP, but hoping to change that!
  • mahtraveler84
    mahtraveler84 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks that makes me feel more motivated! Glad you're having success!
  • kipper5
    kipper5 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey there,

    I am only on a 26 day streak but so far I love it. I eat what I want but need to budget them in for the day! Feel free to add me as a friend. You can do this!!
  • mahtraveler84
    mahtraveler84 Posts: 3 Member
    I guess I can't reply to individual posts? Regardless, it's nice to hear others have experienced the same and have had success on here. I did the meetings years ago and then started doing just the online piece which I was on and off with for a long time…I just kept thinking, am I going to have to pay this fee for the rest of my life? MFP just seems like something that is maintainable for the long run. Also, doing low carb and FMD (fast metabolism diet) were both restrictive and not doable for me in the long term. I'd like to feel that I can eat any kind of food, with emphasis on healthier, and have no guilt!:smile:
  • michaeljacksonfan333
    I tried WW too! I found that it was difficult to keep up my fruit and veggie intake everyday while only intaking about 1,000 other calories because I am in college and on a tight budget.
  • VCopple
    VCopple Posts: 56 Member
    Hello! Welcome to MFP!

    I did weight watchers and ended up gaining weight as well as loosing money! I too wanted to cry when I went to the meetings. I have been using MFP daily for over 200 days, and I love it.

    HOWEVER, I did notice that I had no idea what my goal should be or what my daily intake should be etc. So, I went and saw a registered dietitian and had her help me with how many grams of each thing I needed. We also discussed the daily calorie goal and my other personal goals. I was able to put in the exact numbers she gave me, and I have had a steady (slow, but steady) weight decline for the last 3 months. The dietitian was covered under my insurance, so I only paid $35 to see her, and MFP has helped me do the rest.

    The biggest thing MFP has helped me to do is to be accountable for what I eat and to pay attention when I snack. I have set up a timetable for my diary and I can notice when I am eating, and what I am eating, which helps me adjust throughout the day. Like today, I knew I was going to be having spaghetti for dinner, so I had a light lunch. MFP also syncs with my Fitbit Flex, so it automatically deducts how much activity I have throughout the day, so I don't have to guess.

    If you want, you can add me, I am always looking for supportive people!
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    I defected from WW in 2011. Glad to meet you!
  • twowheelingwoman
    I can motivate you and others fine it's motivating myself I have trouble with lol. Maybe this is where I need to be.:smile:
  • knoelledi
    knoelledi Posts: 91 Member
    I lost 50lbs with WW then gained them back, then lost them, then gained them back plus some. I did WW twice. The first time was WW at work and it worked for me. Even though I worked at a large facility, the group (and leader) was supportive and awesome and brought in food to try. The second time I went to the storefronts and I had every excuse to just not go, plus I never had the friendships nor accountability. MFP has great people, with great journeys and are there for almost ever question you may have.
  • ObeseVeteran
    Hey there i've also done many restrictive and destructive dieting techniques and none of them have worked because i always fall off the bandwagon. MFP has worked wonders for me in the past and here i am yet again to conquer this thing once and for all! We can do this together! The more time you spend here and the more friends you make the better the motivation and fun your experience will be!
  • CourtShaw
    I did W.W. for two years lost 35 pounds then gained them all back. I am only one week in to MFP and I love it so far.
  • judy11351
    judy11351 Posts: 33 Member
    I also have done WW many times and lost weight over and over, just couldn't keep it off. I didn't like that WW changed the program constantly, wanted you to buy all new materials and kept raising the monthly price..way to expensive. I really like this site because you can eat normal food and people on here are so helpful. Best of luck and feel free to add me is you would like.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    WW is there for one thing .... sucking your money. It always amazes me how many people get taken.

    Sure you can lose there .. but I have seen time and time again people just end up gaining it back .. and often then some.

    But sadly, they are not the only game in town, there are many others. The whole diet industry .. just victimized vulnerable people.
  • NYactor1
    NYactor1 Posts: 9,642 Member
    There are meetings with WW? For what?

    Exactly what I was thinking...