Loose skin after weight loss: How likely? Will it go away?

My goal is to lose 30 to 50 lbs at a slow pace through permanent lifestyle/diet changes. But I am afraid that I will permanently have loose skin after losing that weight. I've always struggled with my weight, so I don't know where it will naturally rest with a healthy lifestyle. My goal is not to reach a certain number, but to live a healthy life.

More info:
Age: 20
Gender: female
Height: 5' 6"
Current weight: 182 lbs
Goal weight: 140 lbs, +/-10
Highest weight: 220 lbs-ish (4-5 years ago)

When I was 16, I was about 210 lbs. Over one summer, I lost 30 lbs simply because I was very active, busy, and spent a lot of time at summer camps (where my diet was controlled). It was completely unintentional; I only noticed after my clothing no longer fit. I've since stayed at about 180 lbs. My stomach already hangs a little bit from that I think? I naturally carry most of my weight on my torso.


  • bonbons324
    Just keep active. You have your youth and your active lifestyle that will help minimize the loose skin issue. :)
  • jillyrose0711
    jillyrose0711 Posts: 46 Member
    You're young enough & not extremely obese so as long as you lose the weight slowly and healthily, I doubt you'll have much of an issue with loose skin. I've read that weight training and proper hydration throughout one's weight loss journey can make a difference, too, but I don't have a source for that!
  • pinkpolkadots25
    pinkpolkadots25 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm around your height (about 5'5) and lost a ton of weight (about 137-139 lbs, from 260-121/122). I have loose skin but it's a heck of a lot more tolerable than being heavy ever was. Yes, it's there, but it seems that it's noticeable to me but not to others. It was worse and more noticeable at 150 lbs than at 130/120. Don't let fear of skin issues keep you from your goals!