Helpppp need advice on calorie intake

Right guys I'm female, 18 years old. 5'5 and 150lbs. I'm aiming to be 56kg and I'm relatively active walking around 10000 steps a day and exercise 4 days a week roughly. One of those days I do high intensity stuff, two average running(sprinting) sessions and a generally quite easy one. I'm hoping to lose 2lb a week and MFP recommends 1200 calories a day. I can manage eating that as shown in my diary but after seeing some posts on here I'm a bit concerned whether I should be eating more


  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    With only 24ish lbs to lose, I'd say a loss of 2lbs / week may be a bit on the aggressive side. I'd suggest eating a bit more and starting a strength training regimen to keep your lean muscle mass :)
  • ggh15
    ggh15 Posts: 13 Member
    I've considered starting a weighs program again but as an athlete(400m sprinter) I don't really want to add to the muscle mass I'm already carrying around the track. I have previously done a strength regime and would say I have a fair amount of muscle already. I'm also struggling to have healthy snacks to up my calorie intake