Inspiring TV shows?



  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    American Ninja Warrior. Especially love watching the 5 foot, 100 lb. girl beat the big boys! Can't remember her name but I'm pretty sure she made it to the finals.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I love to watch all shows related to obesity. Having been obese since I was 3 years old, it's a subject close to my heart. I enjoy learning more about the causes and effects of our severe obesity and understanding the stories of others. I enjoy supersize vs superskinny, secret eaters, extreme weightloss, my 600 pound life, Fat Doctor, I Used to be Fat, and pretty much any documentary on the subject. It's helped me examine my own obesity, lifestyle, habits, struggles, excuses, etc and yes, gaining this understanding has made a positive impact for me. I especially draw a lot of inspiration when I see people fatter than me really killing it in a workout!

    It's so interesting to me how people can be SO different regarding this. The shows really bug me, and upset me. I was overweight starting around age 6 and obese to morbidly obese from about ages 16-36 and I was never in denial about that. But I don't feel like I can relate to many of the stories shared and I am really upset and bothered by what I usually view as a very one-sided approach to showing someone's life and personality. It makes me sickened and sad, even when "well done".
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I love to watch all shows related to obesity. Having been obese since I was 3 years old, it's a subject close to my heart. I enjoy learning more about the causes and effects of our severe obesity and understanding the stories of others. I enjoy supersize vs superskinny, secret eaters, extreme weightloss, my 600 pound life, Fat Doctor, I Used to be Fat, and pretty much any documentary on the subject. It's helped me examine my own obesity, lifestyle, habits, struggles, excuses, etc and yes, gaining this understanding has made a positive impact for me. I especially draw a lot of inspiration when I see people fatter than me really killing it in a workout!

    It's so interesting to me how people can be SO different regarding this. The shows really bug me, and upset me. I was overweight starting around age 6 and obese to morbidly obese from about ages 16-36 and I was never in denial about that. But I don't feel like I can relate to many of the stories shared and I am really upset and bothered by what I usually view as a very one-sided approach to showing someone's life and personality. It makes me sickened and sad, even when "well done".

    I'm the same.. these shows tend to overdramatize everything. I am sure some people went through real life struggles that nudged them into this direction (including myself) but what I put in my mouth was all me. I hate how many have this victim mentality and "victory through hardship" and all other kinds of drama, not to mention the one sided view of people's personalities and what really is happening (the producers' view that is).

    I'm not a victim, and I'm also not a hero for losing weight. I'm simply a person who has let herself go (regardless of the triggers) and decided to get back on track. No overdramatization or glorifying. I don't need to walk into a room full of people clapping for my weight loss accomplishments and hugging me with tears of joy.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I love to watch all shows related to obesity. Having been obese since I was 3 years old, it's a subject close to my heart. I enjoy learning more about the causes and effects of our severe obesity and understanding the stories of others. I enjoy supersize vs superskinny, secret eaters, extreme weightloss, my 600 pound life, Fat Doctor, I Used to be Fat, and pretty much any documentary on the subject. It's helped me examine my own obesity, lifestyle, habits, struggles, excuses, etc and yes, gaining this understanding has made a positive impact for me. I especially draw a lot of inspiration when I see people fatter than me really killing it in a workout!

    It's so interesting to me how people can be SO different regarding this. The shows really bug me, and upset me. I was overweight starting around age 6 and obese to morbidly obese from about ages 16-36 and I was never in denial about that. But I don't feel like I can relate to many of the stories shared and I am really upset and bothered by what I usually view as a very one-sided approach to showing someone's life and personality. It makes me sickened and sad, even when "well done".

    I'm the same.. these shows tend to overdramatize everything. I am sure some people went through real life struggles that nudged them into this direction (including myself) but what I put in my mouth was all me. I hate how many have this victim mentality and "victory through hardship" and all other kinds of drama, not to mention the one sided view of people's personalities and what really is happening (the producers' view that is).

    I'm not a victim, and I'm also not a hero for losing weight. I'm simply a person who has let herself go (regardless of the triggers) and decided to get back on track. No overdramatization or glorifying. I don't need to walk into a room full of people clapping for my weight loss accomplishments and hugging me with tears of joy.

    I get what you are saying. I used to think I was the same way as you. I just got so fat because I was being lazy and all I needed to do was eat less and move more... yet I was continually making effort and failing. It was like banging my head against a wall. Watching shows like the ones I listed helped me to be HONEST with myself.. Seeing people who were 600 pounds and claiming to only eat a salad and chicken breast was kind of eyeopening because I was a bit in denial about my own diet though on a much smaller scale. Conversely, I was also tempted at times to blame my diet completely and say, OH, I'm just a big fat pig and eat too much because I really like food.. Sorry but, nobody gets to 360 pounds simply because they simply enjoy food and putting the spotlight on others helped me see things in them that I could recognize for the first time in myself. In a way yes, I was admitting that yes I was truly a victim in certain respects but once I was able to really lay everything out for myself, I was able to begin addressing issues.. and oh WOW, I was a like perfect storm of obesity. My super-morbid obesity had many causes: Mental, environmental AND physical but ALL of these were still my responsibility to address. They may not have been all my FAULT, but it was still my responsibility to fix it.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I love to watch all shows related to obesity. Having been obese since I was 3 years old, it's a subject close to my heart. I enjoy learning more about the causes and effects of our severe obesity and understanding the stories of others. I enjoy supersize vs superskinny, secret eaters, extreme weightloss, my 600 pound life, Fat Doctor, I Used to be Fat, and pretty much any documentary on the subject. It's helped me examine my own obesity, lifestyle, habits, struggles, excuses, etc and yes, gaining this understanding has made a positive impact for me. I especially draw a lot of inspiration when I see people fatter than me really killing it in a workout!

    It's so interesting to me how people can be SO different regarding this. The shows really bug me, and upset me. I was overweight starting around age 6 and obese to morbidly obese from about ages 16-36 and I was never in denial about that. But I don't feel like I can relate to many of the stories shared and I am really upset and bothered by what I usually view as a very one-sided approach to showing someone's life and personality. It makes me sickened and sad, even when "well done".

    I'm the same.. these shows tend to overdramatize everything. I am sure some people went through real life struggles that nudged them into this direction (including myself) but what I put in my mouth was all me. I hate how many have this victim mentality and "victory through hardship" and all other kinds of drama, not to mention the one sided view of people's personalities and what really is happening (the producers' view that is).

    I'm not a victim, and I'm also not a hero for losing weight. I'm simply a person who has let herself go (regardless of the triggers) and decided to get back on track. No overdramatization or glorifying. I don't need to walk into a room full of people clapping for my weight loss accomplishments and hugging me with tears of joy.

    I get what you are saying. I used to think I was the same way as you. I just got so fat because I was being lazy and all I needed to do was eat less and move more... yet I was continually making effort and failing. It was like banging my head against a wall. Watching shows like the ones I listed helped me to be HONEST with myself.. Seeing people who were 600 pounds and claiming to only eat a salad and chicken breast was kind of eyeopening because I was a bit in denial about my own diet though on a much smaller scale. Conversely, I was also tempted at times to blame my diet completely and say, OH, I'm just a big fat pig and eat too much because I really like food.. Sorry but, nobody gets to 360 pounds simply because they simply enjoy food and putting the spotlight on others helped me see things in them that I could recognize for the first time in myself. Once I was able to really lay everything out for myself, I was able to begin addressing issues.. and oh WOW, I was a like perfect storm of obesity. My super-morbid obesity had many causes: Mental, environmental AND physical but ALL of these were still my responsibility to address. They may not have been all my FAULT, but it was still my responsibility to fix it.

    Your POV here makes total sense, and I do think it made me feel a tiny bit more accepting of these shows (which I mainly feel exploit people and worsen criticism and prejudice re: obesity). At least some good can come of them! That is good to know.

    Totally going in a different direction with this next bit...but I think for a lot of people who are overweight or just barely obese, these shows are a way to help them stay in denial. Like "Oh well I am not as fat as the people on this show, so I'm healthy and don't need any changes". I've known a lot of people like that including a few acquaintances & coworkers who do need to lose some weight for health reasons, but are maybe 20-30 lb overweight and like to sit and watch shows like Biggest Loser while eating rich snacks, they find it "funny". Sick.
  • emmietoby
    emmietoby Posts: 171 Member
    really HATE all shows of this type... in fact i don't watch any of them for it triggers me that i just don't want to eat at all. think it's so fake !! how many have the money / time to do what they do?? and it's unhealthy . don't remember the show but it was written up in people how one gal lost half her weight in an unhealthy time frame no thank you---not for me!!
  • bostonlulu
    bostonlulu Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks to all the people who responded with names of shows. There are some I will watch. There was a reality show called "Ruby Gettinger" about a morbidly obese woman who was determined to get healthy. Her struggles were so familiar and some of her strategies were worth borrowing. I got it from my local library.

    I like a TV series that is totally absorbing. I forget about eating. I just watched a Danish TV series call Borgen. It's West Wing with a woman leader and without the filters. One of the best TV shows I've ever seen. Waiting to get Season 2 from the library.