Fell WAY off..

I moved about a month ago and had to drive across country to a different state. Ate fast food pretty much the whole time :( The stress of moving got to me and that was the only thing comforting me. Unfortunately even after I moved into the new place my eating was still terrible, wasn't tracking anything however I have still been lifting. I've been terrified to even look at the scale. I don't really know the point of this post just felt like getting it off my chest! I guess its back to square one tomorrow!


  • You will never be back at square one. Square one was you being unaware/uncaring of your health and weight and and, even if you did care, you didn't know how to fix it. You know what to do. Stand back up and keep on going.
  • cheexy85
    cheexy85 Posts: 119
    You will be fine. Just to make you feel better. I went on holiday in March after hitting my goals and fell off. I mean 2 stone off! I am back on now, trying to lose about 20lbs. I believe your case is not as bad as mine, so cheer up.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    You should weigh yourself and get started. Knowledge is power. It may be the motivation you need to formulate a plan. Good luck.
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    So you hit a rough patch in the road. It happens to everybody. But you have the ability to change it, or to keep it up. It's not permanent if you don't let it become permanent. Enjoy the rest of your night, and get back on it tomorrow. It's amazing what we are able to accomplish when we set our minds to something.
  • mbrough58
    mbrough58 Posts: 27 Member
    Get back in the saddle: you set your own course and your own pace! Don't wait. Your health and happiness are worth the effort.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day! At least this time around you know what you have to do to start losing the weight again.
  • trishtrish1
    trishtrish1 Posts: 71 Member
    Matt - you've got this!

    That sounds stressful - and YOU ARE HERE - you can do it! And you know what you ate wasn't great, not like my old days of "I never lose weight" as I'm stuffing Sonic in my face. You can do it!


  • Wipe the slate clean, Revamp the pantry, fridge and freezer with good food, Give the junk food and or any comfort food to an individual who may be in need, No more fast food pit stops. On sunday's cook your food for the week and place in proper portioned containers this way you're READY. Go all out with your preparation and intent you will succeed. Good Luck! You can do it.!
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Brush the dirt off your shoulder, don't beat yourself up too hard. Tommorrow is a new day.
  • matthehat
    matthehat Posts: 38 Member
    Wow! I remember now why I joined this community, such amazing support!! Thank you all so much! This all started when I was half way through eating an entire large pizza (something that I would do daily before). I was messing around on my phone and saw the MFP app. I opened it and saw I hadn't logged in almost a month. I decided to see how many calories were in the pizza and it about knocked me off my chair. I had already eaten more calories in one meal than I would eat in two days and it just made me sick. So I have decided to end my little cheat month and get back to work!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    "Little cheat month" - very good attitude!!

    You screwed up. It happens!

    If you want to diet and exercise for a while without getting on the scale, do that! The amount lost won't change based on you knowing what it is. On the flip side, if you don't know what you weigh now, you can't be as proud later. Plus, your MFP squiggle line will be off. But you don't have to weigh yourself!!

    Congrats to you, hopping back up on the wagon. Welcome back! Have some hay! :)
  • vmdave
    vmdave Posts: 64 Member
    I fell off as well I hard a rough time at work and I took it as a license to eat whatever I wanted. I need to get back on board as well first step is recognizing you need to get back on track . you can do it!
  • b_e_l_l_a_a_a_a_a_a
    b_e_l_l_a_a_a_a_a_a Posts: 51 Member
    I moved away from my hometown about two weeks ago, after having less than a week to pack and accept that I'm leaving home. The stress really got to me and I didn't lose anything for a month since I was so stressed about my situation back home! But you seem to be dealing with much more, moving across the country. Feel free to add me!
  • Look at it like you would a sport. You wipe out skiing. You miss the basket. You strike out. You miss the goal. A lot, perhaps. But it's worth it. Just say, "Well, that happened." and move on. Start again. Get on with enjoying life and not regretting the misses. There's so much future in front of you that has all this amazing potential for getting it right that everything in the past is meaningless. A blip.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    You didn't fall off the wagon, you just took a little detour along the long road of weight management. This is a lifetime endeavor, so little bumps along the road will happen. The most important thing is that your month's detour didn't turn into 3 months, or a year. You have all the tools you need to get back on track! So, weigh in tomorrow, realise that some of the gain will be temporary and will fall off pretty quickly, reset your ticker, take a deep breath and start again! You've got this!
  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    You're not alone! It happens from time to time, and is just part of life. It can be very hard nott o beat yourself up, though. I haven't been eating well (or tracking food, or jogging...) for the last few weeks due to a pretty bad depression spell. I'm sure I've gained, but I'm trying my best not to focus on it.

    I re-stocked my kitchen today, made my food for tomorrow, and my alarm is set for a morning run. It wasn't very fun to do since being lazy is so easy.. but I know I have to, otherwise I'll be feeling much, much worse the longer I stall.

    Both of us can get back into the routine and keep going towards our goals! :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I moved about a month ago and had to drive across country to a different state. Ate fast food pretty much the whole time :( The stress of moving got to me and that was the only thing comforting me. Unfortunately even after I moved into the new place my eating was still terrible, wasn't tracking anything however I have still been lifting. I've been terrified to even look at the scale. I don't really know the point of this post just felt like getting it off my chest! I guess its back to square one tomorrow!
    Remember this: no matter how far you fall off, you can get back on again.

    I was exactly where you are about a year and a half ago. I was terrified to step on the scale because I could tell that I'd put on about 15-20 pound over the last five years, and that was after I'd lost about 65 pounds several years before.

    I got the nerve to step on the scale, and I had gained 33 pounds! I immediately remembered what my trainer at the gym had taught me- log all your food and your exercise. I stared logging again by hand, then got this wild idea that there must be some kind of an app online to log food. I found MFP, and we've been together every since.

    I have to be honest--I didn't lost those 33 pounds I'd gained.

    I lost 44! And, I've been maintaining within a five pound fluctuation for the last several months.

    You can do this.

    You can get back on the wagon, you really can.

    Here, take my hand and I'll help you step back up again. :smile: