30 Day Shred/Yoga hybrid starts TODAY!

hi everyone,
i've decided to start a hybrid workout plan with alternating days of 30 Day Shred and yoga (hot, power, vinyasa, hatha, ashtanga, whatever...). i've hear from a few people that they get really sore and tight doing 30DS, and i don't like being tight, hence the yoga hybrid plan!

Any else interested in joining me?!
It's going to be a 60 day thing so that i can complete 10 days of each of the 3 30DS levels. You can alternate the workouts however you want... I might have to do 2 yoga or 2 30DS in a row because i go to some yoga classes that might not exactly fit into the schedule i'm starting today. i might also double up on some days, with a gentle yoga class after 30DS to help stretch my muscles out.

Starting today after work, i'm going to take my measurements and jump into 30DS level 1!


  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    ive got that 30ds and YES its a tough workout and leaves your muscles tight.....i figured i would alternate that with my workouts that i do on my own, just keeping hers toned down enuff that i can keep up A LITTLE bit until i can do the whole program with her...
  • Asphaltcowgirlx
    I have 30DS and I haven't tried it yet so I'm totally in! :) I'll alternate it with Yoga as well! Not sure if i'll do the yoga every day or every other day. Depends on how sore I am. Which i'm sure I will be at first! I heard it's pretty hardcore! But that sounds like what i'm lookin' for!

    I'll be sure to take my measurements tonight! I'm excited!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    that never happen to me, maybe because i started the shred after my fitness was established. I love jill!! she will kick you butt eeryday, Im on level 3, tonight will be 26th day 2nd round!
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    ive never done yoga so i dont think id even know how lol!
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    glad to see that other people are interested in my hybrid challenge.
    feel freet o friend me to make it easier to keep each other on track and motivated.

    by the way, a great way to get an introduction to yoga would be to try out the free weekly yoga classes on www.yogatoday.com or to get hold of a yoga DVD if there are no classes near where you live.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    If you don't mind, I think I'll hop in on this. I have a 30DS thread going already (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/153946-shreddin-eleven-week-three), about ready to start Level 3 tomorrow for 10 days straight. I've been meaning to throw in some yoga, especially in the evenings, to counterbalance all the strength training, so this thread may be just the thing to keep me on track with that.

    After January 30, I plan to continue with the 30DS, probably 3-4 days a week, and start to incorporate more yoga (plus ramp up my cardio workouts, especially running)... I'm planning on incorporating JM's Yoga Meltdown in there somewhere too.

    nehptune, thanks for starting this thread, great idea! :)
  • Asphaltcowgirlx
    Day one down! Woooy! It was fun though. I was able to do most of it. The knee bending killed me because my knees were already sore but other than that I really enjoyed it! I'll have to take my measurements tonight still. Can't seem to find my tape measure...
  • stephanierj83
    This sounds great! I just bought the 30ds last night and did my first workout.... it was tough! I haven't been active in nearly a year and my last attempt at this was p90x, which I did for 60 days but got bored. The 90 min workouts were just too long to keep my attention, which is why I was drawn to the 20 min 30ds program. My goal this spring is to buy a mountain bike and renew and old hobby. Years ago I would ride for miles on end and LOVED being outdoors and not constricted to my living room. But, before all that can begin I need to get a jump start on my fitness and increase my stamina. I plan on buying Jilian's yoga workout and rotate the programs to help stretch out my sore muscles :) Good luck to all!
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    For anyone looking for an introduction to yoga, here are some suggestions based on my experience of practising yoga (on and off) for the last 6 years.

    - yoga classes are great for proper instruction, but you might need to try out a few different ones before you find an instructor and style that you like (so don't give up entirely on it if your first class experience isn't as good as you had hoped).

    - yoga DVDs are great too. i really like Katy Appleton's DVDs. there are a bunch of online yoga instructors too, i have a subscrition to www.yogatoday.com, but there are other similar sites around too (yogaglo.com, myyogaonline.com...)

    - yoga journal has a 21 day yoga challenge running at the moment which provides some free yoga videos that might be handy as they range from 15-45 mins. i plan on getting in at least 1 hour of yoga on my yoga days, but sometimes is nice to have the option of a shorter session if time is an issue.

    - like i mentioned, there are lots of different yoga styles from very gentle restorative yoga, hatha yoga which is like stretching, to vinyasa yoga and hot yoga which will make you sweat like a beast because they are much more vigorous styles.

    so... don't think that the yoga day is a "day off"!!
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    Day 1 done!
    did the workout with 5lb dumbbells which was hard, but i'm determined to keep using them because i can't afford lighter ones at the mo...

    Off to do my measurements now.
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    Day 2 DONE!

    Did a 1 hour ashtnaga/vinyasa yoga class. lots of hip openers and sun salutations. nice!
    Hope everyone else is doing well today.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    This morning was my first day on Level 3 of the Shred. WHOA, intense!! However, I actually prefer Level 3 to Level 2 in some ways. I hope to be able to complete Day 10 of Level 3 without stopping and with no modifications. Wish me luck! L0L.

    As for yoga, I plan to spend a decent chunk of time on some yoga workouts this weekend, along with keeping up with the Shred.

    Have a great weekend everyone! :)
  • stephanierj83
    I just finished my second shred session yesterday as well. I've found 2.5lb weights is all my scrawny arms can handle at the moment. I did manage to finish the workout all the way through, which is a huge improvement over the first night! I'm feeling it in my legs today though! Have you found that yoga helps relieve some of the muscle stiffness?
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    Day 3 DONE!

    hope everyone is having a great weekend!

    i just did my 30DS session (day 2, level 1)
    i'm looking forward to being able to do full push-ups, but for now i'm sticking to modified one.

    was a bit sore after day 1, but a good yoga session helped me get through it.
  • broooookeleeeee
    I just joined the community today. This sounds perfect for me. I would love to join the group.
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    I just joined the community today. This sounds perfect for me. I would love to join the group.

    you're more than welcome!!
    i'll add you as a friend so that we can keep each other motivated.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I completed Day 22 (D2L3) of the Shred this morning, and just now completed a 30 minute yoga exercise with my Baron Baptiste power vinyasa yoga DVD (btw, I love that the background music is courtesy of Krishna Das!). I feel SO much better now! I plan to continue working more yoga into my workout schedule! :)
  • wymama024
    I'm in. Started 30DS 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately, fell on the ice and hit my head this week so had to take a few days off. Ready to get back into the swing of things tomorrow. Looking forward to it! Thanks for the great idea!
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    I'm in. Started 30DS 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately, fell on the ice and hit my head this week so had to take a few days off. Ready to get back into the swing of things tomorrow. Looking forward to it! Thanks for the great idea!

    oh no! hope your head feels better soon... don't overdo it, but we'll be glad for you to join us in the challenge once you feel better :)
    ice sucks... i fell on it just 100yds from work the other day (i thought i'd made it safely!). thankfully i fell on my bum, so no major damage!
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    Day 4 DONE!
    Did a pretty challenging 2 hour hot yoga class this morning... followed by a walk in the snow on the Fells. so cold, but gloriously sunny!

    Hope you all had a great weekend.

    Am doubling up tomorrow, 30DS in the morning before work then a power yoga class after work :D