Hacking the DEXA Scan

Hi guys and girls, two questions, out of curiosity:

1) Are there any ways to hack the DEXA scan? More specifically is there any way to decrease your DEXA Scan body fat % measurement within days of the test?

2) If done correctly, how many % points could it decrease it by?

I have heard that drinking a lot of water before the test, or eating a very large meal before the test, could decrease your bodyfat % (as this will increase your weight but not count as body fat, therefore lowering you bodyfat %).

Any ideas? Please refrain from the "work hard" reply, this question has nothing to do with health per se. I'm specifically talking about hacking it.

Thank you


  • paulzli
    paulzli Posts: 72 Member
    work hard

  • paulzli
    paulzli Posts: 72 Member
    you could probably unscrew a couple of things and pour some water into the exposed wires near the very back. I'm sure you could manage that with the doctor's back turned around.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I can only imagine why you are asking such a question… :huh:

    Instead of trying to trick your doctor, how about you work hard like the rest of us do?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    More weight that is not body fat means smaller % of BF.

    Top of glucose stores day before first - so eat at maintenance and lots of carbs. Diet automatically has you slightly depleted to some degree.
    Instant LBM.
    Make it salty too, and you'll sodium retain too.
    Now drink 32 oz water prior to going in for test.
  • Thank you heybales,

    This is very helpful, I never thought of the possibility of adding salt.

    If you have a chance could you pls clarify this statement; "Top of glucose stores day before first - so eat at maintenance and lots of carbs."

    Thanks again

    More weight that is not body fat means smaller % of BF.

    Top of glucose stores day before first - so eat at maintenance and lots of carbs. Diet automatically has you slightly depleted to some degree.
    Instant LBM.
    Make it salty too, and you'll sodium retain too.
    Now drink 32 oz water prior to going in for test.
  • AvonBell
    AvonBell Posts: 107 Member
    The DEXA scan, like all methods to used measure body fat, isn't exactly super accurate. There's a margin of error and, who knows, you might get lucky and it will underball you.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thank you heybales,

    This is very helpful, I never thought of the possibility of adding salt.

    If you have a chance could you pls clarify this statement; "Top of glucose stores day before first - so eat at maintenance and lots of carbs."

    Thanks again

    More weight that is not body fat means smaller % of BF.

    Top of glucose stores day before first - so eat at maintenance and lots of carbs. Diet automatically has you slightly depleted to some degree.
    Instant LBM.
    Make it salty too, and you'll sodium retain too.
    Now drink 32 oz water prior to going in for test.

    Ugh, I can't type, or read it appears.

    That was supposed to say "Top off glucose stores".

    First big weight drop going into a diet is water weight, usually that water weight from slightly depleted glucose stores, along with most people watched sodium for once and had less, the 2nd week big drop.

    So to add to this actually, do nothing but high intensity high carb burning workouts the week leading up to this, and body will just be itching to store more carbs in the muscles, which is always attached with water.
    Then that day before give it the carbs it desires. May get 1 extra lb there, and the 1 lb from eating more carbs.
    That's 2!