Loving Running But Need Advice



  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    Fortunately, my children are older (31,24,16 and 13) so they theoretically can take care of themselves...

    Just have to comment... this made me chuckle. THEORETICALLY is the key word. I have an 18 and 20 year old, so I understand!
  • runner359
    runner359 Posts: 90 Member
    This really is not a good place for running injury advice. Try Runners World and use their search feature a bit. They have a very good sports doctor, Dr. Metzl, who answers a lot of questions. You will get details on correct diagnosis, prevention, and ways to treat different injuries often times with video links to exercises to treat and prevent particular injuries.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Ok. I ran on Saturday (outside not on the treadmill) for the first time since I had my treadmill injury. I think it really is just the treadmill that is the issue. I noticed that I did need to warm up longer than the 5 minutes that c25k gives me. This was even after I stretched for 10 minutes prior to my walk. I walked at my normal 4 mph for 2 miles and than ran most of the last 2 miles around 5-6mph. I ended up doing 4 miles in 49 minutes. Not terribly fast, but not awful and I felt great afterwards.

    For those of you that mentioned stride, you totally hit the nail on the head.When I switched to running I noticed that pains in my right ankle were starting to come back. I shortened my stride quite a bit and it seemed to make a huge difference. I think I just have bad mechanics,

    If I have to run on the treadmill ( although I really prefer outside), I think I'll just have to warm up a lot and pay close attention to make sure I don't over stride.

    Thank you everyone for your help!
  • JoannaEngel84
    JoannaEngel84 Posts: 49 Member
    First, I would start icing after running and on your days off. This should help with some inflammation. Second, be very careful. Pain on the side of your ankle could be indicative of a minor stress fracture that could get worse if you don't pay attention. If the pain starts moving up the leg a bit and down to the top of your foot, STOP running and see a doctor immediately. My mom was doing C25k and was experiencing the pain you're describing, I recommended she wear a brace and see the doctor because I suspected it was a stress fracture (from my own experience). She didn't and it got bad enough that when she finally went to the doctor it was very visible on her x-ray.

    If you experience any pain with running (especially when new to the sport) that isn't normal muscle ache from being used, it's probably a sign to cut back or even take a week of and ice! I know it's hard and frustrating, but 1 week is easier to handle than 8 wks of NO activity.