This time!!

Well I have been on this ride a few times before ;) This time is different, this time it will stick. Why you ask? Because I have had enough of the diets and craziness. This is a lifestyle change :) So here's the damage:

39 years old Male

I have a desk job and am about as inactive as you can get. I am going the C25k on the treadmill. I am weighing my food and will be hitting calorie and macro requirements weekly. I will be weighing myself weekly and posting the results. I will be measuring myself monthly and taking pictures monthly as well.

Here's the fun part. I have hit 200lbs several times in the last 10 years but never 195lbs. What a joyous day that WILL be in a few months. I am on the third day of the rest of my life. Wish me luck :)


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    A lifestyle change is what it takes! Add me and I'll help encourage you on!
  • valkaree
    valkaree Posts: 519
    Ok, weigh-in was this morning. 218.4lbs! I love that first week :) I did very well, no cheat meals, plenty of water, hit all my targets. I was going to run three days but only ended up doing two because I was very sore from some other activities late in the week. Cravings and headaches are diminishing and I feel really good at this point. Motivation is very good!

    7/28- 225lbs
    8/4- 218.4lbs
  • valkaree
    valkaree Posts: 519
    I had another great week! No over days and plenty of water. I had some leg pains but those are now gone. I did get stung by a wasp and my calf is swollen and I ma not sure I should be running at this point. Input here would be appreciated. I lost 5.6lbs this week! I notice a change in how my clothes fit already. I am feeling really good :)

    7/28- 225lbs
    8/4- 218.4lbs
    8/11- 212.8lbs
  • lasistin
    lasistin Posts: 2 Member
    You are motivating me!!
  • valkaree
    valkaree Posts: 519
    Well another week in the books. I ate perfect other than a Arby's red ranch misunderstanding but I fixed it throughout the week. I got stung by a wasp the week prior and my calf was swollen so I did not run all week but it is totally healed now so back on it starting tonight! I am happy with the weeks results :)

    7/28- 225lbs
    8/4- 218.4lbs
    8/11- 212.8lbs
    8/18- 210.4lbs

    Lost 2.4lbs!
  • valkaree
    valkaree Posts: 519
    It was a very interesting week. I hit all my targets and had a great week back on the C25K program now that my wasp sting has healed. Dropped a pants size this week!! I also busted through a mini goal of 210lbs! All in all it was a great week :)

    7/28- 225lbs
    8/4- 218.4lbs
    8/11- 212.8lbs
    8/18- 210.4lbs
    8/25- 208.0lbs

    Lost 2.4lbs!!
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I love the weekly mini goals. You're doing great!
  • valkaree
    valkaree Posts: 519
    Well thanks! As expected things are slowing down. I weigh myself every morning and even though I eat very consistently. I was actually up in weight on Friday but then it just dropped like a rock over the weekend. That is just some encouragement to those that don't see the results they want on the scale. Hang in there, it will drop. Be consistent!
  • wjelly
    wjelly Posts: 64 Member
    I love the weekly mini goals. You're doing great!

    Seconded, keeping this thread updated is a good motivator.

    Will be watching, good luck!
  • valkaree
    valkaree Posts: 519
    I got a great week going. Looking forward to Monday weigh-in. Have a great weekend all!
  • Had another great week! Hit all my cardio targets on the C25K program and hit all my calorie and macro's. I have not had a cheat day since my journey began. I will eventually but I feel so good right now there is no need. I am finding more foods that I really really like that fit and that is a big help compared to the other times I lost weight. There are a lot of options out there including some fast food. I absolutely love the Arby's farmhouse roast turkey salad and I bought yogurt thousand island dressing for them. I also love sweet and sour sauce. I have been eating a 3 egg omelet mixed with a little mango salsa and topped with a serving of sweet and sour sauce. SOOOOOOO good! I drink a ton of water (1-1.5 gallons) and I have 2 bottles of water mixed with crystal light energy to mix it up. I am not a big coffee drinker. Anyways, the weight is flying off, huge changes in the mirror and I am getting real close to that 200lb mark now! I feel great :)

    7/28- 225lbs
    8/4- 218.4lbs
    8/11- 212.8lbs
    8/18- 210.4lbs
    8/25- 208.0lbs
    9/1- 203.4lbs

    I lost 4.6lbs this week!!!
  • Well had a great week with calories and cardio. I was eating pretty low carb these last 6 weeks and so I increased carbs this weekend but kept my calories in check. I was not able to drink my normal amount of water so factoring these in I retained a bunch of water. Scale was not kind but I feel great and I know it is all water weight. I am predicting a huge drop in the scale this week:

    7/28- 225lbs
    8/4- 218.4lbs
    8/11- 212.8lbs
    8/18- 210.4lbs
    8/25- 208.0lbs
    9/1- 203.4lbs
    9/8- 205.0lbs

    Gained 1.6lbs :(
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You've got this, keep up the great work!
  • dclark566
    dclark566 Posts: 330 Member
    Great progress!!!
  • N2Couture
    N2Couture Posts: 2,762 Member
    You're doing terrific. :)
  • trukse
    trukse Posts: 1 Member
    Great job so far, very motivating post =)
  • Well what a week! I had gained the week prior and so getting back in the groove was tough! Then I had a business trip to Chicago. When I got home I weighed 209 :noway:

    I encourage you that are struggling to read this part close. In a matter of one week I went from 203.4 to 209 and I really did not eat all that bad but did have more carbs than usual. Carbs are not bad but they do cause water retention when you eat more than usual. That was Friday morning. I did not fret and got back on track. Drank plenty of water and this morning I weigh.....202.2lbs!!

    The lesson here is that this is not a sprint but rather a marathon and rest assured your weight will fluctuate but STAY WITH IT!! It will come off and you will be back on track in no time. So here is the progress:

    7/28- 225lbs
    8/4- 218.4lbs
    8/11- 212.8lbs
    8/18- 210.4lbs
    8/25- 208.0lbs
    9/1- 203.4lbs
    9/8- 205.0lbs
    9/15- 202.2lbs

    I lost 2.8lbs!