Single & time to get back in shape!

The hardest part about finally breaking free from a long term relationship (5.5 years) is the realization that I can't be comfortable with my body anymore. In the time we were together I went from a size 4 to 14 gaining 50 pounds and feeling miserable. He accepted my body and always told me I didn't have to change a thing and that I only wanted to lose weight to attract other guys. When in reality I wanted to lose weight to feel better about myself and become as healthy and active as I once was. After a year of being broken up and the on and off again sessions we had I finally can confidently say I'm single and ready to feel good about my body again.

I know this journey isn't going to be easy... I've embarked on it dozens of times before and found myself giving up before I'd barely started. I'm reaching out knowing that there are other people out there who are experiencing the same thing! A little motivation and positive thoughts this time around might be just what I need to keep this going! I'm excited for the outcome but there's so much work I know I'll have to put in before I'll see the results!


  • danielacovaa
    Same here! I wasnt in a relationship but i decided that i wanted to get healthy and in shape and just get back to loving myself and love the reflection in the mirror. I tried way too many times before but i feel like this time is for real. Usually the times before i would quit within a few days and so far this time
    I have been good for almost a month... and it feels great. :))
  • ErickaLeighB
    Thanks that's good to hear! They say it takes 3 weeks or so to form a habit so hopefully it sticks this time around for the both of us!