Severe muscle aches due to walking with a herniated disc?

Hi Everyone :) So recently I think I re-herniated my disc after a series of particulary brutal high impact classes, and I'm trying to get back on track with my weight loss. I was always an avid runner, but my physical therapist has pretty much told me that running again may not be in my future. So, I've started walking instead. This weekend I did two four mile walks, felt great the first day, horrible the second. While my back hurts, what really seems to be killing me are my muscles in my glutes and legs. It's almost like sciatica mixed with really deep muscle soreness.

Has anyone else experienced increased muscle pain when exercising due to a herniated disc? I don't know why my legs would be so incredibly sore when I was working out pretty hard before, and only took off about two weeks from exercise. Could it be my sciatica or maybe my body is compensating for my back?


  • joanna_82
    joanna_82 Posts: 151 Member
    I had really severe pain in my glutes and hamstrings following a tear in my L5S1 disc.
    It was found that my glutes were very weak and hamstrings very tight, but the pain in my glutes and legs came from my prirformis. Stretching that daily and some work on releasing that, along with strengthening glutes/hips/quads while stretching hamstrings seems to have worked for me to reduce my pain to a low level.

    I was also told I shouldn't run again, I have worked up to 5k recently but that is almost 18 months after tearing the disc. It took a long while for me to get a scan and diagnosis and unfortunately I ran through most of that time in pain, so probably did a lot more damage!

    Good luck- keep stretching and keep active but don't do too much!
  • megstoo
    megstoo Posts: 47 Member
    If you did in fact re-herniate your disc I would see the doctor first. I was in the same situation a few years ago and ended up having back surgery for a herniated disc and also a bulging disc. Trust me when I say recovery is NO fun. The damage on my back was a bit more severe since it affected L4L5S1S2. After the surgery it took me well over a year to get back to my high intensity workout's and I'm still a bit reserved and it's been 2 years (surgery was August 2012).
  • Patrice120
    Patrice120 Posts: 23 Member
    L4-L5 bulging torn disc here (with a touch of spinal stenosis). I have also been told not to run or to do anyting high impact. I'd recommend stretching your hips and hamstrings every day and also incorporate exercises to strengthen your core. You probably did too much too soon with your walks and upset the nerves. That will make your legs hurt. Also look up pirformis syndrome (for the pain in the glutes) for stretching ideas. Seriously though, I know it sucks, but really don't do too much too soon. This isn't about emotional toughness.
  • js393784
    js393784 Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah, when I re-hurt it I did go see an orthopedic surgeon, who prescribed physical therapy (I was prescribed this the first time around, but didn't have enough money for the co-pay). I've been going three times a week and it is a lot of stretching the hamstrings and strengthening the core, etc. etc. It does seem to help, I'm just so antsy to get back to being active, I'm getting married next September and have 30 pounds to lose!