Non-diabetic Hypoglycemia...?

Hi, this morning I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with non-diabetic hypoglycemia. Basically, whenever I don't eat for a couple of hours, I get really shaky and dizzy and feel like I'm going to pass out, It's nothing too serious (i.e. not related to diabetes,) and it should sort itself out by itself provided I eat regularly and include plenty of complex carbohydrates in my diet. This I can deal with, but I'm now wondering what I'm meant to be doing regarding exercise etc. I've had a couple of weeks off intense exercise due to being on holiday and I was looking forward to restarting my body weight and dumbbell exercises this week, but now I really have no idea how to proceed without damaging myself, especially since the symptoms only really got worse while I was away. I'm also going to uni next month, and there's a 50/50 chance I'll be on a meal plan, so I won't be able to eat every couple of hours or necessarily be able to access certain food groups. I know I have a tendency to worry, but I just thought I'd see if anyone had any similar experiences or any advice on the matter? :(


  • allih0527
    Protein is key. Keep protein bars in your purse or backpack and nibble through out the day. Make sure you meals are protein packed too. Before a workout eat a protein & a carb and you should be fine.
  • KatiePapaya
    Thanks :) I have issues when it comes to getting enough protein, so I'll definitely try and up my intake
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I have the same problem. I eat every few hours and always carry food with me. I make sure to plan plenty of snacks into my day. I find hitting a min of 80g protein is key and I feel better if I get at least 45-50g dietary fat as well. As alli said, grab some carbs before your workout. I usually save a part of my pb&j sandwich on whole wheat or pack some ginger snap cookies to eat right before I walk in the gym.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I have the same issue, protein is what works for me. I have no problems as long as I have my protein intake higher, and eat every couple hours.