Diet Pills?

AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I'd never considered it... but I think I need a little boost. Anyone ever tried a diet pill?:smokin:


  • i tried, but keep 4geting 2 take them :(
  • green tea pills (basically super concentrated green tea in a capsule) are natural and your body wont freak out and gain all the weight back if and when you stop taking them like what happens with most other diet pills.

    the one thing i can say is i've never taken them personally but some people have REALLY gross side affects when they take Alli so i wouldnt suggest that one, just in case you happen to be one of those side affect people.
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member

    the one thing i can say is i've never taken them personally but some people have REALLY gross side affects when they take Alli so i wouldnt suggest that one, just in case you happen to be one of those side affect people.

    Alli is only bad for people who don't follow the diet. If you eat more fat than allowed you will have some extremely embarassing and uncomfortable side effects. If you follow the diet though you won't get those side effects and it can definitely work well!
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    I took Hydroxycut years ago(I was only 16 or so...bad idea...) it made my heart race SUPER bad, and didn't do anything. I've heard, essentially, the same thing from others "of age" that took it.
  • I tried Alli and it is really good and works, but only if you use it properly. With Alli you have to ensure whatever your eating hasnt got too high fat content, because if you eat something that is too high in fat you will have some nasty side effects. This was only a good thing for me as it got me in a habit of checking labels and the fat content (and was suprised by some). It also made me less tempted to go and eat something naught, as i knew the consequence wouldn't be very nice!!

  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I say unless it is prescribed by a doctor or recommended by one I stay clear of all diet pills. They have horrible side affects and my heart is much too important for me to risk any thing. It will come off. Slow and steady wins the race. Being the daughter of a nurse and the niece of a doctor, I have learned that if it comes off slow it will more than like stay off. Just be patient.
  • I have been prescribed Phentermine by my doctor and it has helped me tremendously. It helps control appetite, gives an energy boost, a metabolism boost and a little pep in my mood. I enjoy it and it works great for me, but it might not work for someone else the way it works for me. It is worth a try as long as you don't have any serious health problems. I have lost 34 lbs in 4 months while on this pill of course I watch my calories and since Jan. 1st I have been exercising more. So if you would like to consider it you can ask your doctor, the pill is call Phentermine.:smile:

    Yes this pill can make your heart rate increase. I don't have any problems with it like I said, however everyone is different. I don't ever recommend over-the-counter diet pills. Talking to a doctor is the best way to go and if a doctor believes that a prescribed diet pill will help you then you should give it a try. My weight was dropping off fast when I first started this pill, but a lot of it was post-pregnancy weight and now that I am back at my pre-pregnancy weight it is now dropping off slower which is what I want it to do. Anyways that is my scoop on the diet pill I am on.
  • Almost had a stroke with hydroxycut. I currently use SUB-Q. I really do not feel anything which is what I like. But I know it gives me energy because sinse I have been tacking it I have not felt tires at all during the day. I literally fell asleep at my desk 50 times a day. But diet pills are not magic, do not believe any hype. The one I am using said beyond ripped in 12 weeks, yeah right.

    I know CLA and L-Carnitine together are good. Lost alot with those two.
  • I took Alli and lost 43lbs. in about 4 months,I'm thinking about getting back on them but they do have nasty side effects like the others on here have said.You just have to be extra careful of what you eat and not over do it.They didn't make me nervous or jittery like some of the other pills I've tried in the past,I just wish that you didn't have to take 3 a day since I hate taking pills.I can't walk on my treadmill or do any kind of regular walking(which I love) because I have heel spurs in my left foot and arthritis in my right. I figured if I could lose at least 40 or 50 lbs. then maybe it would be enough to start back on a walking routine.Does anyone know of a certain brand of shoes that might help? I have insoles in mine now,and they help some,but I was wondering if you can get shoes that are made for foot problems like mine without having to spend a bundle on them.
  • I tried a diet pill that aided me in losing 3 stone in three months!!! Hip Hip Hooray i hear you say, yes they were great, i had lots of energy despite having very little food (less that 5-6hundred cals, if that per day, scary unhealthy stuff) Why i would never recommend them.................. I'm on here trying to lose weight, so yes i lost it, but as soon as i stopped taking the pills i piled the weight back on, and then some! The first time i ever lost weight i did it right, i just cut down portion sizes swapped a few things for more healthy alternatives and allowed myself everything, but instead of having five chocolate bars i was content with a few pieces, it only takes a few weeks of hard mental graft to get your head in the right place! And when the weight started dropping off i started getting active. I maintained my target weight for two years, and only put it on with my third pregnancy (me + pregnant = eat EVERYTHING) lol. i went on the diet pills after pregnancy but as i stated couldn't keep it off at all! You have come so far, and 20lb loss is amazing, i assume you've hit a plateau and that's the reason you may be considering the pills? My very best advice is to up the anti, your body has become used to what your doing, so change it's routine, and add a little light exercise, this will kick start your body into losing again, and you may even find that you get to enjoy it. Find an exercise that works for you that's a big factor. Hope this helps a little. Good luck :smile: xxx
  • I've tried everything under the sun from OTC to prescription. Adipex (phentermine) works really well for me b/c it reduces my appetite and lessens my desire for sugary sweets (my weakness) and gives me an energy boost. Some people have very severe side effects while on it though.
  • I've tried all kinds of diet pills with no luck, last spring I did the homeopathetic HCG drops with success but when i got off, i didn't change my eating for the better. Finished 3 weeks with much luck the first week of january bound and determined to keep it off. I got mine from bathhouse naturals. it runs about $40 now, the only bad thing the diet with the drops is very strict and restrictive, then another 3 weeks of maintence to slowly introduce bad foods back into diet. I cook all my meat up on sunday for about 2 weeks worth, freeze it in baggies and pull what i need out daily. It's important you have it ready so no excuses to cheat. Good luck
  • Neuroticwench
    Neuroticwench Posts: 115 Member
    My doctor put me on phentermine a few months ago and it's been working out pretty well. Along with a healthier diet and exercise, it has boosted my weight loss considerably. I haven't had any problems whatsoever with heart rate or sleeplessness. I go in for a checkup every month to make sure I'm not suffering any adverse side effects.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I have been prescribed Phentermine by my doctor and it has helped me tremendously. It helps control appetite, gives an energy boost, a metabolism boost and a little pep in my mood. I enjoy it and it works great for me, but it might not work for someone else the way it works for me. It is worth a try as long as you don't have any serious health problems. I have lost 34 lbs in 4 months while on this pill of course I watch my calories and since Jan. 1st I have been exercising more. So if you would like to consider it you can ask your doctor, the pill is call Phentermine.:smile:

    I took phentermine and loved it. I could have a buffet table of food in front of me and have no desire to eat any of it. My doctor really was conscious of prescribing it to me. She said she'd only prescribe it for a few months, I had to come in for prescription refills, and I had to prove to her that I was eating right and exercising and not relying on a pill to lose weight. The only side effect I noticed was my mouth was super dry.
  • kata5
    kata5 Posts: 10 Member
    I am using acai trim and it is great ...I am focused and have energy plus curbs food cravings. It has alot of green tea and the gnc store told me that people love it. It is safe but still everyone should always check with their own dr. first.
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    Yeesh. Alli sounds like a disaster. :/ I prefer not to take anything that restricts my food selection so stringently.

    Lose weight by eating well and exercising. Don't resort to pills. Be patient, be disciplined, and you will see results :)
  • I agree with jessieinblue. I have tried a lot of OTC diet pills, and most of em have made my heart race so fast because they contain a lot of caffeine. After a day or two, I can't stand the jittery feeling, so I stop. But what has helped me is natural vitamins and supplements like bee pollen and Vitamin B. It takes a few days to start feeling the effects, but in addition to knowing I'm taking something that our body can properly absorb and digest, I'm not feeling jittery and crazy. You're not going to get the body of Kim Kardashian using Hydroxycut. Pills like that are only designed to make you think so. One of the biggest rules in selecting diet pills/supplements is not to pick one that a celebrity has endorsed!
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    One of the biggest rules in selecting diet pills/supplements is not to pick one that a celebrity has endorsed!

    Ha, I love it. I would put entire diet plans in there as well. Maybe with the exception of Weight Watchers . . . have any celebrities endorsed that?
  • I have lost 93 pounds without the help of diet pills!
    I personally think they are a bad idea.
    Try changing up your workouts, add more cardio and you will avoid those plateaus!
    Just remember, ths is all a lifestyle change, not some 'diet' or 'chore'. !!!
    Hang in there hun!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I think diet pills are dangerous. With a little determination and will you can lose the weight on your own. Plus, they're super expensive! I've tried several different pills and never felt or saw any difference. Besides, I couldn't keep on schedule with taking them. If you must take pills, go to a GNC store or something similar. Avoid buying those celebrity endorsed pills....those are always a dead end.
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