Depression medication and healthy eating


Not sure if I'm posting this in the wrong place so sorry if I have.

I've recently been put on fluoxetine and it's making me very nauseated and I dont have much of an appetite. I'm struggling to get enough calories, the right amount of carbs/protein and eat well and nutritious food.

Does anyone else have this problem that can offer advice or guidance?

The weight loss element is cool but I want to lose weight properly and in a healthy way



  • eventon1
    Hey add me as a friend if you'd like.
    If you arent happy then i would go and see the doctor? I am on Citalopram and ive had no problems with it (i know everyone is different) x
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Call the doctor now and tell them the medication is making you nauseated.
  • megmarie81
    megmarie81 Posts: 17 Member
    How long have you been on it? A lot of times the nausea will fade as your body becomes used to the medicine. Also when are you taking it? When a medicine would upset my stomach my pdoc would tell me first to take it with food and give it time for my body to adjust. If you are really having problems meeting your nutrition need then you can drink something like Ensure or a can of Slim Fast. I have to believe your doctor put you on the fluoxetine for a reason since it's a relatively old drug and usually most doctors prescribe stuff like Zoloft, Lexapro and Celexa.
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    I agree with eating it with food and giving it up to a week to see if your body adjusts. If not, then let your physician know. My DH was always nauseous on Zoloft and it never subsided so he had to change meds.
  • caleydonia
    caleydonia Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks all :)

    I've been taking it since June but had my dosage increased just last week
    I do feel less sick if I take it with food but sometimes it makes me feel worse
    I imagine the side effects will fade, I just wasn't sure what to do to ensure I stay healthy and strong on days when my stomach can't handle eating enough

  • megmarie81
    megmarie81 Posts: 17 Member
    Try the Ensure or a protein shake (some of them taste pretty good) or a smoothie. Couldn't you also take it at night?
  • caleydonia
    caleydonia Posts: 5 Member
    I probably should have mentioned that I'm vegan
    Trying them at night could be a good plan
  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    It took a week to stop feeling nauseated on one of my anti depressants. In fact the pharmacist told me to start with half a pill until I got used to it.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    When my doctor switched me to Viibryd she told me I needed to take it with food for absorption and because it can cause nausea, which it did each time I upped my dose. The best thing I found for it was ginger tea. Not the pre-packaged stuff with sugar added but cracked pieces of dried ginger that I steeped then removed. A cup or two of that each time my stomach started churning and it went away. About a week after I reached the full dosage, the nausea completely went away and hasn't come back.