here for a healthier pregnancy

Hi All, I am going to get serious about losing weight again. i have been then fat and fit person for quite a while. I have been happy with myself and not feeling the need to lose weight for a while. Until now. I recently had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy. It was terrible and heartbreaking. I had a very difficult 1st trimester and got really out of shape, I just had no energy. I don't blame my weight for the miscarriage but I really learned how uncomfortable being overweight and pregnant is.

I want to have a healthier pregnancy next time. My goal is to loose 40lbs before I get pregnant again, I am 34 so no time to waste, my goal is 40lbs down by 12/11/14.

I would love support staying on track. Thanks!


  • Piperx222
    Piperx222 Posts: 68 Member
    So sorry to hear about your loss :(

    I'm 34 too and my recent miscarriage (June) was what triggered me to start getting serious about my weight too. I decided that I was going to kick by butt in gear (literally) and get healthy and hopefully be better off when we get pregnant again to not gain too much unhealthy weight during. I was heavier than I am now when I got pregnant with my son (he's almost 2 now) and it was a long 9 months of feeling HUGE :happy:

    Please feel free to add me as a friend, it would be nice having someone with very similar health / family plans!
  • Chenry18
    Chenry18 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear that :(

    I am beginning to prepare my body for conceiving, and would like to get healthy and lose some weight as well before I fall pregnant.

    I have very irregular cycles and have been told this could be because of my lifestyle/eating/exercising habits (or lack there of)

    You're right, it's always nice to connect with people in similar situations. Also motivating :)
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    Feel free to add me, I completely understand, I had a MC in March of this year which has led me to finally take my health and weight seriously and I am now down almost 50lbs. As much as I want to start a family right away I realize how important it is for me to be at a healthy weight.
  • Curleycue0314
    Curleycue0314 Posts: 245 Member
    Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I miscarried about 2 years ago and have been trying for my rainbow baby ever since. I've since been diagnosed with PCOS so it makes it a little harder, but I will say that staying focused on me and my health is something that got me through the depression after my miscarriage.

    Keep up the hard work! It all pays off!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    So sorry about your loss :flowerforyou:

    If you want to get fit and healthy you've come to the right place :)
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss! *hugs* I had 2 miscarriages before I had my boys, and I was 265lbs by the time I delivered them both. (Not twins, just hit that magic number with two different pregnancies.) You are being so smart giving yourself that chance of a healthier, more comfortable pregnancy. *hugs*

    Feel free to add me to your friends list! *wave*
  • superkarynfragilistic
    I'm so sorry about your loss. I had two MC before my son was born in 2013. They both absolutely devastated me. I'm here to get healthier while we try for our third (and last) little one. I'm 40 so I understand the fleeting feeling of time.

    Feel free to add me and good luck. <3
  • kerribent
    thanks all! this really helps. knowing that others have gone through a miscarriage makes it feel a lot less lonely.
  • kerribent
    thanks! pesky time. it is so weird. I feel like conceiving is one of the only spaces in life where age is real. good luck to you!
  • Tigg_
    Tigg_ Posts: 43 Member
    Hi lovely,

    Sorry to hear about your miscarriage *hugs*

    I am also here to work towards a healthy pregnancy! I've not been able to conceive for 14 months and in the past had miscarriages so I'm focusing on getting my body as healthy as possible.

    If anyone wants to add me, feel free :)

  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    I had a MC before I had my baby... and now post baby I was 20lbs more then I was... I have PCOS, have been on steroids for months and months and am struggling! I want to start trying for a baby when he is 1 (he is currently 9 months) as I know it is likely I will have difficulties as I Did first time round. The first thing dr said to me was to try and lose 5% of my body weight... I am definitely on the way down, but I certainly understand the awfulness of Miscarriage, and of trying to conceive etc.

    You can add me if you like
