pizza drama

I'm the kind of person where I have to be very conscious of what I'm putting in my body. One candy bar or one handful of potato chips might not hurt some people and it probably wouldn't hurt me in the long run if I could stick to just that, but I won't. One will turn to 2, 2 will turn to 5, and then eventually I look down and I ate the whole damn bag of chips. And so I try to just stay away from those bad things completely (unless I'm really okay with eating the whole bag - then I go all out).

Today at lunch I brought myself a protein shake, about a cup and a half of sugar snap peas, and an apple. One of the other girls that I eat lunch with brought leftover pizza from last night - and not just a few pieces for her. She brought 90% of an extra large pizza. Of course she offers me some and then I said "no I brought my lunch, I'll pass on the pizza today." Then she says, "just one piece, it's not going to kill you." I know she wasn't being mean - if anything, she was being nice and trying to share her lunch - but it's still hard for me. It's especially hard because she's literally a beauty queen - like she just qualified to compete in Miss Michigan next year - and I'm not that.

And then in the end I felt bad so I bought a can of coke - and all I can think is it would have been a lot better if I'd have just eaten the piece of pizza because at least then I'd have gotten some nutrition and not just drank away 140 calories for nothing. I'm just a little jealous I guess. I want to be able to eat pizza without a care in the world again, but I can't.


  • sudmom
    sudmom Posts: 202 Member
    Good for you for knowing your limitations. I don't do Donuts for the same reason! She probably wants to give the pizza away so SHE doesn't eat it all! LOL
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    One piece wouldn't had hurt. The key to weight loss is knowing how to quit at one. Next time, don't deprive yourself or feel ashamed afterwards. You'll be more likely to binge if you don't learn to eat what you like in moderation. The key is moderation. You're right about the Coke. The pizza at least had protein.

    Live and learn. Good luck!
  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    Should have had a diet coke and a slice of pizza!.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    What makes you think she eats pizza and everything else without a care in the world? Maybe she watches what she eats, just like you except you probably aren't there to witness it.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    What makes you think she eats pizza and everything else without a care in the world? Maybe she watches what she eats, just like you except you probably aren't there to witness it.

    true. if she had "90% of an extra large" that means she only had 10% before bringing it to work, and who knows if she ate that whole 10% or if she shared that too. Sounds like she uses portion control?
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    I go through the same thing with a lot of my friends, they're all used to my eating habits now and normally don't even bother offering it to me or say " i would offer you some but I know you don't eat this". It's all about how bad you want it! Pizza is my favourite foood so I definitely feel you on this one. I can't have just one piece so I steer clear of it completely.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You're giving yourself a complex.

    If you had accepted her offer, you would be beating yourself up.

    Since you didn't accept her offer, you are beating yourself up.

    Just relax. The next time she offers you pizza, and you think you might be in the mood, have a slice. Eat it slowly and let her give the rest of it out. Then, it will be gone and you won't have to worry about wanting the whole thing.

    Also, she sounds really nice. Maybe you could ask her about her workout routine over that slice of pizza. You know, it could serve as a reminder to you that you've got to stop at just one. And who knows what kind of knowledge she has to offer.
  • bciloveme2014
    bciloveme2014 Posts: 213 Member
    One piece wouldn't had hurt. The key to weight loss is knowing how to quit at one. Next time, don't deprive yourself or feel ashamed afterwards. You'll be more likely to binge if you don't learn to eat what you like in moderation. The key is moderation. You're right about the Coke. The pizza at least had protein.

    Live and learn. Good luck!

    This^, For me to avoid eating the whole bag of chips, I count the chips and put them in a bowl. I eat pizza too, and I just pick my two slices, put them on a plate and never go back for more.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I want a pizza and a donut now. I blame you, OP. I blame you.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You're giving yourself a complex.

    If you had accepted her offer, you would be beating yourself up.

    Since you didn't accept her offer, you are beating yourself up.

    Just relax. The next time she offers you pizza, and you think you might be in the mood, have a slice. Eat it slowly and let her give the rest of it out. Then, it will be gone and you won't have to worry about wanting the whole thing.

    Also, she sounds really nice. Maybe you could ask her about her workout routine over that slice of pizza. You know, it could serve as a reminder to you that you've got to stop at just one. And who knows what kind of knowledge she has to offer.


    it has nothing to do with pizza- it's about how you deal with food and that you associate guilt/bad behavior. retrain yourself so eating food isn't bad behavior. that's to much work and to much guilt. life's to short for that *kitten*.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well she offered you one slice. It's not like she told you you could eat the whole pizza... I would have eaten the slice (well provided it was before you bought your lunch I guess). I understand not wanting to start eating a trigger food, but when there is only a limited amount anyway, or it's not yours to take more, it's not like there is a real binge threat or something.

    Maybe I'm missing something.
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    It says on your profile you hate yourself. Thats not good. And on top of that, you have a bad food/good food mentality. Your all or nothing attitude might be causing you to develop an unhealthy relationship with food. I'd try to get a handle on that before it gets worse.

    If you'd like some resources send me a PM.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Why all the fear of pizza? Pizza has a pretty good macro balance and nutrient density, so do cheese burgers for that matter. Don't fear the food. Pizza, or potato chips, or candy bars are not the problem, the problem is your lack of self control. That's something your going to have to address, because the fact of the matter is that you are going to have to face food for the rest of your life, It's not like it's something you can live without.

  • jfboomer
    jfboomer Posts: 79 Member
    I want a pizza and a donut now. I blame you, OP. I blame you.

    :drinker: :laugh:
  • katrinadulce
    katrinadulce Posts: 61 Member
    @Rigger Why all the fear of pizza? ... Pizza, or potato chips, or candy bars are not the problem, the problem is your lack of self control. That's something your going to have to address, because the fact of the matter is that you are going to have to face food for the rest of your life, It's not like it's something you can live without.

    It's not about lacking self control, nor is it about avoiding food altogether. It is about severely restricting or even avoiding specific trigger foods ... much in the same way that alcoholics avoid Bars. People can live without pizza.

    You're giving yourself a complex.
    Just relax. The next time she offers you pizza, and you think you might be in the mood, have a slice. Eat it slowly and let her give the rest of it out. Then, it will be gone and you won't have to worry about wanting the whole thing.

    Also, she sounds really nice. Maybe you could ask her about her workout routine over that slice of pizza. You know, it could serve as a reminder to you that you've got to stop at just one. And who knows what kind of knowledge she has to offer.

    She may be nice, but she also sounds clueless. If someone told me that they were trying to eat healthier, I wouldn't be so dismissive of their attempts by implying that their behavior was foolish or worse, pointless. Also, just because Queen pizza pusher is pretty, doesn't mean she is fit and healthy. Other than the fact that she got the leftover pizza out of her own house, maybe she doesn't need to work very hard to stay in shape, or at least stay shapely.

    OP, if someone does not understand what it is like to have an unhealthy relationship with food, especially specific types of food, then they will never learn unless someone tells them.
    I suggest you tell her that the reason you won't even have 1 is because 1 will turn into 5, and that while it's also true that 5 slices won't even Kill you, it will seriously derail your day or your week. You are trying to change past behaviors by building better habits. 1 slice probably won't make a difference in the long run, but every day and every week that you work to build those habits does make a HUGE difference.
    If she IS nice, she will be a little more understanding next time and a little less dismissive.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    The proper response when you offer somebody food and they say "no thanks," is "okay." And then you move on. It doesn't matter if the OP was dreaming of eating the pizza or not, it's not really her coworker's place to editorialize on whether or not it would kill her to eat any. That's my problem with this exchange.

    OP, when you run into this kind of situation, where you've declined a food and the person keeps offering, look her in the eye and say "I said no thanks." Then proceed to eat your own food while ignoring any more prodding.
  • CheChe518
    One piece wouldn't had hurt. The key to weight loss is knowing how to quit at one. Next time, don't deprive yourself or feel ashamed afterwards. You'll be more likely to binge if you don't learn to eat what you like in moderation. The key is moderation. You're right about the Coke. The pizza at least had protein.

    Live and learn. Good luck!

    What this guy said...
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    if you want pizza then have the pizza and fit it into your calories. if your calorie goal doesnt have room for 1-2 slices of pizza then you may need to assess your methodology
  • oOoBLUEoOo
    I want a pizza and a donut now. I blame you, OP. I blame you.

    :drinker: :laugh:
    I too am now craving. This post was triggering. :frown:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    so basically, it's not that you have to be careful about what you put in your body. you just don't have self control.