I must be doing something wrong?!?!

When I first joined MFP I had a hard time adjusting to eating less and eating portion sizes. All week long I would stick to my calorie goal but on the weekends I would allow myself to eat whatever I wanted. Still, I lost about 2 pounds a week…and that was also without exercise.

Now for the last month I have been sticking to my calorie goal and exercising 30 minutes a day. I even follow this on the weekends too.
I haven’t lost anything, in fact I weighed myself this morning and I gained 3 pounds?!??! It is so frustrating to know I lost weight when I wasn’t completely committing myself everyday and now I am everyday and I gain weight.

So you have a better idea:
My daily Calorie goal is set to 1200
I exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes
I eat my exercise calories.
I have been eating lots of fruits and veggies and around 9-10 cups of water every day.

Yeah it sounds like I am doing it right, but it doesn’t show.
I also know not to obsess on what the scale says, but I feel it in my body. I use to feel more energetic and felt great. Now, I feel heavier, it sometimes take my breath away going upstairs, im so drained and tired out. I don’t get it.

Also I will hit my 100th day logged in on MFP and I have only lost 14 pounds….that is it.
Any advice would help on this, im so ready to go hide in a corner and cry :/


  • ggenovesi

    I just read your post and wanted to let you know that I have been struggling with losing the weight too, I have been logging on and off of this website for about six months but only recently decided to commit to it everyday (sometimes on the weekends I would just not log) but not anymore. I have only lost six pounds and get upset every time I go on the scale that nothing is happening, so I just wanted to say that your not alone and to keep up the good work because even if the scale doesn't say what you want it to say your doing an awesome job and becoming healthier! Hope this helps even though I have no tips yet.
  • wendiwen123
    wendiwen123 Posts: 30 Member
    Don't forget to take your measurements. I have found that scale hasn't changed, but my measurements have. Try on some pants and see how they fit now - non scale victories are even more exciting! Good luck to you both!
  • fatBgone80
    the Zigzag dieting might be better for you.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    do you have a kitchen scale? and are you measuring everything on it?

    Try not eating your exercise calories - I know people are gonna yell at me, but I NEVER do.

    Up the intensity of your workout---try adding weighs--muscle burns fat.

    Don't be so obsessed with the scale. You have to have peace in knowing that you are eating correctly and exercising and that is good for your overall well being regardless if you lose weight.

    Lastly, take measurements! sometimes the scale may not be moving, but the inches are.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I would not eat all your exercise calories. Even with a heart rate monitor, it's usually over reported calorie wise. I eat half of mine, tops (and only if I'm hungry)

    If you have been eating 1200 cals for a long time (more than 2 months I'd say), google calorie shifting and give it a try :smile:
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    maybe your extra weight is in muscle since you have started workign out??
  • teracallaway1
    teracallaway1 Posts: 51 Member
    i have a hard time losing weight when its tom. also watch your carbs in the evening and on the weekends. congrats on 14lbs. you will get there just hang in a bit longer.
  • jennlee80
    jennlee80 Posts: 142
    I hear you girls!! I have been getting frustrated with the same thing. I have been on and off this site since August and have been sticking my calories, working out on average 4 times a week and drinking my water. And my weight loss has been very slowwwww. It's hard b/c I am used to losing 3lbs plus a week and now I am at 1lb or less.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I just had the same problem. I changed a few things up and have lost 2lbs this week.

    1) I increased my daily calories to 1350 or close to that anyways
    2) I had a late night cheat session with my husband (wings and cactus cuts at 1am)
    3) I started eating ALL my exercise calories
    4) I stopped eating rice or pasta or potatoes every night with dinner. I try to only do that once a week.

    I was stressed and annoyed about not losing weight and then gaining weight and it seems to be better now. You have to have a cheat day occassionally to keep the body guessing. Keep your metabolism reved up by switching it up now and then and you will see a difference:) I know I did
  • simplexserenity
    simplexserenity Posts: 116 Member
    I hit a plateau after losing 80. I have 20 to go..and it has been the most frustrating 20 pounds of my life. For me..it's about the workouts. I've already been eating pretty damn good for a LONG time, so the only thing that shocks my body is the working out. I have to workout EVERY day, sometimes two times a day..for at least an hour each time. You're doing 30 minutes every day, which is great!..but if you want the loss as bad as you say, you gotta put more time into it than that. I was doing 3x a week, an hour each time..and the scale would NOT budge when I thought I was doing great. I WAS doing great, but my body needs more to get through this hump. Push yourself and see what you can do, your body WILL change.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    #1- Take your measurements. It is possible that although you have gained weight, you may be leaner.

    #2- If you do not have a kitchen scale, get one. Also, make sure to use a measuring cup or spoon at every meal. It seems aggravating, but it will pay off in the end. When I first started measuring, I was pretty good about "eyeing" what I was eating. I tried that this morning and found I had put 1.5 cups of grapes in a container instead of 1 cup like I intended. Had I done this for every meal, the calories would really have added up.

    #3- "Up" your calories. If you are only eating 1,200 calories a day and exercising, you not losing weight proves that you need to eat your exercise calories. Try changing your goal from 2 lbs/week to 1/lb per week, which should give you a larger calorie alotment. It seems weird to think that eating more will cause you to lose weight, but you may be "stuck" and your metabolism may need a small push.

    #4- Don't weigh yourself as often. I used to weigh once a week, but I was constantly seeing larger numbers on the scale. Now I don't weigh but once a month and it is helping to keep me motivated. When I would see a gain on a scale, I would binge. If you are the same way, try not weighing as often.

  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Consider getting your thyroid tested, especially if you're having other symptoms like hair loss and intolerance to cold. This is how I felt before I got treatment.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    14 lbs in 100 days is FANTASTIC!!!! :happy:

    I would stop stressing about it so much. That's a 1lb a week average!!! That is super healthy!!! And I bet that you didn't GAIN all 14 of those lbs in 3 months...

    Sometimes it takes our bodies awhile to get into "weightloss mode" and even then, we have to switch things up once in a while. Mix up your exercises & your diet. Good luck!!!
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    This guy's post on exercise calories is pretty good!

    A pound a week is supposed to be a good rate for weightloss that stays off...unless you're impatient like I am. ;-) I also use lemon in my water--it seems to help keep water weight down (and kidney stones away). Experiment some...vary the exercise, and do some longer cardio workouts on a couple days. I also found that I lose faster (and feel better) when I cut out my coffee habit in the office. (it's creeping back a little, though...I may have a cup 2-3 times a week, but definitely not the whole pot throughout the day).

    Long live JoePa!!! :glasses:
  • tara3103
    tara3103 Posts: 107

    Here's my post about basically the same issue! Thought I would share so you could read the responses on there as well.
  • USCEE77
    USCEE77 Posts: 50
    You're not doing anything wrong, you're losing 1 lb per 7 days, that is perfect. Not sure what types of exercise you doing, but I do have a couple of recommendations: 1) Change your exercise routine so that you're burning different muscle groups. 2) increase your exercise to 40 minutes for optimal results, and 3) get a heart monitor and exercise at 80% during your cardio exercise to ensure your intensity level is high.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I agree with most everything everyone said. And don't forget to stop and look at your average loss per week and remind yourself you are doing well, still!

    I noticed that the first weight losses were fast and frequent! Then the gaps came where I did it all right, but the scale didn't move except up a pound or two, then back. If you keep going it'll begin again. I changed up my workout. Got a new one, started switching it up. Ate different things, too. Going back to walking more, my legs were a little sore from doing other things and not walking. Switch it up! My body got too good at staying the same with my exercise and calorie levels! That was right before Christmas I stalled, so dissapointing! I upped my calories for a week or so, then snapped back to it.

    The report section of MFP has graphs and I studied them. It didn't seem to have much impact if I exercised more or less, or ate more or less. Basically it's all good, but sometimes your body resists loosing. Just consistantly going forward eventually kicked back into weight loss again for me. I bet it will for you, too.