Last 15 lbs, anyone else, help?

Hi everyone. I'm making my first post here in this community.

I am 5'5.5" feet (166.37cm) and currently, my weight fluctuates around 141-143 daily. A year ago in August I started at about 188 lbs. I have been the weight I am right now since about the beginning of summer. I've only started counting calories seriously in sometimes around May. Now I'm aiming for a goal weight of 130lbs in the meantime (once I reach it, I may decide whether to lose a few more lbs.)

I follow a low carb diet--well lifestyle, as I like to say (around 20 net carbs a day, give or take around 5 more/less) and try to consume roughly 1400-1600cal from day to day. I try to exercise (taking various classes at the gym) about 5-6 times/week for 30min-60min with moderate to high intensity. I really break a sweat! My clothes are often soaked well, haha. I am unsure as to whether I am stuck in a plateau or not. However, I'm still working hard with my lifestyle regimen to lose those last lbs. Has anyone else experienced plateaus on LC diets that could give me advice to conquer it? Am I consuming too many calories? Are there any specific foods I should avoid while losing weight on LC (besides the obvious)?

I need a bit of assistance, please.



  • Transforming_me
    Hi! I think that your caloric amount is probably a good amount to lose weight, however, I do think that your carb amounts seem AWFULLY low. I am not trying to be rude, but 20 grams of carbs is about 20 sticks of gum. I have a hard time believing you can get in a good workout without stored carbs.
  • GanjiVIP
    GanjiVIP Posts: 8 Member
    My carb count is based on "effective" or net carb counts. I probably consume a higher amount without subtracting the "ineffective" carbohydrates. I do not feel like I have low energy, and I feel great during and after workouts. I get my effective carbs from greens and berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries).
  • Transforming_me
    Okay, I see what you are saying. Carbs from fruits, veggies, etc. are great. I thought you meant you had cut out almost all carbs. I am sorry! I would suggest have a day or two of 1800 calories for this week (try to spike your metabolism for a second), then go back to your 1600 calories. See if that works?
  • GanjiVIP
    GanjiVIP Posts: 8 Member
    Understandable! Great idea (and one I have not read up on during research thus far), I will try that. Thank you!