how do i keep my self from not being so hungry

i gained a few pounds back and want to get back to 120. in the morning i usally have those thing 100 calorie bagels at work ill eat a specail K bar with some water, for lunch ill have salad with lemon and a little bit of salt plus a banana but i still find my self really hungry when i get home i try not to stuff my face. then i make dinner for me and my husband and since we are newlyweds money is tight so all we relly have are diff pastas or rice and some chicken.

i really want to lose weight but i need to stop feeling hungry. plus im the type who eats one thing and i bloat right away so its a mood killer for my cloths to fit fine in the day and at night its tight :(


  • centaurizoe
    centaurizoe Posts: 115 Member
    You need to eat more fibre, and protein. Having a plain bagel and a special K bar for breakfast isn't a lot, as you're lacking vital nutrients. You won't lose weight if you don't eat. What is your current height and weight? Your TDEE should help you with finding out how many calories you need per day.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    i really want to lose weight but i need to stop feeling hungry.

    for most there is no magic food or combination of foods that lets us feel full all the time while on a caloric deficit. most people just have to get used to it. or more accurately - realize that the initial pangs aren't actually hunger.

    it sucks, i know, but there you have it...
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    * You need protein and fat.
    * You need to accurately measure and count calories because it is likely you are undereating.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I started off doing the 5-2 fasting diet. That is where two days a week you limit yourself to 600 calories. What I ate was lots and lots of stir-fry veggies. They will fill you up, and they are good food to boot. Now that I am at my goal weight, I still eat them three or four days a week. You can't get anything better than green veggies.

    If you would spend that 100 calories on something not as full of flour in the morning, you might get more out of it. And Special K is not only low calorie, it is low on nutrients as well. I would eat something that is real food, and do more cardio if you have too. My answer for everything is plain Greek yogurt. It's low calorie and high in protein. Add some fruit or a little granola, and you have a balanced meal.

    Good luck,

  • nd1111
    nd1111 Posts: 41 Member
    raw nuts will fill you up! I make a small mix of raw nuts and raisins. Also chewing gum and drinking lots of water or herbal tea helps too. Any combination of protein and fiber will fill you up though. Hummus + carrots, peanut butter + apple, greek yogurt + granola + raw nuts
  • itsjen516
    thank you guys :) ill look into this
    i thought under eating would help
    i THINK my weight is 133 ? but im not sure i dont own a scale im also 5'5 :) so its not like im over weight but im scared to gain to much since in the last year i gained 15 ? pounds i believe
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    That doesn't sound like much at all.

    Even if the dinner is around 500 calories, it doesn't sound filling. You don't want to eat at a deficit by too much, especially when you don't have much to lose. I would honestly eat more at either breakfast or lunch or snack between the meals.

    I second the idea of nuts. A handful of nuts is pretty filling, and my mom has said they've worked wonders for her for losing weight.. as she doesn't feel like she needs to eat much of them at all to feel full.
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
  • centaurizoe
    centaurizoe Posts: 115 Member
    According to your TDEE, you should be eating AT LEAST 1400 calories and that's if you don't workout at all. It sounds like you're getting closer to 800 or so a day...
  • itsjen516
    other then nuts what else can i eat ? i like more salty stuff then sweets so im awful at eating fruit lol
  • centaurizoe
    centaurizoe Posts: 115 Member
    Seeds, roasted chickpeas or soy nuts, crackers and hummus, homemade chips (zucchini chips, mmm), banana chips...I am vegetarian so all of my ideas are not going to include meat. So long as you don't over-do it, you can really have whatever you want...
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    Perhaps one of the best ways is to drink water...