looking for self-control tips

tberlin Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I do pretty well generally speaking when it comes to eating, but I just don't seem to have what it takes to tell myself NO on some things. Any secret strategies out there?


  • The only things I have found are to acknowledge when I am full (I seriously can eat till it hurts) and then to chew gum when I want to snack but shouldn't.
  • when you find it, let me know :ohwell:
  • I always pre-pack my snacks. That way when they are gone they are gone! I make sure to count out the servings and put them in the small snack sized bags.
    Also, filling up on higher protein snacks like celery and peanut butter will help you feel more full throughout the day! Hope this helps!!!!
  • The only things I have found are to acknowledge when I am full (I seriously can eat till it hurts) and then to chew gum when I want to snack but shouldn't.

    That actually makes me even hungrier.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    when you find it, let me know :ohwell:

    i'd like to know too :) i did really well for a long time, but my self-control has been out of control bad lately :(
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I drink LOTS of water and pre-package my food the night before for the entire next day. That way I have NO choice but to eat well. If i slip up i just exercise more but i always try to make sure that what I am putting in my mouth is good for my body.
  • I always pre-pack my snacks. That way when they are gone they are gone! I make sure to count out the servings and put them in the small snack sized bags.
    Also, filling up on higher protein snacks like celery and peanut butter will help you feel more full throughout the day! Hope this helps!!!!

    I do the same thing! Just told the family, you can eat them but if they are getting low let me know so i can bag some more up
  • simplexserenity
    simplexserenity Posts: 116 Member
    This sounds pretty bad but watching weight loss programs on TV such as "I Used to be Fat", "The Biggest Loser", "Heavy", any documentaries on weight loss or obsessions with food..If I watch these things when I'm at my hungriest I lose my appetite completely because it reminds me of my goal and what it takes to get there. It also helps me remember that I NEVER want to go back to what I used to weigh. Good luck :)
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    I find having a teeny bit of what I'm craving really does help me. I love cakes and so have found some tiny weightwatchers low cal lemon cakes that are only a mouthful but which seem to stop the craving. I don't think I'd be able to stick to this diet if I banned myself the things I'm craving, so I try to find a satisfying alternative or just less of what it is that I want.
  • This sounds pretty bad but watching weight loss programs on TV such as "I Used to be Fat", "The Biggest Loser", "Heavy", any documentaries on weight loss or obsessions with food..If I watch these things when I'm at my hungriest I lose my appetite completely because it reminds me of my goal and what it takes to get there. It also helps me remember that I NEVER want to go back to what I used to weigh. Good luck :)

    This is what I do too, it really helps you see the reality in what you are going through and what you are trying to accomplish. Being able to see both people's accomplishments and failures through this process lets you know that you can do this and you are not alone. :)
    I hope you find what works for you.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Plan meals ahead of time.

    Only eat HALF of your portion eating out (never got the courage to ask for a to-go container straight off). I just divide the food on the plate and only eat that much.

    Drink plenty of water throughout a meal.

    Eat SLOW! Count eat bite if necessary (About 20 chews per bite).

    Put your fork down while you're chewing.

    "Stopping when you're full" means when you take that "break" to exhale out (y'know what I'm talkin' about!) YOU ARE FULL. STOP EATING.

    Allow yourself a serving size of anything you're craving once in a while and you'll keep binging to a minimum.

    When you feel like "emotionally eating" stop and think about WHY you want that. Are you stressed? Do some deep breathing. Are you tired? Vow to hit the hay early or drink a green tea. Are you sad? Let a good cry out!

    Always remember you are doing this FOR YOU: YOUR health and YOUR happiness! :flowerforyou:
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Don't bring it into the house. Ever.

    I never allow myself to get overly hungry. When I'm at my hungriest, I make my worst choices.

    I always arrive in the presence of tempting foods (i.e.: a dinner out, a party with tons of food, whatever) totally full. That way I can just sample the few things I really want.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!


    Y OU CAN DO IT!!!

  • MoMoves
    MoMoves Posts: 36
    For me, late evening/night is my week spot. I put my girls to bed around 9pm and then I am on my own (my hubby work 7pm-7am). To help myself from eating my through the kitchen, I've taken to brushing my teeth with my girls as they get ready for bed. When I do this, it saves me from unnecessary eating, because I don't want to have to brush again before my bed time. It also help me, in that toothpaste always makes me thirsty, and I happily drink a couple of cups of water before the days done! Maybe it seems a little simple & silly, but it's helping me control my late night munchies....maybe it could help you too!

    Best of luck as you find what work for you!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    For me, late evening/night is my week spot. I put my girls to bed around 9pm and then I am on my own (my hubby work 7pm-7am). To help myself from eating my through the kitchen, I've taken to brushing my teeth with my girls as they get ready for bed. When I do this, it saves me from unnecessary eating, because I don't want to have to brush again before my bed time. It also help me, in that toothpaste always makes me thirsty, and I happily drink a couple of cups of water before the days done! Maybe it seems a little simple & silly, but it's helping me control my late night munchies....maybe it could help you too!

    This is a great and effective idea!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I do pretty well generally speaking when it comes to eating, but I just don't seem to have what it takes to tell myself NO on some things. Any secret strategies out there?

    I'm actually trying to train my mind to think of food as being fuel only. I've done the give yourself a little treat a few times...a slippery slope that is for me. I've done the planned foods but I've failed at that several times before as well.

    So now when I view foods that I shouldn't have I see the unhealthy carbs and the loads of unhealthy fat instead of it being pleasant to the eye. Eventually even the scent of it makes me go ewwww.

    I can't stand driving by a Burger King now. It smells gross...like burning lard lol
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I have found yoga really helps me stay on track. It just makes me more aware of my body and what it needs, not my mind. I also prepackage snacks to make sure the count is right. I drink lots of water, I don't add salt to my food, I use vegetables for flavor which helps cause they are filling. I only ever have one helping even if it tasted great (which is my downfall) I do some exercises instead of over snacking.
  • I find having a teeny bit of what I'm craving really does help me. I love cakes and so have found some tiny weightwatchers low cal lemon cakes that are only a mouthful but which seem to stop the craving. I don't think I'd be able to stick to this diet if I banned myself the things I'm craving, so I try to find a satisfying alternative or just less of what it is that I want.

    I'm exactly the same way. If I feel like I'm depriving myself of something, I won't be as successful. I always save about 300-400 calories at the end of the day (on the days I exercise) for some popcorn. I put a low-cal butter flavored seasoning on it and that does the trick. When I buy my kids french fries. I sneak one or two. The key in this is to stop at one or two, which still does require some self-control. But I think that knowing I'm allowing myself something I don't eat all the time, and reminding myself what I am trying to accomplish, puts me in the right mind set. That being said, it's not like I keep little mini Reeses candy bars around the house so I can "have one when I want one ..." Because I know I wouldn't stop at one. I might stop at 4 or 5, but that's more than damage than I want to do, and not really changing my habits.

    I'm also a fan of pre-portioning my snacks (when I'm full so I'm not snacking while I'm packing!) And I also give myself one cheat meal a week. Last couple of weeks it's been pizza and wings. It keeps my metabolism guessing and working overtime once in a while. I've still lost weight, I'm not depriving myself, and I find that, knowing that meal is coming at the end of the week keeps me from eating that stuff during the week.

    Just my $0.02.
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